Sunday, April 29, 2007

Ponderous Thoughts

Wow the clouds right now are amazing! They are so blue and wispy! There is a little bit of sun left. It is orange and pink but I can only see some of it before the clouds cover it up. Do you ever think about it? Like somewhere past those clouds, the ozone layer, the ionosphere and off a million light years away God sits and watches the earth with Jesus sitting by his side in the heavenly realm observing the Holy Spirit working in our lives and many others in our small world. It's so amazing to think about. The universe only furthermore declares the existence of a creator. Why can't everyone see that?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

And the French?

Well once again I was reading my history today (The World of John Smith by Genevieve Foster) and one thing caught my eye, and I decided I just had to post about it.
It was telling about an observatory off the coast of Denmark called Uraniborg (Castle of Heavens). As you can tell it was used for the study of the stars and the heavens. Well one guy who observed there, was named Tycho Brahe. This is the part of my book that I thought was… interesting.
“There (Uraniborg), night after night for the next twenty years, sat one of the great observers of all time gazing at the stars. His name was Tycho Brahe. He had so telescope. He had only his eyes. Tycho Brahe could see no more than seven planets which the early Babylonians had seen and named. Yet he observed what he could see more accurately, and left a fund of exact measurements and information for others to use.
His ideas were extremely odd. About comets he wrote: “They are formed by human sins and wickedness rising from the earth, which forms into a kind of gas, and is ignited by the wrath of God. This poisonous stuff falls down again on peoples heads and causes all kinds of mischief, such as pestilence, sudden death, bad weather… and Frenchmen.”
Well there you have it. But it made me wonder, why are/have the French always been disliked? Is it mostly by the English only? I found this quite a comical deal!! Like in The Last of the Mohican's an English officer says something about, “while we fight the French sit around and make love with their faces in a mirror…” (or something like that. It’s not the exact quote). Hmm. What is it with the French? I think they just like drinking wine and observing/creating fine arts that fighting. That is not so bad really; if done in moderation. Every now and then you must go to war for the cause of freedom and liberty. They must take such things for granted.
But who am I to judge the French? No doubt there are quite a number of honorable and decent Frenchmen.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


[May 27, 1863]
Dark as the clouds of even,
Ranked in the western heaven,
Waiting the breath that lifts
All the dead mass, and drifts
Tempest and falling brand
Over a ruined land,--
So still and orderly,
Arm to arm, knee to knee,
Waiting the great event,
Stands the black regiment.

Down the long dusky line
Teeth gleam and eyeballs shine;
And the bright bayonet,
Bristling and firmly set,
Flashed with a purpose grand,
Long ere the sharp command
Of the fierce rolling drum
Told them their time had come,
Told them what work was sent
For the black regiment.

“Now,” the flag-sergeant cried,
“Though death and hell betide,
Let the whole nation see
If we are fit to be
Free in this land; or bound
Down, like the whining hound,--
Bound with red stripes of pain
In our cold chains again!”
O, what a shout there went
From the black regiment!

“Charge!” Trump and drum awoke;
Onward the bondmen broke;
Bayonet and sabre-stroke
Vainly opposed their rush.
Through the wild battle’s crush,
With but one thought aflush,
Driving their lords like chaff,
In the gun’s mouths they laugh;
Or at the slippery brands
Leaping with open hands,
Down they tear man and horse,
Down in their awful course;
Trampling with bloody heel
Over the crashing steel,--
All their eyes forward bent,
Rushed the black regiment.

“Freedom!” their battle-cry,--
“Freedom! or leave to die!”
Ah! and they meant the word,’
Not as with us ‘t is heard,
Not a mere party shout;
They gave their spirits out,
Trusted the end to God,
And on the gory sod
Rolled in triumphant blood,
Glad to strike one free blow,
Whether for weal or woe;
Glad to breath one free breath,
Though on the lips of death;
Praying, -alas! in vain! -
That they might fall again,
So they could once more see
That burst to liberty!
This was what “freedom” lent
To the black regiment.

