Tuesday, February 20, 2007

... And All That Vitamin D!

Today was great! This morning after a nice shower and e-mailing some friends I decided to go do my school (no way!)... on the roof baby!! Yeehaw! Well it was pretty warm. And as the day went on I decided that if i was on the roof basking in the sun like a lizard I might as well try and get a tan. I actually got slightly red. For me anything is great and on top of that it's FEBRUARY! That is so sweet to think about. A tan in February!
Well today I went orange. Em gave me one of her shirts and it matched with a skirt that I've wanted to wear for a while! So Jae and Em were teasing me that I look like a rotten pumpkin (you know... sarcasm! hee, hee)! It was hilarious.
My history book got a bit screwy. They were trying to say that Matthew's and Luke's account of what time Jesus was born contradict each other (of course they didn't say it exactly like that). It made me want to... I don't know, but I wasn't happy with it so I marked what was wrong with it in pencil so that my younger siblings wont take what they read for granted.
Anyways Jae had me try her mushroom concoction. Holy freakiness it took me a while to get brave enough to try it! Finally I did. It was pretty good but I don't think I'll try it again. At least not anytime soon. Just the thought of that stringy... hairy looking mushroom growing in the beautiful black tea makes me want to.... well I'll let you imagine the rest. All right! Jae don't kill me! No offense! :< (that's a little Chinese dude with a sweet Asian mustache!)
Well I think I need to go to bed. It's like 10:41! I hope tomorrow will be as good as today...


Anonymous said...

Wow... I so wish I had a tan in February! That's awesome! Invite me over next time. ; )


Emily said...

Mel Bel you're such a funny duckling!! I like the chinese mustach. I was wondering what it was :)
~your sista