Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A Little 'Bout Love

...So this is a bit of stuff that I thought was interesting... enjoy! :)

"Lovers are normally face to face, absorbed in each other; friends. side by side absorbed in some common interest."
~C.S. Lewis "The Four Loves "

...we somehow think a godly Christian is one who can pre-heat the oven without cooking the roast.
~Douglas Wilson on dating in "Her Hand in Marriage"

...Tell her that she should look at every boy that attracts her with these thoughts in mind;
  1. "Would I want to be married to that guy?"
  2. "Is he the best there is?"
  3. "Is it time yet?"

"Unless a man is prepared to ask a woman to be his wife, what right has he to claim her exclusive attention? Unless she has been asked to marry him why would a sensible woman promise any man her exclusive attention? It, when the time comes for a commitment, he is not man enough to ask her to marry him, she should give him no reason to presume that she belongs to him. " ~ Elizabeth Elliot

"I don't want you to even think about a man unless you respect him as you respect me." Father talking to his daughter. ~Douglas Wilson in "Her Hand in Marriage"

Reverence: 1 A feeling of profound awe and respect and often love; veneration. 2 An act of showing respect; especially, an obeisance. 3 The state of being revered.

Well y'all next time I'll post something more than quotes and stuff. These are just some cool things that I read that stuck out in my mind. TTYL!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Beautiful Yvonne

Warning! This poem is not to be taken seriously!(besides the fact that it's ridiculous) I wrote it from a guys perspective (who in the heck knows why!) so don't think I'm going lesbian on y'all! Hee, hee, hee!

Yesterday to her dismay I offered
her affection.
By the look she sent me with her
eyes I knew I'd need protection.
So I tried to move on but it could not
be found; this beauty so delicate and rare.
Her murky brown eyes sent me to the skies,
she is so gorgeous and fare!
The way her words flow out with
grace none other can compare.
And with her memory of which I
shall keep, tomorrow I'll travel on.
I'll let the poor lass have relief
to know that I am gone.
Throw her existence away?
Never I say!
Not my beautiful sweet Yvonne.

The Grouch

So Yeah... this is another ridiculous poem. It's so ridiculous that I shouldn't even be posting it but I am curious to see the comments! :)

He makes the perfect grouch
as he sits with a grunt and gives me a glare.
I have this hunch that he is glum.
I can tell it by his stair.
I caught a glint of his gruesome greed
that through his eyes did gleam.
The glamour of gumption was not to be found,
too hideous were his thoughts to glean.
No need to govern this grouch with glee.
Soon enough he will be gone,
gouged from gallantry.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Ain't Nothin' Like...

"There ain't nothin like __________!"

fill in the blank as many times as you'd like!
The more the merrier!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Situation of Desperation

Today you became convinced of the world
and it's dissolution,
And you could not fall asleep tonight 'till
you came to a conclusion.
Discontent with how things went
you strove to make discouraged,
Those who mayhap will fall a prey
to this destructive current.
This world is like a busy street
full of dissonance,
and of this distorted place you wish
to keep it at a distance.
You try in vain to explain but soon
become distraught,
because most people turn away and
hearken to you naught.
No greater inspiration comes to your
soul you see,
Than when you're in the situation of
divulging the mystery.
Mary Ellen Row

All Aglow!

I've always wondered what it would look like if everyone who was saved (by Jesus' blood) had this glow about them. You know, like physically. Lets say you're walking down the street in a city. The sky is dark and cloudy and you're are passing millions of people on there way to Who-Knows-Were. What would it be like if the saved people glowed? Would there be enough light to brighten the city? Sometimes when I'm not concentrating on the sermon in church (being immature) I'll look around at everyone sitting in the pews and wonder how many of us would be "lit up". What would we do if one of those people was dark and didn't have that glow?

