Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Hoax of the Day

 The pink-ribbon campaign's dirty little secret

Here's what October smells like: burning leaves, pumpkin pie and BS.

That's because it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is practically a national holiday at this point -- and if you don't join the "in" crowd and slap a pink ribbon on whatever you're wearing, you're treated like some kind of cold-blooded breast-hating monster.

But those pink ribbons don't exist to cure disease or save lives -- they represent a Big Pharma-funded effort to drive millions of women through a funnel of screenings for a disease many don't even have, and treatments that most of them don't even need.

In fact, the supposed benefits of all those screenings and treatments are about as real as the Great Pumpkin -- and the numbers prove it every time.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is now 26 years old. In the 26 years since it was launched by AstraZeneca to help sell the company's cancer drugs, it's been a wild success -- for AstraZeneca and anyone else who makes money off cancer screenings and treatments.

But when it comes to saving lives and curing disease, it's been a miserable failure. Up to 15 lives are ruined with unnecessary and deforming breast-chopping surgeries and poisonous radiation treatments for every life "saved."

And even then, there's no guarantee that the one life "saved" was actually the result of early detection and brutal mainstream treatments -- because plenty of them were actually CAUSED by the radioactive and tumor-bursting screenings in the first place.

There's something you won't hear anywhere else this month!

The LA Times -- and kudos to them for this -- recently asked AstraZeneca if maybe Breast Cancer Awareness Month wasn't all it cracked up to be.

"If it's not broken, I don't think we should try and fix it," was all a spokesman could say.

Why mess with success, right?

But the Times didn't stray too far from the mainstream message -- because the very same day, the paper ran a massive 1,400-word article urging women with no sign of the disease to take AstraZeneca's cancer meds strictly as a preventive measure.

I'm taking those kudos back.

This article is by Dr. William Campbell Douglass II M.D. 
I copied it from an email that my mom received.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Health is Wealth

In the past year or so I have frequented the chair at the dentist's office enough to make me squirm at the thought of going back. It's been one cavity after another... and an abscessed tooth from a cavity that I had filled too late (therefore I've also enjoyed getting a root canal).

A few months ago No Greater Joy's monthly magazine had an article on healthy broth and the good a few egg shells can do for your teeth. At about the same time my sister-in-law, Kendra, discovered an article on rebuilding your teeth naturally and preventing tooth decay. I skimmed over the article and thought it would be a good idea to read them in depth sometime... and then saved that thought for another day.

Finally a week ago I read the article in NGJ and made myself some eggshell 'juice'. Today I read a few articles (including the one Kendra found) on the myths of modern dentistry. 
Not only do they explain what causes cavities and how to fix them, they are also filled with nutritional information and recipes for living more naturally; the way God designed our bodies to live.       I would highly recommend reading them. 

On a dietary note, it is simply terrible how people today just go with the flow and eat whatever they are served without a second thought. Fast food, processed food... already ready for you, TV dinners, restaurant food, easy cheese and hamburger helper.... to name a few. Our unhealthy diets contribute to our unhealthy teeth (and undoubtedly alot of our other ailments).
What's even more astonishing is what we think passes for healthy food. Unfortunately it is quite difficult to obtain truly natural, healthy and unprocessed foods... even for those of us who live on farms and raise our own cattle and grow our own vegetables!

I am determined nevertheless, to stay away from the dentist. No more Novocain, no more needles in my gums, no more holes drilled in my teeth (besides, how medieval is it to drill a hole in someones tooth anyway?! This is the age of science and that's all we can come up with?!) , no more estrogen packed fillings or X-rays!!!  

Still, the thought of not relying on the dentist to fix all our problems seems a bit risky. Don't the experts (doctors, dentists... etc.) know best? It sounds almost as scary as Dave Ramsey's idea of being debt free and not having any credit or credit cards! 
Our society is so used to "living the good life" that we've forgotten the basic element of working hard and doing hard things. 
In Genesis 3:17 God told Adam that,
"...Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
 18Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
 19In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."

I don't think McDonald's was a part of that equation. 

Whatever happened to the Proverbs 31 woman?  The woman that "worketh willingly with her hands". Who "bringeth her food from afar" and "riseth also while it is yet night"
A woman that "looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness".
Proverbs 31:31 "Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates."

