Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Some Practical Sproul Wisdom

The Kingdom Notes
Dr. R.C. Sproul Jr. and Highlands Ministries

OCTOBER 22, 2013

Five Questions We Should Ask Ourselves Before Posting on Social Media

Cyberspace is not only infinite, but eternal. No matter how silly, foolish, embarrassing our thoughts might be, they will be allowed to merge onto the information superhighway. But, all the off-ramps are closed. Believing the best defense is a, well, great defense, here are five things we ought to ask ourselves before posting anything on social media.

1.     Ask yourself- if my mother, pastor, spouse, children were to read this, would they be ashamed of me?
The point is not that our calling in life is to be certain no one is ever embarrassed by us. Indeed your mother, pastor, spouse, children could be wrongly embarrassed, embarrassed when they ought not to be. The point is instead is to be deliberate. Don’t embarrass by mistake.

2.     Ask yourself- where is this coming from?
Posts that are fueled by anger are almost never good. Posts fueled by pride never are. Both anger and pride tend to muddy our thinking, and to expose our own self-righteousness. Perhaps nothing should call us to hit delete instead of send more than those posts that combine pride and anger. That is, the really clever, snarky comeback that shows off my literary panache against someone who has made me angry is really just me smearing egg all over my face.

3.     Ask yourself- have I practiced a judgment of charity toward the person I am writing about/responding to?
Practicing a judgment of charity is always a good thing. How much more so in the context of a medium that allows for virtually no non-verbal communication? Without facial expressions, tone, volume it is all too easy to misread. Emoticons will not solve this problem. Before writing a rant asking how a friend, or an enemy, could possibly believe x, why not first ask them, do you really believe x, or have I misunderstood you?

4.     Ask yourself- am I seeking to serve Jesus with this post, or am I seeking my own?
There has been a great deal of heat on the interwebs lately, sparks spreading from the recent Strange Fire conference. The issue of continuing sign gifts is an important one. Someone is wrong on this. But if we could look into our hearts, chances are we will see less a concern that our brothers enjoy the blessings of biblical fidelity on the issue, more a concern that my feelings were hurt, or a concern that those who dare to disagree with my understanding be put in their place.

5.     Ask yourself- am I casting pearls before swine?
Well that’s not a very nice question, is it? It is, however, a biblical one. Jesus Himself tells us not to do this (Matthew 7:6.) The NIT, New Interwebs Translation, of Matthew 7:6 is “Don’t feed the trolls.” Feeding trolls is bad for the food, bad for the trolls, and bad for you.  Trolls are those who delight to raise our blood pressure, all the while not caring a whit for the issue at hand. To interact with them is to communicate, ironically, that you also don’t care about the issue at hand. Trolls are also tar babies. Once you engage, it’s tough to disentangle.

Okay, 6. Ask yourself- am I being a troll?

I’m not sure which is worse, self-conscious trolls, or not self-aware trolls. The former know they are being nasty, the latter don't even know themselves.

Before you fire off a reply, please understand that I am not writing as one who has mastered these six questions. (Which reminds me, let’s make it ten- ask yourself, have I read the whole piece? Have I at least made an effort to read through the comments? Is the question I’m about to ask one that google can answer? Do I know the difference between to, too, and two, there, their and they’re? Arminian and Armenian?) I am, however, going to, by God’s grace, try harder. I hope you will too.

Bonus Suggestion- Every now and again my spiking blood pressure upon reading someone else’s wisdom on the web actually sets off a helpful alarm. I think, “Boy, I’m awful mad. Better be careful. Though I ought to always do this, there have been times where I sat down, and asked myself this- are you able to write a reply that is both helpful and gracious? Let’s see how you can do. Those, in the end, are the posts I am most proud of.

Fun & Fellowship

It's been a good month.
I've been blessed to have a number of long-distance friends visit... which is quite an unusual treat. At the beginning of the month my friend Sandy had a baby shower and so my friends Courtney and Hannah were up for that event.
 I caught this birdy in flight.... So majestic.

 My sister, Nellie, with some of our fuzzy kittens.

