Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Good Morning Beautifull!

Wow! This morning is beautiful! This is the second day in a row that we have had a sunny day. I love the morning sun. It especially looks pretty on the snow 'cause it makes it sparkle. I think I have an obsession with the sunshine... but really it totally turns the whole world/earth on!!!!
Last night was funny. Mom wouldn't let us watch a movie and we were pretty not happy about it. For a while we just sat around listening to music but sooner or later we ended up on the floor doing exercises!!! It was hilarious! In the end of it all we started dancing (and I don't think I'll tell you what kind). Don't worry it wasn't inappropriate! :)
Anyways I don't feel like doing anything but math and history today. Math because it is the subject I am most behind on and history because it is (right now) the easiest and most interesting. I really just want to do only my math till I get it done but Mom wont let me. Oh well.
Em, Jae and I were talking about this coming summer. They're already planning all the things they are going to do. I like summer. I think late spring and early summer are my favorite time of year. The reason is because the days are longer. Ya I know it's weird but then again I am pretty weird! Well I think I need to go eat some delicious oat meal ( writing that makes me feel like horse! :) with strawberries! Yummmmmmmmmm? !


Anonymous said...

Good morning Henry! I love sunshine too. It beautifies everything, and you can't help but feel beautiful yourself standing in a little puddle of light sent to right where you are standing from somewhere far away.

If you think about it, something truly beautiful would be beauty-full, full of beauty to the innermost core. So things really and truly beautiful are rare... we as humans are one! I mean, just think about how amazing we are. Created in God's image, able to speak and listen and understand, able to feel and able to choose. And, originally, flawless. But we're not flawless anymore.... yet if you let Christ fill you, you are truly beauty-full!

So that's why I love sunshine on snow, it's pure and truly full of beauty. And shows that God is quite an amazing architect with quite an amazing imagination. ; - )

So I guess I'm sappy today, Henry. How are you???


Mary Ellen said...

Fabio... that was absolutely beatifull. :) That is why I like morning sun the best. It is pure and clean. It's fresh and new. It makes you want to start all over and have a good day. Every time I take a second to observe God's creation it just amazes me!
Yes i do believe you are sappy today. Maybe you could write a beautifull poem?!
Always... Henry :)