I know I have just hit the tip of the iceberg. There is some much I have yet to learn about health and nutrition. I don't think I'm going to be a health nut but maybe I'll be able to find  a "healthy balance". Right now I am in my prime for learning new things. I am single, I only work part time and with the advantage of libraries and especially the internet there is a wealth of information just awaiting for me!!!

A question is always good for starters...
 What are the fruits the women of today? What do with our time... and will it be "praised in the gate". Would we even want our works to be mention in the gates?!?!
Matthew 15:20 says, "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."
It can be a scary question to ask oneself, "What are the fruits of my hands?". One that I like to avoid... but am coming to realize the consequences of telling myself "ignorance is bliss" can bring.  

So.... what are the fruits of your hands?

....just a bit of food for thought. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Cutting Edge

Yesterday some guy brought my parents a deer. It was a huge buck apparently, that was from one of those deer farms. It was corn fed all it's life so we're thinking that it's going to taste pretty good. 
Anyway, today we've spent hours cutting the meat off the carcass and the sinew off the meat. We might turn some of it into jerky, sausage and hamburger.  We'll probably can some of it too. We saved the fat because we have a friend that uses deer tallow to make soap... so that way we'll have some soap to use as well!
It's quite a tedious job, cutting up a deer though. is hard, but worth it in the end. 

I've also started some sewing projects. Cold weather always inspires me to create things. I don't know if it's because I'm cooped up inside all day.... but I always get an urge. So I've pulled my crocheting off the shelf and old sewing projects out of the sewing pile. 
I'd like to finish crocheting a hat and some mittens and slippers that I started last year. 
As far as sewing goes I have a quilt to finish (that I started in '05!!) and a dress (in the fashion of 1830's style.. a.k.a like in Pride and Prejudice) and my newest project!!! I've taken two pairs of pants and I'm turning on into a long skirt and one into a shorter skirt. I chopped the legs off of one pair to make the long skirt full. Then I'm going to sew some skirt from other material onto the short shorts. I'm sure that sounds confusing but I'll post some pictures so that you can see what I mean!!!

Now.... I am off to go milk one hundred and something cows for 3 plus hours in the frigid, moonlit night. If you're bored or you're just looking for a good time you're welcome to come join me. There's nothing like milking cows. =)
Until next time.....

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Indian Summer

It is fall. You should see all the colors! Brilliant, yellows, golds, red, orange, brown, green!!! Gorgeous! 
This past weekend was Jae's wedding. She joked with me about the times we spent back in the day, talking about the guys we liked and wanted to marry. She was a beautiful bride.... and Nick was so handsome. I was honored to help out with the guest book and a bunch of other little things. The wedding was short n' sweet. The reception was nice and long.... barely long enough. lol ;) I danced a really lot and once again was sore for the next two days. hehe I love dancing so much and it was fun dancing with friends to good music. 
I met some people I'd heard about for years from Jae and Trenton.... which was strange because I felt like I already knew them from hearing about them so much. 

Now..... I'll have to wait for Robert (who's almost like a  big brother, I have known him so long!) and Alisha's wedding in June. With so many weddings in a row it's going to be weird to not have another one to look forward to in a month or so. Nevertheless.... there is always so much to do that I doubt I'll be lacking something to do. 

I'm doing some math with my brother to keep my skills sharp, and I've been reading a really lot which I love!!! There are so many good books out there. Lately I've been reading books by author Andy Andrews. He's a christian writer and his stories are absolutely fabulous... and so encouraging/inspiring! 
I would HIGHLY recommend them to anyone. 

I also started piano lessons again today. I kind of took a brake this summer.... it was nice to not have to worry about getting music practiced with all of the business that took place. I'm only going to lessons every other week though... which will be good because I can never get all I am supposed to practice ready in a week. :P
 We'll see how it goes. =)

This fall is a beautiful one. We had a very chilly week this past week and so far all of the days this week have been in the 60's/70's. It must be our Indian Summer! I hope it sticks around for a while, 'cause I'm not completely ready for the cold or the snow. =P 

So until next time.