Hundreds on hundreds fell;
But they are resting well;
Scourges and shackles strong
Never shat do them wrong.
O, to the living few,
Soldiers, be just and true!
Hail them as comrades tried;
Fight with them side by side;
Never, in field or tent,
Scorn the black regiment!
Gorge Henry Boker

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Viennese Ball!!!

Saturday was a blast! I had so much fun! I went to the worlds largest Viennese ball (that is outside of Vienna)! I left early with Em. She had to get there early for her harp stuff. I went with all the people from church (Rochelle and Chris, Leah, Jim, William, Beth and Jacob C.) and we walked down by the river to take pictures. It was a really pretty area. We had to wait till six o’clock before they would let people into the ball. And dancing didn’t start till eight-thirty so we just walked around. Actually Chrissie and I went and sat around on the couches near wear Em was playing with the harp ensemble.
Finally dancing started! Waltzing was first. I only danced two waltz’s out of the whole time!!! That’s o.k. with me cause I’m terrible at waltzing. It was awesome watching the pro’s spin around the room. Gees, it seemed like eternity though before the band started to play! (the orchestra and band rotated every hour) I love swing dancing! The faster the better baby! Well actually polka is a bit to fast for me. Most of the swinging I did with Christine. Yeah she’s pretty good! ;)

It was so much fun seeing all the people in fancy gowns and tuxedos! There were a lot of elegant ladies there and quite a few with obnoxious dresses that only cover a fourth of their chest. That figures though. Anyways I waited all night to dance to In The Mood! …The best and most popular big band, swing dance song! That was the last song I danced to. The orchestra came back after that and it was twelve-thirty by then and Dad and Mom wanted us to come home. So we did. I guess everyone else went to Perkins afterward. Oh that reminds me; Chris and I saw this guy who had waited on us last time we went out to eat as a group. I think his name was Mike. lol! =D
But anyways…! I actually didn’t get very tired. I really enjoyed it. I’m glad I went!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

This is hilarious! I laughed so hard!

The Age of Wisdom.

Ho! pretty page with the dimpled chin,
That never has know the barber’s shear,
All your wish is woman to win;
This is the way that boys begin,--
Wait till you come to forty year.

Curly gold locks cover foolish brains;
Billing and cooing is all your cheer, --
Sighing, and singing of midnight strains,
Under Bonnybell’s window-panes,--
Wait till you come to forty year.

Forty times over let Michaelmas pass;
Grizzling hair the brain doth clear;
Then you know a boy is am ass,
Then you know the worth of a lass, --
Once you have come to forty year.

Pledge me round; I bid ye declare,
All good fellows whose beards are gray,--
Did not the fairest of the fair
Common grow and wearisome ere
Ever a month was past away?

The reddest lips that ever have kissed,
The brightest eyes that ever have shone,
May pray and whisper and we not list,
Or look away and never be missed,--
Ere yet ever a month is gone.

Gillian’s dead! God rest her bier,--
How I loved her twenty years syne!
Marian’s married; but I sit here,
Alone and merry at forty year,
Dipping my nose in the Gascon Wine.


Thursday, April 12, 2007

It's so true!

I found this poem pretty comical. But then again I have a strange sense of humor. It's so true though. The guys always like the really pretty girls (which is a given and I don't blame them... mostly! haha!) and the girls just dislike them even more. They always want what they can't get. (same with guy/girl situations too sometimes)
"But you’ve as many sweethearts as you’d count on both your hands,And for myself there’s not a thumb or little finger stands... The higher I exalt you, the lower I’m cast down."

Well that's life I guess.

Lovely Mary Donnelly.

