Monday, March 26, 2007

What in the World!

Somewhere in the world right now something bad is happening…
…a child is being aborted.
…someone is crying.
…someone was just shot.
…someone was abused.
…someone drank their life away.
…a person committed suicide.
…a family’s house burnt down.
…a missionary was imprisoned.
…someone decided God doesn’t care about them.

Somewhere in the world right now something good is happening…
…a child is being born.
…someone is so happy they are crying.
…a murderer is being put in jail.
…someone started a new life away from abuse.
…someone decided to quit getting drunk.
…someone walked away from killing them-self.
…a brave man went into a burning house and saved a life from dying.
…a missionary reached a soul with the gospel.
…someone decided to follow Jesus!

…somewhere in the world right now.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mel, sorry I haven't commented but I read everything. ; ) Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

i loved it mary i hope we all remember that good thins are still happening and that maybe we can help the bad things not happen.