Thursday, June 30, 2011


As I stated in my last post, it is officially summer!!! After a very enjoyable 10 day visit my relatives left this morning. Towards the end of the visit the weather was finally more agreeable. It was sunny while we were at camp. We go camping every year at an Assemblies of God Church camp. We know the people who own it and they always give our clan a good deal. We stay in cabins and use their huge kitchen/cafeteria, and they are located right on Lake Nebagamon so we get to canoe, kayak, boat, swim, fish..... whatever! It is just for the weekend but this year we were able to stay longer than we have been able to in the past and we even had a few extra friends along which always makes it fun.

 that the relatives have left there is tons of work that is to be caught up on. Today my parents and I have been weeding out the flower beds. It's pretty toasty working out there but there is a nice wind blowing that keeps working conditions bearable.
Remember my TLC garden that I posted about? ....well, one of our dogs (I have yet to discover which one it is) decided to dig everything up along the walls. I am quite dismayed and am not sure whether I want to go to all the work of putting it back together this year. It's mostly frustrating because all the ferns I had planted and were actually growing very nicely, are gone. *sigh*

Nice weather naturally means cooking inside is torture.... which means you get to grill more often. Tonight it is hamburgers. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 104 (with the heat index) and we will be grilling chicken. I have sun tea brewing out on the deck.... another bonus to the summer heat! 

The song, Knee Deep by The Zac Brown Band has been playing through my head.

Anyway, tomorrow we are expecting some missionaries who will be staying with us for a few days to work on the farm (they are setting up a farm operation similar to ours for a Teen Challenge program in the country that they are ministering to). This weekend is also the celebration of the 4th of July! My country's independence day. I'm hoping for some good fireworks displays and fellowship with friends and family! 

And with that I wish you a very happy Independence Day weekend! 

Until Next Time,
Mary Ellen

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Facebook, Cousins and Rainy Days

Hello again! Happy First Day of Spring!!!!  or I mean Summer! That was partially wishful thinking, partially tiredness, haha! 
...I am sitting over at my cousin Julie's house, and we're all just chilling (that is Julie, Jordan, Sam -a friend of Julie's- and I). They're just listening to music so I decided a blog post would be a good thing to do as long as we're just sitting around. 
I am annoyed with facebook... what is new though? haha There's nothing new, or that exciting 90% of the time. What you do see/read, isn't usually worth the effort the person put into posting it. Oh well. Waste of time.
....but, moving on. It is hard when it rains all the time. My cousins are here from VA and it's been raining and windy most of the time they've been here so far. It kind of puts a damper on bonfire and swimming plans. Not that I don't like rainy days... they are very nice! Good for watching movies if you are into that sort of thing (We went to the theater yesterday to see X-Men: First Class, and this morning to see How to Train Your Dragon). Or drawing. Or reading (although you have to be alone to read). Or drinking tea and listening to Mumford and Sons. =D

....anyway, rambling again. Time to do something. Maybe I will play guitar? Hmmmm........
I'll catch ya later.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ramblings on Recording and Weddings

It rains outside. Rainy days are fabulous. Dad is out working with his long trench coat. Reminds me of Pride and Prejudice. Which is a good thing. 
It is a good day for writing. I started scribbling out lyrics to a song the other night while milking cows and today I finally have it all down for the most part. I came up with a tune on guitar (what us musicians would call a lick) probably two or three years ago. I could never come up with lyrics that did it justice.... but this new song really fits. I might attempt a little recording of it on my camera and post it for you to listen to. I really wish I could record my music. A real recording... with different tracks and instruments and harmony. I don't like the idea of working with someone else though because people always wish to change the music to suit their own style. That is unless you find someone who shares your musical taste. So either I teach myself how to use recording equipment or I find someone who will be kind enough to let me use their studio/equipment. 

This last weekend was Robert and Alisha's wedding. I have known Robert my whole life.... he was best friends with my big brother Daniel growing up, and so he is like a big brother to me. It was a special occasion and I'm not sure I have seen two people more suited to each other. Last minute I was given the opportunity of playing the music for the wedding ceremony. It was all recorded music on a CD and I just had to push buttons at the right time, but I was really glad to get to be a part of the special day. I also brought my camera along and took a bunch of little videos during the whole day. Taking videos is something I really like to do, but I also did it for Robert because he usually goes around at events taking funny little clips and I knew he wouldn't be able to this time. So I did it for him mostly. 
Feel free to watch them on my YouTube channel: musicianmel

Anyway, as it is such a lovely rainy day I have lots to do.... like writing, and writing, and some more writing.
...until next time. ;)

Monday, June 6, 2011

More Milking

Today is a turning point. Isaac started his first job (away from the farm) working at McDonald's.... which means he won't be able to milk cows as much anymore. Which also means that I will probably be milking cows ALOT. I normally do six milking's a week and now I will probably be doing something around eleven milking's a week. I'm sure it will be tough to get used to at first. When I first started on the job I worked three mornings on the weekends. Then I bumped it up to were I am now after Daniel moved and Emily got married. 
Work is essential though. I'm just glad this change is happening in the summer and not in the winter.
Anyway I hope all is well in your world. Summer is on and the good times are beginning! I'm especially looking forward to Robert and Alisha's wedding this weekend, and getting to see friends!! 

...and now I am off to relax for a little while before chores. TTYL.