What made me want to write about that? Well just the other night my little brother Channing came downstairs and wanted to talk to Mom. Jenn, Em and I had been talking to her about some important issues but somehow this "trumped" it all. We thought that maybe someone wet the bed or had some medical issue. We kept on talking and soon forgot about it.
When Mom came down stairs we of course wanted to know what was up. She told us to guess what the best thing for a parent to see happen to their child was. We threw some random guess till she told us.
I guess Isaac had been talking to the little boys about God and stuff related. He told me that he'd told them that night, "You could die tonight and the only thing that had kept you from getting saved was your fear to talk to Mom." Soon after their talk Chan came to talk to Mom. I bet that's what did it. Then the next night when Mom was putting Patrick to bed he told her he wanted to get saved too!!! All I can say is this is so amazing! Praise God!

P.S. Some people might disagree but man! Through all his faults Isaac is alot more mature in the important areas than most kids his age and lots that are older!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Wandering Alone

Advancing forward I try to
take another step.
This fear sinks deeper 'cause
into the darkness I have crept.
I look around me as my
shadow tags along.
My heart is screaming 'cause
I wanna be back home.
I can't move on, I'm not that strong.
I need someone to take my hand.
I stumble backwards, I see disaster,
'cause I'm wandering alone.
Mary Ellen Row

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

We Got This and That

~Only one life, twill soon be past.
Only what's done for Christ will last.

~Say what you mean and mean what you say.

~A dictionary is the only place were 'success' comes before 'work'.

~ Any fool can count the seeds in one apple.
Only God can count all the apples in one seed.

~All the darkness in the world cannot overcome the light of one candle.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

... And All That Vitamin D!

Today was great! This morning after a nice shower and e-mailing some friends I decided to go do my school (no way!)... on the roof baby!! Yeehaw! Well it was pretty warm. And as the day went on I decided that if i was on the roof basking in the sun like a lizard I might as well try and get a tan. I actually got slightly red. For me anything is great and on top of that it's FEBRUARY! That is so sweet to think about. A tan in February!
Well today I went orange. Em gave me one of her shirts and it matched with a skirt that I've wanted to wear for a while! So Jae and Em were teasing me that I look like a rotten pumpkin (you know... sarcasm! hee, hee)! It was hilarious.
My history book got a bit screwy. They were trying to say that Matthew's and Luke's account of what time Jesus was born contradict each other (of course they didn't say it exactly like that). It made me want to... I don't know, but I wasn't happy with it so I marked what was wrong with it in pencil so that my younger siblings wont take what they read for granted.
Anyways Jae had me try her mushroom concoction. Holy freakiness it took me a while to get brave enough to try it! Finally I did. It was pretty good but I don't think I'll try it again. At least not anytime soon. Just the thought of that stringy... hairy looking mushroom growing in the beautiful black tea makes me want to.... well I'll let you imagine the rest. All right! Jae don't kill me! No offense! :< (that's a little Chinese dude with a sweet Asian mustache!)
Well I think I need to go to bed. It's like 10:41! I hope tomorrow will be as good as today...

Monday, February 19, 2007

I Color My World

It is strange. I often find myself painting my mood. I don't like to wear black very much because it makes me feel depressed or gloomy. Reds are very deep color. No matter how light you make it (with out turning it pink) it still gives a deep mysterious feeling. Dark blues (sometimes depending on the day) make me feel sad or lonesome. Light blue is a very spirited, freeing color. As long as they're not too dark (the lighter the better) greens make me feel happy and comfortable. It's kind of a neutral color. Orange is a very relaxing, satisfying color. Yellow is my favorite color mostly because it's a very bright and happy color. It also gives you the feeling of freshness and newness. Kind of like the morning sunrise. Well those are just the most basic colors. Not only do I color the things I see but also the things I read, listen to (such as music or any other sound), and feel. I wonder if I'm the only one who colors my world. It's kind of weird isn't it?

