Tuesday, January 22, 2008

8,894 hours old! hee,hee!

Well I tried to calculate it how may hours old I was at Paddy's request and that's what I came up with. But I most likely messed up or something because it's a very droning process you know! lol!
So pretty much I am officially 16 years, 14 hours 48 minutes.... I won't bother with the seconds. =D
I had to wake up at six o'clock this morning and adventure out into the freezing cold. But it was all worth it in the end cause I had a delicious cup of hot chocolate and Dad and I ordered a waffle and hash browns at the Norske Nook!! It was good and I was stuffed by the time we left. Mom is making some kind of manicotti noodle (similar to lasagna) stuff for dinner. Yumm....
And as a bonus it is bright and sunny today! That is definitely a good thing. =)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It's so beautiful out today!

Yay! It's so beautiful out today! =D The sun is shining, the grass is gre... wait a second!! ;)
I wish it was this sunny all the time. There's something so refreshing about a day like this.
Well almost, but tonight I have to go to a 4-H thing which kind of puts a wee damper on things. Blah... I would just like to stay home and have a normal life. Oh well... not much I can do.
I'm writing a report on Adrenoleukodystrophy... it's really interesting to research. You should check it out sometime if you get the chance or are bored. It's a terrible, sad disease. =(
But yeah, I also have to make dinner tonight cause mom is gone at BRF. I am making spaghetti! Yeehaw! Nice and easy... except for the noodles! lol!
Well I'll write you girlses soon (since I'm sure only the chick parade gets on here)! =D TTYL!
P.S. I was just reading over this to make sure there were no grammatical errors and it's a pretty random post! lol! Hope you don't mind

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Second Coming

Last Friday at Bible study Mr. Jordan was talking about some very interesting parallels between the first coming of Christ and what the world will be like during his second coming.

The First Coming
-there were 390 years of silence of prophets before He came
-there was a universal language: Greek
-In Matt. 2 and Luke 2 Christ appears to believers privately
-Then he appears publicly with John the Baptist at his baptism

The Second Coming
-same with 2nd coming (Malachi 4)
-the universal language will be English
-there will be 390 years of silence between 1611 (when the KJV Bible first was printed) and the 2nd coming.

Pretty interesting, if I might say so myself. =D

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Changes and Invention

It's really beautiful outside right now. Although it is cloudy and grey. Right outside the window a ways away there's the woods with it's stick trees. lol! You know naturally the tree's are made of sticks! lol!
There are some things that definitely have to happen in February. LIKE... a sleep over!!! Maybe Saturday night or Sunday (the 9th or 10th). How does that sound?
Jae and I were talking today and discussing how much all of us people have changed even in the last 6 months. Haha... what will we be like in 5 years?!! That is so freaky to think about. Or in a hundred years... when we're all dead. What will the technology be like then? Will there be flying cars. You know I be we couldn't even begin to guess what kind of things there will be. It makes you wonder how many more things can they invent? Would people from 1910 have even imagined that you would be reading this on the magical mail machine?!! lol! It's so amazing really.
Well I gotta go clean... like usual! =)

Monday, January 7, 2008

Notes on Election (from a Bible Study by MJT)

Election is a corporate thing. (predestined, called, election)

Matthew 24:31/24
Mark 13:20/22/27
Luke 18:7
Romans 8:28-33
Romans 9:7
Ephesians 1:5/11/34
Colossians 3:12
1 Timothy 5:21
2 Timothy 2:10
Titus 1:1
1 Peter 1:2
2 Peter 1:10

- Eph. 1:34 “chose us in him.” How?

-Romans 9-11 tells us why God’s promises to Israel haven’t happened.

You have to ask yourself when it comes to the Bible…
What does it say?
What doesn’t it say?

-What is God’s purpose today?
To call out a body of believers to be raptured into heaven.

-foreknowledge: Does not mean God determined who would go to heaven. It simply means He knew who would.

“Christ may have died for your sins but I’m not sure because I don’t know if you’re elect or not…”

-We can know who are the elect.

-God’s Elect = believers

-Those who respond to what is required to be his people are elect.

-God has always had an elect group/agency.

-Churches try to go “individual” and make “election” not a corporate thing.

Old Testament Elect = The Little Flock
Now = Those who are in Christ

-In both different time periods mentioned above to be elect is/was a choice of own free will.
- God has never forced an unbeliever to believe.
- A Diagram:
The Olive Tree
-it represents the place of access to God.
-it’s branches = those who are called.
-Romans 11:16

Friday, January 4, 2008

Every Day Examples

Today a bunch of us were sitting around doing our own random things before lunch when we heard the sound of airplanes! Channing in excitement exclaimed, "Holy crap!!" at and started running to a window. Then right away Janelle exclaimed, "Holy...!!" after which of course my mom told her that it was not good to say that. But it made me think of how much each one of us effect other people. Especially those who are younger. It can be a good thing or it can be a vicious cycle. I've noticed it with myself and my siblings. Like the way Isaac treats Channing on down is just how Channing has learned to treat Paddy and Janelle (I wonder who Isaac learned it from... of course me and the rest of his older siblings).
We respect those who are older than us but show annoyance and meanness toward those that we feel are "under" us. The words in Galations 6:7 comes to mind; "...for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
It's kind of scary to think just how much my every move and remark my younger siblings follow after. And to think that a lot of the time the things I do or say are thing I wouldn't want other people to follow and often times scold my siblings for. Maybe a little hypocritical there?
And then to think of someday being a parent. You are your children's number one example and it doesn't matter how you tell them to be they're going to follow you.
We can encourage those around us (especially those older than us because they don't usually follow our example) and especially try our hardest to be a good example and not a stumbling block. We decide how we are going to be. It is always a choice. "We have the choice to choose and to choose wisely."

Galations 6:9 "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Looks Can Deceive

Weather is so strange. Right now, looking out my window, I see a beautiful blue sky and the morning sun shinning on everything making it sparkle (because most everything is covered in snow or ice). And then I go click up weather.com and it tells me that looks are deceiving!!! It is really only zero degrees out (that sounds so strange) and it FEELS like fifteen below... just charming.
Which is exactly why when I'm asked if I like winter, I reply, "Oh yes, it's just lovey... as long as I can stay inside."
Nope... I don't envy my Dad and Brothers who have to go out in the mornings and at night. And having had to do so in years before, it makes me all the more greatful towards them. So I just sit in hear and do womanly chores and make sure they get their coffee when they come in! lol!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Another Beginning

Happy New Year!!!!
I can't believe it's already 2008. Although today is a perfect new years day. It's all sunny and shining on the snow. The sky is big and blue and it reminds me of last winter when everything was so much fun.
On top of it all I actually woke up before 8:30 this morning! So it's a great day to be alive! lol!
I wish you guys were with me though.... that would be the finishing touch to an awesome day!! Well I hope you have a great day as well!
Love ya!