Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sleep-Overs and Stuff

Well I had a really fun weekend! We went and stayed and my Grandpa's. He lives just outside of Milwaukee in a suburb area. It was really beautiful and pretty cause he had a little pond right outside of his house and everything. Then yesterday we went to the zoo. There were some pretty sweet animals there and stuff but it started raining so we only saw probably half of the animals. After that we went down to the Gitto's for the evening. I helped Laura and Katie milk the cows and feed the calves! It was really fun. I like milking cows in their barn!

Anyways so what's the deal with the sleep over thing? I think it would be cool to go to your house KC! I think Emily would probably bring us girls down there. She can't sleep over though so we'd need a ride home. (?)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Beautiful Blusteryness

Well today is very satisfying. It's cloudy and rainy and cold and you can drink hot chocolate and tea and it all is just so cozy and fun! I read all morning. I'm reading Gone With the Wind! It is amazingly well written and even though there is a lot of descriptiveness I like it. I'm still not sure what to think of it yet. I'm barely half way through it too! Norah you need to read it when I'm done with it! I think you would like it! =D Hey you're finally 14!!! Happy Birthday girlfriend!!! I'm sorry I couldn't come to your party. I would have very much liked to come but such is life. =( Well I should skedaddle. With all the reading I've been doing my room has been left unattended for the past day or two and I really need to clean it! Hope the whole party goes well! TTYL!

P.S. hey Sandy, I finally used that tea bag you gave me before you left for camp!!! I know it took me forever but I'm glad I waited cause it was perfect this morning! =D Where did you buy it again?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Expensive Recipe!


2 cups butter
24 oz. chocolate chips
4 cups flour
2 cups brown sugar
2 tsp. soda
1 tsp. salt
2 cups sugar
1 8 oz. Hershey Bar (grated)
5 cups blended oatmeal
4 eggs
2 tsp. baking powder
2 tsp. vanilla
3 cups chopped nuts (your choice)
Measure oatmeal, and blend in a
blender to a fine powder. Cream the
butter and both sugars. Add eggs and
vanilla, mix together
with flour, oatmeal, salt, baking powder, and soda.

Add chocolate chips, Hershey Bar, and nuts.
Roll into balls, and place two inches apart on a cookie sheet.
Bake for 10 minutes at 375 degrees.
Makes 112 cookies.

P.S. If the story that I read was true than this is an expensive cookie ($250 for the recipe). We should get together sometime and make a batch or two.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

How to stop global warming!

Top 10 Ways to stop producing carbon dioxide

10. Stop breathing -

When you exhale you release carbon dioxide

9.Dont drive -

We all know how bad driving is

8. Don't live in a house/apartment/condo or any building that uses gas or electricity -

Homes produce 2-3 times as much carbon as cars.

7. Don't wear shoes or any sort of clothing produced in a factory-

Grow a cotton field and make your own clothes by hand

6. Quit school -

Those school buildings produce more carbon in a year then you do in 20 years.

5. Eat meat raw -

Whether your using gas or electric both produce carbon dioxide.

4. Turn off this monitor and computer -

You hypocrite.

3. Don't use toilets, urinate or poo in your back yard.-

The water to your house is cleaned and sent to your house using pumps that use electricity.

2. Stop exercising -

Increasing your heart rate increases the amount of oxygen you take in and turn into carbon dioxide.

The #1 way to STOP Global Warming.......

1. Die!!!!!! -

Dying younger means you will do all of the above less. Living one year less means you will save the earth 8.4 tons of carbon dioxide every year your not here!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Dancing, Movies and Weddings!

So y'all I'm having a pretty good week how bout y'all?!!! Yeah me and my cousins just watched two movies. They were in fact, Yours Mine and Ours (the new one) and Highschool Musical. Yeah Y.M.O was cute and it was good but you just can't compare it to the old movie. You almost have to think of it as a totally separate movie. H.M was pretty cool as far as dancing and singing go and I guess it has a cute plot too. But I don't think I'd go out and buys the movie or pay to see it. I must say though Zac Efron is hot though. I find it comical that the star of the movie can't sing. Anywho, Alyssa's wedding is coming up!! Wow, I really wish I could go to it so y'all have to promise to take alot of pictures and DANCE YOUR BRAINS OUT!!! I love dancing. I think i want to learn some sweet moves!! Well enough blabbing about nothing. TTYL y'all!