Everything in creation declares our God.
How is it that so many look right past the undeniable truth of nature?
There is something so comforting in gospel music.
How is it that someone would rather listen to rock if they have the choice?
The mind is an amazing tool; always restless and wondering.
How is it that someone would rather be high or drunk?
It is 70 degrees outside.
Would you rather be outside enjoying the pleasures of the warmth
or be in a dark room with the curtains drawn shut?
All God wants is for a soul to believe in him and
reach out in faith and accept eternal life and forever have the security
of knowing they'll be in heaven.
What? Does the torments and fire of Hell sound better?
So many foolish people can't even get over their pride
enough to admit that they are lost indeed.
This is really good Mary Ellen, really good.
Well Thanks! It was pretty random. I just get sick of the world sometimes. =(
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