Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Out of Season

I like this one better although it's out of season... :)

~The Pleasures of Fall~
On the morrow I will rise and watch the morning sun,
The flowers will wake afresh to hear the jay birds hum.
T’will see the turning leaves, orange, yellow and brown,
And watch as they drop from the trees above to fall on the frozen ground
Across the field I hear the creek rumble on it’s way,
Imagine the places where it might be tomorrow or the very next day.
The orchard is full of laden trees with juicy apples, red,
The weeds and such are dry and brown, the wind their seeds will shed.
T’will see the farmer drive down the rows with his horses that stand so tall,
And soon I’ll see him harvest his crops, oh the pleasures of fall!

A Question

Here's a corny poem that I wrote:

A Question
I have a question for you my dear friend,
and I know you are lonely and this case I defend.
Many times I heard you speak
of a lane in the woods, with the birds in the trees.
You said over and again that it brought you comfort and joy,
and these happy things for you I’d employ.
Now I ask you my dear friend to take me to the meadow so nigh,
where we may talk and listen, laugh and cry.
We could pick wild roses and pick blades of grass,
wade in the pond that is clear as glass.
I would like you to take me for a walk down that lane,
and together we could give it a name.
I shall be waiting for an answer dear friend,
for an answer to this question that to you I send.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

More Than Just A Book

I've been watching those Richard Jordan tapes and they are really good. There was one thing that really got my attention though. Mr. J's been pointing out that God and the Bible have the same characteristics and are basically the same/equal. Also John 1:1 says In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Well he was talking about how when you read the Bible that the attitude that you read it with is going to decide how much you are going to come away with. I hope that makes sense. Well anyways then he gave this example: So you read your Bible just cause. You know we should really read some each week. But you really don't read it with excitement, delight, willingness to learn and any more respect than you would any other book.
So if God were standing there and told you something or to do something would you just sit there and yawn or decide to go do something else? Or would you be amazed and totally obedient, willing and ready to do whatever.
You know I guess I've never thought of this but the Bible really isn't any different than God... if you get my point. It really makes you think doesn't it!

A Great Day to Be Alive!

Well I suppose I should tell you about my weekend? O.K. Well on Friday we all went on a homeschool field trip. It was really fun. We went to T.V. 18 in Eau Claire. That was very interesting. Siegs, Norah, Christine, the Harosimowitzs (how ever you spell that) and the Meyers came and one other family came. After that we went to a Screen Printing place (I think that's what it's called) that was really cool. The first place the tour guide took us was some art design room. It was where they designed all the products/shirts/clothing they made. Well one guy who worked in this department was really hot. He dark brown eyes and hair and he had the greatest smile. Sandy, Chris and I were the only people who agreed with me. Emily, Jae and Norah are nuts! :) Gosh he was good looking. That right there is good motivation to get a job in art design...! :)
Anyways that wasn't the only part of the tour. The guide showed us a sewing room and a painting room (were they'd sew or paint designs onto the shirts). It was extremely fascinating! After that tour my feet were killing me. Norah rode home with us. We blasted sweet music while Mom, Dad and Jae were in Aldi! It was great! So yeah... but... we got home and made/at pizza. People started arriving for the Friday night study. That lasted for a long time.
We finally started our party at 9:30 or something. We watched Office Space which wasn't the greatest and then Mom and Dad weren't to happy because it had so many swear words. Oh my lanta! Cody S. was really weird. The annoying part is that he of course left after all us girls went upstairs for bed. After that we talked some and finally went to bed at 1 a.m. For a while Em, Jae, Chris, and Norah were all sleeping in Em and Jae's bed but Norah decided she didn't like Chris sleeping on top of her so came into my room with Sandy and I. It was a pretty good day! But anyways I'd better go!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Fabulous Food

So I need to go eat a Klondike!
I'll post later girlfriends! :)

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Just Another Day in Paradise

So today I went and babysat these little kids with Jae. As a matter of fact they are the same ones that Em and Sandy had to b.s. on Tuesday (the Wootens). They were pretty good. I swear they are attention starved! They all talked and talked when we first got there. Usually in a family the kids are a bit shy and only one of them rambles on and on. Well I here to tell you otherwise! Oh my lanta! Other than that they were fine. I read my lungs out we read so many books. We b.s from 9:30 a.m. 'till 4:30 p.m.
Man I really need to do some school. I keep letting myself get behind! :( I'm already not happily behind in math. I think I need to kick myself in the rear and get a rhythm!! (sorry for the language! :) The worst part is that tomorrow we are going on a homeschool group field trip at noon so by the time I get done feeding calves, taking my shower (which I've been informed that I take to long), I probably won't have much time. Maybe I'm just making excuses for myself... Gee I go in circles don't I! Stab me in the Jaw!!! Oh well. I know that somehow by the time I turn 18 everything will be done and fine. Ya gotta keep bright goals.
Gosh I just want to listen to a great song and blast the radio! Ahhhhhhhh! O.K I'm going nuts! Maybe its because I ate 5 carmels... :)
Have you ever notice that girls tend to over analyze everything? Well at least I do.
So I guess I need to go check out my e-mail! TTYL...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Extreme Randomness

