Well once again I was reading my history today (The World of John Smith by Genevieve Foster) and one thing caught my eye, and I decided I just had to post about it.
It was telling about an observatory off the coast of Denmark called Uraniborg (Castle of Heavens). As you can tell it was used for the study of the stars and the heavens. Well one guy who observed there, was named Tycho Brahe. This is the part of my book that I thought was… interesting.
“There (Uraniborg), night after night for the next twenty years, sat one of the great observers of all time gazing at the stars. His name was Tycho Brahe. He had so telescope. He had only his eyes. Tycho Brahe could see no more than seven planets which the early Babylonians had seen and named. Yet he observed what he could see more accurately, and left a fund of exact measurements and information for others to use.
His ideas were extremely odd. About comets he wrote: “They are formed by human sins and wickedness rising from the earth, which forms into a kind of gas, and is ignited by the wrath of God. This poisonous stuff falls down again on peoples heads and causes all kinds of mischief, such as pestilence, sudden death, bad weather… and Frenchmen.”
Well there you have it. But it made me wonder, why are/have the French always been disliked? Is it mostly by the English only? I found this quite a comical deal!! Like in The Last of the Mohican's an English officer says something about, “while we fight the French sit around and make love with their faces in a mirror…” (or something like that. It’s not the exact quote). Hmm. What is it with the French? I think they just like drinking wine and observing/creating fine arts that fighting. That is not so bad really; if done in moderation. Every now and then you must go to war for the cause of freedom and liberty. They must take such things for granted.
But who am I to judge the French? No doubt there are quite a number of honorable and decent Frenchmen.
Haha! I like that one Brahe dude's ideas about comets. It's rather.... intriguing. To say the least! lol
It is interesting no matter how far back in history you read, the french are seen in an ill light, such as we now judge those from up north...
I think the French are stereotypicaly arrogant. But I have never met one, so I don't know. lol
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