 Myself, Courtney and Hannah... milkin' da cows. :)

 It was Hannah's first time... so we made sure to have a lot of fun!

 That's a lot of people in the pit at once!!!!

 Paddy standing up on our friendly cow, Crabby!
 A cute "diaper cake" at the baby shower.

The lovely Hannah P.

Then I had the privilege of getting another visit from Courtney along with her brother Chris two weekends ago! It was very spur-of-the-moment but quite a great time! We even went for a walk at night as there was a brilliant, full moon to illuminate our way. I think we walked something like 3 miles before we decided we were freezing to death and called someone to come pick us up!

Then this past weekend the La Chance family came to visit!!! Both families have been trying to get together for a couple months now and this time everything worked out and they came to stay for a few days. While they were visiting we had other friends come over as well, and my brother's family so it was always a full house and an excellent time of fellowship, music.... and of course delicious food. ;) haha!  I had a lot of help milking cows too, which was not only a lot of fun, but it saved a lot of time. 

 Here I am milking with Mr. La Chance.

Here's a picture of Hannah and I milking together.

It was Hannah's first time milking cows, but she'd already had experience milking goats so she caught on quickly! One night after milking cows we decided to run to the top of a hill near the house and sang the national anthem at the top of our lungs! I love doing that. :) It's sort of a tradition some friends and I started a couple of years ago that is fun to repeat every so often.

One of the many trailer loads of pine tips that my brothers and I helped package.

On top of having friends visit I also had an opportunity to work for my dad's boss. Mr. E. normally specializes in doing concrete but about this time every year he takes a few days to gather pine tree tips, box them and load them onto a trailer.... and of course he hires other people to help him do it as it's a rather large job. It was great exercise and my brother's Channing, Pat and I were all exhausted after each day of working for Mr. E. ...and we still had our farm chores to do when we got home! It was a good experience though and I hope we'll get the opportunity to do it again next year. 

Also regarding work, as of this past Monday I have no relief milker. No nights/days off work. I get to do all of the milkings, both morning and night. I'm looking forward to this as an exciting challenge. Milking more milkings in a row than I have ever done before. We'll see how long I last before I end up needing my brother to do a milking or two. It's not a really hard job but with around 100 cows due to freshen I'm thinking the work load will be quite wearing. Anyways, ....I'll keep ya posted. 

All in all, it's amazing how quickly a month can go by but somehow time seems to augment when it is well spent. Until next time...

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Acrylic Paintings

Brittany's church has a lady's conference and at that conference there will be different venders with things to sell. Brittany is going to be there and will have a table set up with paintings for sale. She told me that I was welcome to send some artwork along to try to sell as well if I wanted. I took her up on her offer and painted a picture of apple blossoms yesterday with acrylic paints.

I decided to do one more before Brittany left today, and due to the shortage of time I invited her to help me paint it. It turned out to be really fun to paint the same picture at the same time! Luckily she's left handed and I'm right handed so each took a half of the picture and started working away. I'd already done most of the blue sky and lake. Brittany did the shore line & reflection on the left side and I did the shoreline & reflection on the right. She did the mountains and their reflection. I did the clouds on the top, and Brittany painted their reflection. We did it in about an hour's time! It was quite an enjoyable way to spend time together! ...and very efficient too! :)

I also did a few quick paintings on some blank cards.  Not exactly stupendous, but it was fun nonetheless. I think I'll do some more soon just for kicks. :)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Cow Call

This is pretty cute!!! It sounds so real too! :)

Friday, October 4, 2013

The Violinist and His Violin


Welcome to tonight's broadcast of the Trombone Tribune Show! This is Mike Music and I am on air with Mr. Violinist. How are you doing tonight, Mr Violinist? 

I couldn't feel more up-beat! I'm so glad to be here!

Great! I'm going to pick up the tempo right away tonight and start off by asking you about your lovely partner, Madam Violin. Mr. Violinist. How did you and Violin meet?

