Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Lizards and Almond Crust {part 4}

Now that is disgusting! Why I would want a lye stick sucker with knobby knees sticking halfway out of their bodies. I do not know what puts that in your messed up head of yours.You are defiantly a weird type of green scum from the bottom of the pond, to like such guys as that.
Did I say I like those lye suckers? No I didn’t! To tell you the truth I prefer Swedes, you blue mold on a purple plum!
Well you crap slurper that sucks through a straw! Why do you talk about those revolting guys if you do not like them?? You should be with guys you like…
Well you keep your anorexic nude bull fighters to yourself! You know I never found there shapeliness that sticking. Where is the fascination? Enlighten me!
Fine you blue fatty lump of pig guts! I will talk about the guys that appeal to me and you the ones that appeal to you. And then we should be good. Though I am sure that we will find something else to fight about.

You know life is too short for us strings of spaghetti hanging from the mouth of a hairy monster. I do believe that we should be the first to invent the tornado of all times. The one that sucks… up all the groady sick-minded, harebrained, liver breathing, dim-witted noodle heads!
To be continued...

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