Thursday, July 24, 2008


Paddy: "are you a sinner?"

Beka: "huh?"

Paddy: "are you a sinner?"

Beka: "well.... what's a sinner?"

Paddy: "a bad person. so are you a sinner?"

Beka: "No!"

Paddy: "yes you are, you've sinned before."

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

It's Summer! Yay!

I just got in from milk testing with my Dad. I actually really enjoy the job. I like the smell of the barn, and trying to keep up, and writing all the numbers and amounts down. a n d.... it was soooo beautiful out! If felt so good. =) I think I might go out and read on the roof for a while (before it rains, as I've heard it is supposed to do today).
Mom and the younger kids are out picking strawberries at the Sturdivants! Yummy! I can't wait to eat some. But speaking of berries.. I also need to go up to our hill and pick a lot of blueberries before they all fall off. Their season is almost over.
Sooo... roof for 1/2 hr.
Picking blueberries for 1/2 hr.
Then come what may! =D

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

No Brilliant Thoughts

Well, I don't have any intelligent thoughts, or brilliant ideas to write about (at least not now). But I must comment on the weather while I'm here... It's so extremely gorgeous and warm out. Morning is my absolute most favorite... the air is so fresh and the sun is so soft and true.
Anyway, I am very glad it's summer!!
AND today is the 1st of July!!! Yay!!! Gee, the years is more than half over.... that's just scary to think about but who can avoid it? I'm definitely looking forward to "certain desirable events" coming up quickly in this month! I'm excited that Jed and Kendra will be getting married, that all the relative will be visiting, that I'll get to see a bunch of people I haven't seen in ages... and countless other things that I wont bore you will by naming. ;) lol
Well... I have things to do. We live in a "Must-Keep-Busy" world. =) It keeps us all going doesn't it?.
I miss you all and I'll talk to y'all soon!!