Were do you go to find nothing? What do you do when the meaning is pointless? When do our expressions turn to the blankness of white? Why does gravity permit us to go against the unusual? Who knows when they are reading absolutely nothing?
Well then! Just a bit of nothing so don't bother reading it. One cool thing about winter is the hills. When the snow covers the green and brush then you can see the volume of the hill. It so totally rocks.
Sometimes I wonder if Wisconsin has any good looking guys. I guess that's just how I feel because I don't get around very much. Anyways at my age guys shouldn't be a high priority. Even still when you go dancing the majority of people on the floor are girls. Yes I realize guys problem with girls turning them down (your probably like whatever and I don't have time to explain) but I think they'd be surprised.
Man my thoughts are just lost today.! Well I better get a rhythm! My Aunt Bridget is coming over tonight so we have to get to house at least somewhat clean. Besides... :) I need to go find something good to eat! Hey it's 1:32 and I haven't eaten lunch. Well I'll be runnin'!


The rain is raining all around
it rains on fiels and tree,
It rains on umbrellas here
and on the ships at sea.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Monday, January 22, 2007

Past the Point of No Return!!

Well... yep today is my birthday! So ya I'm 15 now. Oh Gee! Time goes by fast and yet It's been a while since I turned 14 (if that makes any sense). So much has happened this last year that it's freaky to think about. I've changed quite a bit too (for the better and the worse). Ya anyways! :)
Sooo Jae was going to make me, by my request, a black forest cherry cake. The past 3 years I have had to build my own cake. Anyways... unfortunately we didn't have all the ingredients :( so Jae made a box cake (which we ate tonight) and will make a B.F.C cake later! I have had people call me, give me sweet cards and (the worst of all -at church) sing to me so that pretty much would be summed up to be a pretty good birthday! :)
Well enough of my jabbering. I think I'll go write more to the song I've been digging up (FINALY!)... Talk to ya'll later!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Tons of Fun?

Well yesterday I didn't end up going to E.C. which I was kinda bummed about (Mom and Jae went). Em and I stayed home. We were suppose to get the house cleaned but... well lets just say we didn't get much done. :) Well Tyler Heath came over around ten a.m. which freaked me out. Holy cow I wasn't expecting that. He's taller and has his own car and works at a place were he can take off when ever he was... supposedly. That is so Tyler. No, don't I'm not obsessed any more Ya well anyways I was going to sleep over at Sandy's but then that didn't work out. Then Chris called and wanted to get together which almost worked out until she called and said her Dad wouldn't let her. So the rest of the evening I spent laying on my bed (gee I was tired), trying to help clean, eating spaghetti and watching Richard Jordan on VHS with Rochelle and the Forsters. After that Dad, Daniel and I watched a thing about the holocaust (it had Opera and Elie Wiesel in it) it was good but I had trouble getting to sleep.
Well I'll tell you tonight what happens today. I'm not really good at predicting the future! :)
Besides I want to go eat some sweet food!!! TTYL

Friday, January 19, 2007

Live Like You Were Dieing

Darn I love this saying. Dude I wish I could dance in the first place.... it totaly makes you want to ... live! Yeehaw!
"Dance like no one is watching, laugh like no one can hear you, and cry like you don't care. Have health to spare, friends that care, patience to spare, and most importantly, learn to love like you've never been hurt."

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Schemes, Dreams and Crazzy Things

Well today I pretty much got nothing done. I woke up at 9 a.m. and spent most of the morning looking at my cousins wedding pictures! Ya crazy. The rest of today I spent cleaning and listening to music. I want to write a song really bad and I have no inspiration at all. :( It's really annoying! Oh well. Like Norah says I guess I'd have to be in a more sappy mood. I'm also sick of writing (or trying to write about) love, guys and other things along that line. Maybe if I forgot about looking for a sweet song I'd find one. I've been working on a tune on the piano. It reminds me of patriotic/revolutionary war music. Well I suppose I should go do nothing.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Empty Spaces

Hey ya'll. Well I did some math. It's annoying that one lesson takes so long. In a dull moment I made myself some coffee. I added milk, chocolate syrup and some vanilla ice cream. Holy freakiness! It totally rocks!
It's kind of weird. In my last post "someone" has made comments. I bet it's *****. That would make sense mostly because I reconize her writing style and the past few months have been kind of awkard. Ever since Jae came to live with my family. I think ***** thinks I don't like her. She thinks I'm better friends with Jae or who knows who. She won't give me her blog address and she has started telling everything secretive (or whatever bestfriends do) to Norah (no offense girly. I'm glad you and ***** do things and talk alot). It's like she doesn't want to be my friend anymore. :( I just don't get it. I don't see what I have done to make her think this.
I still like ***** just as much as ever. She's still my very best friend. I hope ***** will learn to see herself as the rest of us do; a nice, fun to be around, attractive girl, growing up like the rest of us.
Well I suppose I should finish my school. I wish it would stay like 10:00 a.m. Then I'd be able to get everything done that I need to do.