O LOVEY Mary Donnelly, it’s you I love the best!
If fifty girls were around you, I’d hardly see the rest;
Be what it may the time of day, the place be where it will,
Sweet looks of Mary Donnelly, they bloom before me still.
Her eyes like mountain water that’s flowing on a rock,
How clear they are! how dark they are! and they give me many a shock;
Red rowans warm in sunshine, and wetted with a shower,
Could ne’er express the charming lip that has me in its power.
Her nose is straight and handsome, her eyebrows lifted up,
Her chin is very neat and pert, and smooth like a china cup;
Her hair’s the brag of Ireland, so weighty and so fine,-
It’s rolling down upon her neck, and gathered in a twine.
The dance o’ last Whit-Monday night exceeded all before;
No pretty girl for miles around was missing from the floor;
But Mary kept the belt of love, and O, but she was gay;
She danced a jig, she sung a song, and took my heart away!
When she stood up for dancing, her steps were so complete,
The music nearly killed itself, to listen to her feet;
The fiddler mourned his blindness, he heard her so much praised,
But blessed himself he wasn’t deaf when once her voice she raised.
And evermore I’m, whistling of lilting what you sung;
Your smile is always in my heart, your name beside my tongue.
But you’ve as many sweethearts as you’d count on both your hands,
And for myself there’s not a thumb or little finger stands.
O, you’re the flower of womankind, in country or in town;
The higher I exalt you, the lower I’m cast down.
If some great lord should come this way and see your beauty bright,
And you to be his lady, I’d own it was but right.
O, might we live together in lofty palace hall,
Where joyful music rises, and where scarlet curtains fall;
O, might we live together in a cottage mean and small,
With sods of grass the only roof, and mud the only wall!
O lovely Mary Donnelly, your beauty’s my distress;
It’s far too beauteous to be mine, but I’ll never wish it less;
The proudest place would fit your face, and I am poor and low,
But blessings be about you, dear, wherever you may go!
~William Allingham

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Gee wiz! Well It’s winter again! How do you like that?! And it’s almost the middle of April! This is nuts. At least it’s not to windy that is what makes it the worst. I think we only have an inch of snow. That’s not to bad considering we were supposed to get quite a bit more than that.
So I was thinking, they always say that a dog is a mans best friend. I think that a calf or a cow it cause no matter how hard you kick them or hit them they still come back to suck on your finger or what ever they do!
Tonight we're going to the dance practice. That will be cool. I found what dress I’m going to wair to the ball. It’s not the most extravagant dress in the world but it’s pretty and modest. Well id better go take my shower. It's like 3:43 p.m.!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Lucky to be Me

I am not as beautiful as some girls may be
My outward appearance is not exciting to see.
My hair is not golden like the morning sun,
A midnight black, or a bright crimson.
It is not brunette as the colors in fall.
There is no specific name that it I may call.
Still I am content as to how I be,
My eyes are blue and kind possibly.
My smile is crooked but I don’t care,
I use it for conveying joy I wish to share.
And as for the young men that I have met,
I feel as though I have not come upon my hero just yet.
I practice love on those that I hold dear
So that someday my husband I may love much more still.
Some people will laugh at what I have to say
And tell me I will forget these thoughts one day.
But in the direction of the Lord I will be
And for now I am content and lucky to be me.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Clusters of Craziness?

Today we were joking around (me and my family) about situations and random stuff. We were pairing people up with characters in Pride and Prejudice too. It was rather amusing. I can’t remember who I was! I think at one point I was Mary Bennett… you know the annoying one who plays piano and wares glasses! lol! But anyways… last night was Bible study. There was a pretty good turn out. It was a lot of fun. I think the last person left our house at eleven! I went to bed this morning or mid-night! What fun. Jed is suppose to come over this afternoon with a friend so I sure well be spending quite a bit of time cleaning knowing my Mom. =) We shall see what the future brings…

Thursday, April 5, 2007

What is too forward?

Today we happened to be talking about some dude who happens to be a new interest for one of the chicks who live in my house. My older brothers happened to be at home and were eating dinner with us. My brothers were trying to convince "her" to text the dude, while my mother was protesting this idea, saying that it was not appropriate. My brothers made some statements about "him" already liking "her" so if she showed interest in him that would help him... uh... pursue her so to speak. They said something like "he was afraid" of her and stuff like that. Now I have heard that when a guy likes a girl he is so afraid that he will mess up, that he's not good enough, and all those things. So what is too forward for a girl to do? Is flirting ridiculous? Is calling him on the phone unacceptable? How about texting? You know that isn't the same as a conversation. Is hanging around and being friendly o.k. or should a girl just sit around and wait for Mr. Handsome to approach her? What is too forward for a girl/woman? I want to know what you think!