Death and Taxes

Tax his cow, tax his goat
Tax his pants, tax his coat
Tax his crops, tax his work
Tax his tie, tax his shirt
Tax his chew, tax his smoke
Teach him taxes are no joke.
Tax his tractor, tax his mule
Teach him taxes are the rule.
Tax his oil, tax his gas
Tax his notes, tax his cash
Tax him good and let him know-
After taxes he has no dough.
If he hollers, tax him more
Tax him till he's good and sore,
Tax his coffin, tax his grave
Tax the sod in which he lays.
Put these words upon his tomb,
"Taxes drove me to my doom"
And after he's gone he can't relax,
They'll still be after inheritance Tax!

Some Shakespeare

Glory is like a circle of water
Which never ceaseth to enlarge itself,
Till by broad spreading
it disperses to naught.

And since you know you cannot see yourself,
I, your glass, will modestly discover to yourself
that of yourself which you yet know not of.

William Shakespeare

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Knowledge is Power?

Today I was reading my history on the world during Caesar Augustus... (currently about the Golden Age and) about the philosophers. You know like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. I read about what Socrates did and taught during his life time. He believed that the soul is immortal (at least he got that right). He said, "Life and it's possessions are not of great importance, but a good life is. For no real evil can come to a good man either in life or death." (What is that? What about Job? Sounds pretty lame to me.) Well did you know that Philosopher means "One who loves wisdom"? Plato concluded that, "Anyone who is curious to learn every sort of knowledge and is never satisfied, may be called an philosopher." This really made me start thinking....
Should we really strive to know everything/all we can know?
For what reason do we need to know it all?
By knowing everything will it help us grow closer to God?
So I did a bit of research...
1 Corinthians 13:8, "Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
1 Corinthians 8:1-2, "Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth. And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know."
Sooo... "yet as he ought to know." Hmmmmmm. Well I guess that is pretty clear. I'm not very good at putting my thoughts down on paper so this probably looks pretty unorderly. I just thought this was interesting. Tell me what you think or if I took any of these verses out of context (or if I ever do for that matter) but I don't think I did.
P.S. Hey if you have a dull moment go read Ecclesiastes chapter 2. It's great for all those merry making people ( you know ..."is never satisfied") who think they can satisfy that empty feeling in there heart with out the aid of Christ....
I'm not implying that ya'll have problems with this!! :) TTYL!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hear Me One More Time

So... yeah. This is as corny as it gets. This is a taste of the stupid things that I write when I'm bored... :(

Can You Hear Me?
No. You are lost in Her eyes.
Will I ever win you?
I can not say.
I want you.
You're Perfect.
I can hear you saying these words.
Singing to me.
It ain't me babe.
It ain't me you're looking for.
But if only you could be mine.
I would dance with you.
Dance with you one more time.
Can you hear me?
No. You are lost in Her eyes!

I Ain't Never Had Too Much Fun!

Holy Shnikers! That was a rock on weekend! Saturday was great. The chili contest turned out better than I thought it would. I think next year I'm gonna make some chili (hopefully by then I'll be able to make some in the first place)!

Well I made an interesting observation. I think at every get-together there were more dudes than there were chicks! It was a nice feeling. I'm telling you, there is an extreme shortage of respectable guys. It's hard when your around people who believe different or have different morals and standards. This group was so much fun to be with. I had a really easy time just being myself. It was so nice.

I'd have to say the best day was Sunday at the Sturdivants. That was a blast!!! Now if any day would be a good Ground Hogs day (that is if you've seen the movie staring Bill Murry) that was it! :) Not only was the company great but we all played a million games. I love playing games with big groups! We played this sweet version of Uno. We played mafia, Slap jack and Golf. Steve Fries and I played our own separate game of War (Dun, da, da, dun!) ! Most of the others played Sequence while we were "fighting". Then most of us played Dutch Blitz. That is the sweetest game!

