Friday, January 4, 2008

Every Day Examples

Today a bunch of us were sitting around doing our own random things before lunch when we heard the sound of airplanes! Channing in excitement exclaimed, "Holy crap!!" at and started running to a window. Then right away Janelle exclaimed, "Holy...!!" after which of course my mom told her that it was not good to say that. But it made me think of how much each one of us effect other people. Especially those who are younger. It can be a good thing or it can be a vicious cycle. I've noticed it with myself and my siblings. Like the way Isaac treats Channing on down is just how Channing has learned to treat Paddy and Janelle (I wonder who Isaac learned it from... of course me and the rest of his older siblings).
We respect those who are older than us but show annoyance and meanness toward those that we feel are "under" us. The words in Galations 6:7 comes to mind; "...for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
It's kind of scary to think just how much my every move and remark my younger siblings follow after. And to think that a lot of the time the things I do or say are thing I wouldn't want other people to follow and often times scold my siblings for. Maybe a little hypocritical there?
And then to think of someday being a parent. You are your children's number one example and it doesn't matter how you tell them to be they're going to follow you.
We can encourage those around us (especially those older than us because they don't usually follow our example) and especially try our hardest to be a good example and not a stumbling block. We decide how we are going to be. It is always a choice. "We have the choice to choose and to choose wisely."

Galations 6:9 "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."


Jae said...

Hey Mares, That is a really good post. Very true and sad and frusterating at times. I realized that more and more when I stay with you guys, a family that actually had younger kids. I am not use to it. It is really weird how we 'rub' off on others, in good wayst and bad. And if the youngers hear us say something. but then are told not to do it, they just dont understand since the older ones can say it...
So, yes, I know what you mean. And again, very nice post :)

Anonymous said...

That's something I was thinking about a while back too. I guess I don't have younger siblings that I have to watch what I do and say around, but really what you do and say can affect everybody you are around. Good post. :)

Mary Ellen said...

Glad y'all liked it!
Yeah isn't it frusterating? Especially now that Paddy and Janelle are at that impressionable stage. =P Goodness gracious! lol!
You know Norah you influence alot more people than you think (or at least encourage). Like Melony, Mariah, Beth, and Julianne for a few. Of course mostly younger people (like I pointed out), but you get the point!