La, la, la, la, la!

The sun is shining, the grass is green and I am on the computer! This makes for one happy chicklet! Oh and I forgot to list that it is almost the weekend!
Well anyways Jae and Em past their drivers tests so that was a highlight of this week. Also my Grandma Detweiler is coming tomorrow to stay for a while! And tomorrow is Bible Study! And I'm eating peanut brittle! Gee life is good! I suppose I should leave you alone and go eat lunch now that it is almost 2 in the afternoon! =D

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Classical Music...

Sonata No. 16 in C major K545 is the most beautiful piece. It was written by Mozart. Man alive I could listen to it all day long. I really like classical music. Considering how much I enjoy listening to other musics I think classical is the most relaxing of them all. You don’t have to listen hard to hear the words; to find their meaning whether they be good or bad. It doesn’t send you spinning deep on a long train of thoughts. It always amazes me how a person could move their fingers so fast with each note perfectly aligned with how it is written on paper. The rhythm… the mathematical timing. It does not bring praise to man but to God. That God designed such a complex being… or the whole earth for that matter.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Brushfire Fairytales

It's 11:32 p.m. and I'm hungry. McDonald's sounds really good. The fake meat is so good. It must be the artificial flavoring or something. And gee I love ketchup! I am listening to Jack Johnson. He is so smooth and relaxing. I love his music. I just want to listened to him while I go to sleep. I wish bathrooms had awesome stereo/radios built in them. That would be so cool! I brought our need for something like this in our bathroom up to my parents and they only thought that would make me take even longer showers. :( Oh well. Christine had better have a bathroom like that in her house/castle/mansion. lol! Yeah she is going to have a freakily large house like that someday. It sounds pretty sweet. ;) The story goes way back so I won't tell it.

In Conclusion:
I am going to bed now and I will dream of a roticerating hamburger from McD's with J.J. as the back-round music!

Yo Foo!

Well happy April Fools day to you foo's! Did y'all have a nice day? We didn't go to church (as y'all know) so I was pretty disappointed about that. Only my family. And gee! Things always go wrong on Sundays. Jae and I decided to go on a walk. We had an... interesting time. ;)
So... Did anyone play a trick or two? hee, hee! My favorite trick is where you put Saran Wrap on the toilet below the lid... don't think about it too hard! =D I sort of played a trick on myself. I read this book called The Wife of Martin Guerre. I thought it was going to end happily-ever-after... and it didn't. I won't tell you how it ends . It was a good book. I liked it though.

I suppose I should ski-daddle though. It's way late and tomorrow is a school day. Waah. TTFN!

All My Dealings With Lightning

I was thinking about it and have decided that I wouldn't mind getting struck by lightning as long as I died. Why would I want to live for the rest of my life with my internal organs slowly burning?

P.S. just yesterday I was thinking about a guy and, trying to get him out of my mind, I came up with a good excuse for why I shouldn't be thinking about him (at that time at least for I was working out in the rain and thunder). I thought, what if I got struck by lightning and what I was thinking about some how was stuck in my brain? I would never be able to think of anything else except for that thought! Now that would be terrible. Did it help? I wasn't outside long enough to find out! =D


Everything in creation declares our God.
How is it that so many look right past the undeniable truth of nature?
There is something so comforting in gospel music.
How is it that someone would rather listen to rock if they have the choice?
The mind is an amazing tool; always restless and wondering.
How is it that someone would rather be high or drunk?
It is 70 degrees outside.
Would you rather be outside enjoying the pleasures of the warmth
or be in a dark room with the curtains drawn shut?
All God wants is for a soul to believe in him and
reach out in faith and accept eternal life and forever have the security
of knowing they'll be in heaven.
What? Does the torments and fire of Hell sound better?
So many foolish people can't even get over their pride
enough to admit that they are lost indeed.