I suppose I'm just boring y'all with stuff that y'all already know about so I'll talk to y'all later. Well I'll talk to you later chicks... (and dudes maybe?)!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

The Thief From Babylon

Here you come as a thief in the night.
What, may I ask, hast thou come to take?
Have ye come to steel jewels, or land?
Have ye come for my pen and ink or mayhap the grass where I last ran?
Have ye come to take my bread or the pillow on which I lay my head?
Any object thou canst take from me
My house, my wine my life, my friends
but may I ask a question so bold?
Hast thou come to steel the souls of men?
You wretched thief from Babylon!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

A Working Progress

For a while I was really diligent about working on a problem or two but then I slipped off. Just the other day I was really down. There is so much that I have wrong with me. I have so many problems with my attitude and a million other things (the list is so long that I won't bother to start naming them all). Then I remembered what my Mom always tells me. She says I should always be working on one or two areas that I have problems in. It's hard to realize exactly what problems you have and what you need to work on. I find it comforting to know that God is with me all the way. This verse comes to mind:

2Corinthians 4:16 "For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day."

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Sittin out this S.O.S

"I'm sittin out this S.O.S. about my SS sin
a magnetic force is pullin me off course and I gotta get back again..."

That's a really sweat song! Yeehaw! Well pretty much it's 13 degrees below zero! Today we aren't going out to church because it's so cold out. I think we might have a little home church thingy with the Siegs. That should be fun. It looks so pretty outside! The sun is shining on the sparkly snow. It looks so welcoming... I think it does that on purpose to trick you. You know so that you go out there and freeze to death.

Now that I've lost my mind I shall go do something more... ???
The Bible is so fascinating. It's the best mystery, thriller, suspense, good over evil book ever written! I wonder why?! ;)
Well I'll be running Ya'll!

P.S. Guess what I'm listening to? Johnny Cash, The Ring of Fire!!! Ahhhhh. It reminds me of this summer! Milking cows and all that good old jazz! :) ..."and it burns, burns, burns the ring of fire, the ring of fire..."

Friday, February 2, 2007

What More?

I guess the more I think about it the more I wanna be a house wife when I grow up. It's the sweetest profession in the world! There are so many things you can go to college for but when I think harder about it, the only reason I'd got to college would be to learn something that would help me be able to take care of my family and house better. It's a great thing to do.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

I Gotta Brand New... ?

Yeehaw! It's a brand new month! This is great (A brand new crush sounds great!)! I can't wait 'till the second Saturday! Partially because we'll have to clean the whole house and mostly 'cause a million people will be here (and the Fries'). I can't wait! We'll all have to remember to have Paul play chopsticks. That is the most rock on piece in the world! Sweetness! I'm so happy! Also the sun stays around longer. I love the late spring and early summer!

Seriously have you ever heard of GMO's (genetically mortified organisms)? Well you should really take a look at it sometime. Here's a piece of an article off the Internet... it should freak you out.

Tomatoes generally get softer as they ripen because of a protein in the tomato that breaks down the cell walls of the tomato, which makes it difficult to transport a quality ripe tomato across the country. The Flavor Savor Tomato had a gene spliced into its DNA to prevent the breakdown of the tomatoes’ cell walls. The result of the incorporation of the new gene is a firm ripe tomato for consumers on store shelves.

Can you imagine how terrible and bad for you that is?!!! The worst part is that companies/ producers etc. don't even have to tell you that your food is genetically modified. It's pretty sick!

Well I'd better go do some school! TTYL!

Sittin' 'Round Feelin' Far Away

So...yeah! Well I haven't posted in a while so I figured that I probably should. I came up with a brilliant idea. Well...but anyways um I was thinking, you know how our guy names aren't the greatest. See I was thinking we could change our names a bit. Example: Fabiola (and yes this is a real -feminine- name), Georgiana, Henrieta, Martina, Patricia (Pete)... etc.! The only one that has stumped me is Tom! Any ideas would be welcome.
Anyways yesterday wasn't the greatest. I had a terrible headache. :( Man! Em suggested that maybe I should drink some water. So I did.
Well I guess I'm just talking about nothing. I really want to listen to Kieth Urban's new CD! Yessss! I decided that my favorite (none country) artists are Jack Johnson and KT Tunstall. They have awesome style and voices!!! Yeehaw! Well anyways I'll be seein' ya'll!