The first time we met she'd lost her frog. I helped her out of politeness but it wasn't long before her golden hairs caught my eye. I was enchanted by the curves of her body and her slender neck. At first though I was constantly worried. 3/4 of the time my heart would just skip a beat.I asked her for a sign, a marker... some way to tell where I was on her page - what position was I in? She told me not to fret. It was the 1st position we'd found ourselves in that we couldn't seem to get out of. It just wasn't natural. Simple notes wouldn't do so I confessed my feelings in an overture of love!

Did you and Violin hit it off well from the beginning?

We didn't always get along so well. As I said, she wasn't in any rush to take things to the next level so it was a flat, "no strings attached", sort of relationship. This only cause problems. Once I saw the light I realized what a bowed perspective I had. During that time my violin recapitulated with a silent treatment. We both tried to get sharp and even a bit scaly at times but that didn't play out so well. We would spot-work the minor details and it led to a lot of dissonance.

So she wanted to keep it on a just friends basis?

Yes. She was content with things just as they were. The problem was that we'd find ourselves fiddling around with nothing constructive to do. I finally convinced her that we should work towards a more elegant and classical feel.

How have things been going for you two now?

After all this time we have developed a wonderful crescendo into a glorious piece together. We have discovered the key to being a dynamic team! We've regained our original state of harmony and things have been running like a song. I have mended the broken bridge, but as with any relationship there always a few little things to fine tune.

What is the most important lesson you and Violin have learned?

She gets tired of all of my theories and said I needed to just play things by ear. Sometimes I tell her that she isn't being resin-able, but dueling just isn't our forte. The major thing we learned through it all was to always end the day on a good note. 

What do your friends think of your relationship?

Now that we're through the most straining parts of our relationship we aren't simply a team, but things are really sound between us. Our friends say we're inseparable, a match made in heaven! I think they've pegged us right! Now when ever we are out of touch it just breaks me up beyond measure. Her high-pitched voice is music to my ears. 

Give Violin my best regards and let her know that we missed having her on the show!

Yes! She wishes she could be here tonight but we might have a big performance tomorrow and she thought it'd be best for her to rest in case.

Thanks for listening, folks! Join me next week as I talk with Jazzy Jones and the JazzMen!!!  

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Scavenger Hunt! - 2

This past Sunday we decided to do another scavenger hunt after church! It was a blast and we had so much fun trying to come up with creative ideas for our pictures. (see our original scavenger hunt post to read about all of the details on the rules of how the game works)

Once again, we need YOUR help!!! Please leave a comment and let us know which group you thought captured the best shot for each task.
(please note: those who participated in the Photo Scavenger Hunt are not eligible to vote but all others are welcome.)

Here's our list we had to fulfill:
1. Handing monopoly money to a cashier
2. Applying a Bible verse
3. Homeless
4. A Song Title
5. "Yikes!"
6. Closed business
7. Disobeying a sign

Team One:
Daniel F. (the appointed photographer), Rachel F., Sarah F., Isaac R., Mary Ann P., Jack P.

Team Two:
J.c. P. (the appointed photographer), Shelly P., Karen F., Victoria F., Mary Ellen R.

(We had a little challenge amongst ourselves... the more hats, glasses or books we had in each picture the better!)

First Picture...
1. Handing monopoly money to a cashier 

Team 1

Team 2

Second Picture...
2. Applying a Bible verse

Team 1

Colossians 3:16
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; 
teaching and admonishing one another 
in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, 
singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
 Team 2

1 Corinthians 11:5
But every woman that prayeth 
or prophesieth with her head uncovered 
dishonoureth her head: 
 for that is even all one as if she were shaven.

Third Picture...
3. Homeless

Team 1
 Team 2

Fourth Picture...
4. A Song Title
Team 1: "Stepping in the Light"

Team 2: "I've Reached the Land of Corn and Wine (Beulah Land)"

Fifth Picture...
5. "Yikes!"

 Team 1

 Team 2

Sixth Picture...
6. Closed Business

Team 1

Team 2

Seventh Picture... 
7. Disobeying a sign

Team 1

Team 2

We had a great time and hope you enjoyed the pictures as well! :)