Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Question

Here's a corny poem that I wrote:

A Question
I have a question for you my dear friend,
and I know you are lonely and this case I defend.
Many times I heard you speak
of a lane in the woods, with the birds in the trees.
You said over and again that it brought you comfort and joy,
and these happy things for you I’d employ.
Now I ask you my dear friend to take me to the meadow so nigh,
where we may talk and listen, laugh and cry.
We could pick wild roses and pick blades of grass,
wade in the pond that is clear as glass.
I would like you to take me for a walk down that lane,
and together we could give it a name.
I shall be waiting for an answer dear friend,
for an answer to this question that to you I send.


Anonymous said...

That's not corny! A little sappy, maybe, but what's the harm in that?

: o )

Love you.

Christine E. Coffey said...

Let us go my friend! I LOVE it Mel!! It is so romantic in the way friends can be romantic!! It is awsome! Someday my dear, student at Harvard, Yale, and Cabridge will study your work. Just as they study Tenyson and Shakespear for the arts!

Anonymous said...

I love it so much it reminds me of that day we went down that wooded lane in your woods we named it but I have no clue what we named it. sanny the great

Mary Ellen said...

Hahaha! As a matter of fact I got the idea from our walk Sanny Loo Hoo! Isn't that funny?!! Yeah I don't think we could ever choose one that satisfied us both. ;)
Gee Chrisie I wish it were that good! Well I'll talk to you chicks later.

Anonymous said...

Now that i really know that it was our lane that you are talking about it makes want to cry it is so wonderful I love it so much.

lov ya sanny