Thursday, January 25, 2007

Just Another Day in Paradise

So today I went and babysat these little kids with Jae. As a matter of fact they are the same ones that Em and Sandy had to b.s. on Tuesday (the Wootens). They were pretty good. I swear they are attention starved! They all talked and talked when we first got there. Usually in a family the kids are a bit shy and only one of them rambles on and on. Well I here to tell you otherwise! Oh my lanta! Other than that they were fine. I read my lungs out we read so many books. We b.s from 9:30 a.m. 'till 4:30 p.m.
Man I really need to do some school. I keep letting myself get behind! :( I'm already not happily behind in math. I think I need to kick myself in the rear and get a rhythm!! (sorry for the language! :) The worst part is that tomorrow we are going on a homeschool group field trip at noon so by the time I get done feeding calves, taking my shower (which I've been informed that I take to long), I probably won't have much time. Maybe I'm just making excuses for myself... Gee I go in circles don't I! Stab me in the Jaw!!! Oh well. I know that somehow by the time I turn 18 everything will be done and fine. Ya gotta keep bright goals.
Gosh I just want to listen to a great song and blast the radio! Ahhhhhhhh! O.K I'm going nuts! Maybe its because I ate 5 carmels... :)
Have you ever notice that girls tend to over analyze everything? Well at least I do.
So I guess I need to go check out my e-mail! TTYL...


Anonymous said...

Yes, I think we do overanalyze everything. I've been told that I do before!

Jae, do you mean to say that you're... ticklish...? Hmm....

Yah well, it's a good thing nobody else in the world reads our blogs if they did it's not like they'd really care about how we sign our comments. If they did that'd just be weird!!! And so what if they think we're all more than normal idiots. What the heck, I think I'd sign my emails w/ Fabio just for fun, I don't care who else reads it anyways!

And Fred, I seriously doubt that you offended anyone w/ your observations. lol

Tho, I am thinking about changing my uthername to "Norah" tho I don't feel like thuch a thore thumb. ; )


Anonymous said...

So how's this? ; ) What the heck, I'm just bored.

I'm excited about later though! Moreso about the sleepover than the tour, but it's all good. 'Specially since all'us girls will be there together!

*gasp* Poor tour guide... I feel sorry for whoever's "in charge" of us today! ; o ) Maybe we should try to be good little kids lol

OK see ya'll later!


Christine E. Coffey said...

I don't like talkative kids. I mean. they're OK for a litle while, but then, when you want some peace and quite, THEY are there. How anoying.
And yea, and no. I don't think I anilize anything. I'm too lazy! lol. haha.
Post script:
I'm going to get ready to leave for R.'s house right now!!! I'm VEEERRRY happy!