Thursday, March 8, 2007

What I Did Not Know (I Tell You Now)

So I promised Emily that if she posted her poem about snowflakes or whatever it's called I'd post this one. So here I am holding up my end of the deal (other wise I would not have posted this). :)

Love comes softly so they say
and I'm beginning to believe it's true.
Forever friends I thought we'd stay
but of what was to come I had no clue.
Slowly but surely love crept right in
no way to hold it back could I find.
From the beginning my heart you'd win,
we're held together by this love of some kind.
So when you hear this and say nay
beware my friend there will come a time.
You surely will fall in love one day
kept by this bond so innocent and blind.


Anonymous said...

Awww! I like that one! I'm glad you posted it, though I can see why you hesitated a 'lil. ; )

Love you.

Emily said...

I am really glad you posted it to! I dont knkow why you didnt want to post it before? it is beautiful :)