Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Classical Music...

Sonata No. 16 in C major K545 is the most beautiful piece. It was written by Mozart. Man alive I could listen to it all day long. I really like classical music. Considering how much I enjoy listening to other musics I think classical is the most relaxing of them all. You don’t have to listen hard to hear the words; to find their meaning whether they be good or bad. It doesn’t send you spinning deep on a long train of thoughts. It always amazes me how a person could move their fingers so fast with each note perfectly aligned with how it is written on paper. The rhythm… the mathematical timing. It does not bring praise to man but to God. That God designed such a complex being… or the whole earth for that matter.


Anonymous said...

Amen! I like classical for that reason too - as there are no words, I can make the lyrics to a melody, whether the melody is sad or happy.

Anonymous said...

That's what I'm talkin about girly! You got the picture! Do you know what peice I'm talking about... you know the Sonata?

Anonymous said...

Not off the top of my head, I suspect I'd most likely recognize it if I heard it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, heck yes, I just found it in the recs on my piano! Beeeeaaaauuuuutiful!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, btw.... my absolute fav. would have to be Haydn's Sonata No. 50 in D Major.... do you know it? There's an awesome recording of it on YouTube by a guy named Earl Wild. You should look it up at the Siegs' sometime... it's a little over 10 minutes long, but it's gorgeous!! There's way more than one part to it, I forget how many.

Sandal the Flip Flop said...

I love classical music it calms the spirit and the mind ha ha, later dudettes


Anonymous said...

Man you're making me jealous Nors! I wish I could go to You-Tube right now and listen to it! :( I'll have to when I go to Sanny's next! I'm not sure I've heard it before. Is it a famous peice? That's awesome that you have Sonata No 16. on your piano. Well I'll catch you later Dudettes!