Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Holy Cow... The Conference!

Oh my lanta! I had so much fun this year at the conference! It was totally wicked! I’m really glad I got to go to the Timothy Session. That was very interesting. I love Steve Hamilton (I think that’s how you spell his name). He’s hilarious. You know he sort of reminds me of a much older Robert. He’s got his little evil laugh and all! I liked Ron Knight too. He’s very energetic. I like people who move around a bit instead of looking like they are glued to the pulpit. I don’t know. Les Feldick was very interesting. It's nice to hear someone new sometimes. To hear a different teaching style is always nice. My favorite message was Dan Gross’ though. I love studying about the tribulation period and stuff like that. What was so cool though was that he pointed out that some of the Old Testament is talking about the future still. I never realized that. I always thought it was just giving helpful information for the Jews back in those days (if you know what I mean).
Singspiration was a lot of fun. I’m glad I was able to play my guitar with everyone else playing instruments. It was a blast! I can’t believe my Mom made my sing one of my songs! I must have sounded ridiculous. I’m glad Chris and Sandy were helping me out. The deal there was Mom said that if I didn’t play one of my songs that she would take all my musical instruments away for a month! That was so not going to happen. And it’s not like I would have minded singing one of my songs if I had had time to practice and signed up officially. She should have told me then. Oh well. *sigh*
Staying at the hotel was great. Walking down the halls with Sandy, doing wacko things, observing suspicious Twix candy bars and sending ridiculous emails! It was great! I think I had the most fun Sunday talking a walk with a bunch of the other people. I don’t know why but it was exiting. Maybe ‘cause it’s the first time I went on a walk this year?!! I'm so excited that it's spring! Well now that I have written way alot I'll leave y'all alone! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Observing suspicious Twix bars... hahaha the perfect conclusion to a lovely conference. Holy smokers, I wonder who it was... I sure hope it wasn't Mr. Googly-eyes. (I think this is safe -- do many people know of that nickname? if you think that is dangerous just delete this comment)

Well, we dashed his dreams by leaving it for the cleaning staff if it was. I wonder what they did with it??!

See you later Henry dude,