Good Morning Beautifull!

Wow! This morning is beautiful! This is the second day in a row that we have had a sunny day. I love the morning sun. It especially looks pretty on the snow 'cause it makes it sparkle. I think I have an obsession with the sunshine... but really it totally turns the whole world/earth on!!!!
Last night was funny. Mom wouldn't let us watch a movie and we were pretty not happy about it. For a while we just sat around listening to music but sooner or later we ended up on the floor doing exercises!!! It was hilarious! In the end of it all we started dancing (and I don't think I'll tell you what kind). Don't worry it wasn't inappropriate! :)
Anyways I don't feel like doing anything but math and history today. Math because it is the subject I am most behind on and history because it is (right now) the easiest and most interesting. I really just want to do only my math till I get it done but Mom wont let me. Oh well.
Em, Jae and I were talking about this coming summer. They're already planning all the things they are going to do. I like summer. I think late spring and early summer are my favorite time of year. The reason is because the days are longer. Ya I know it's weird but then again I am pretty weird! Well I think I need to go eat some delicious oat meal ( writing that makes me feel like horse! :) with strawberries! Yummmmmmmmmm? !

Monday, January 15, 2007

Yes I Can...

Some days are just horrible. All the time there are things I get discouraged about. Fortunately, lately I have had the attitude of "I can do this" lately and it really helps me. It makes me do things (even little things) that other wise I would be to lazy to do. This one guy said, "Never give up, and don't let people say you can't do something just because you're a girl and that's supposedly a man's job." Boy that is encouraging. My favorite song is "The River" by Garth Brookes. The lyrics are totally awesome... (go ahead and take the time to read them)

You know a dream is like a river
Ever changin' as it flows
And a dreamer's just a vessel
That must follow where it goes
Trying to learn from what's behind you
And never knowing what's in store
Makes each day a constant battle
Just to stay between the shores...

and I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Like a bird upon the wind
These waters are my sky
I'll never reach my destination
If I never try
So I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry

Too many times we stand aside
And let the waters slip away
'Til what we put off 'til tomorrow
Has now become today
So don't you sit upon the shoreline
And say you're satisfied
Choose to chance the rapids
And dare to dance the tide...

There's bound to be rough waters
And I know I'll take some falls
But with the good Lord as my captain
I can make it through them all...

yes I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Like a bird upon the wind
These waters are my sky
I'll never reach my destination
If I never try
So I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Yes, I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry

What About Bob?

Sometimes it's so hard to figure out how guys think. Ya guys think we are impossible to figure out but they can be difficult too.
O.K. so I need to tell you about this totally awesome book that I just read. Pretty much every girl needs to read it. It's called For Young Women Only (what you need to know about how guys think). I'll tell you what the chapter titles are (maybe they'll intrigue):
  1. What in the World are These Guys Thinking?
  2. Your Love Is Not Enough - You mean he wants my respect more than my love?
  3. The Performance of a Lifetime - Mr. Gorgeous and Cocky Is Actually Insecure?
  4. Tough or Tender? - A peek into the heart of Mr. tough guy
  5. Keeper of the Photo Files - What "guys are visual" really means ... and what it means for you
  6. Seeing the inner and outer beauty - Why guys care that girls take care of themselves... even though they are looking for the real you
  7. Body language - His physical desires = emotional consequences for both of you
  8. Words for your heart - What guys really want to tell you

You may think this is just a dorky teenage girl book but even my 18 year old sister got allot out of it! It relates to how guys think from ages 15 to 20. There's also a web-site you can check out: www.foryoungwomenonly.com

Does it sound like an ad? Oh Gee! Well you need to get this book! Anyways I'll stop going on and on about it for now... :)

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Today is Sunday. After church Jae and I will go to Norah's. I guess she's having a little party for her Moms birthday. It is grey outside with stratus clouds are covering the sky. Jennifer is playing Psalms on the piano. It sounds really pretty. She's playing my favorite one. It's 84B... I think. I wonder how this year will turn out. Last year this time was not the greatest. We had just hired an employee and that didn't go very good. Ya that was Tyler. Oh Gee! Spare me the memory! This summer was the best summer I have ever experienced I think. Probably because my Mom and Dad let us do so much. It was totally wicked! I think I need to go eat some sweet food.

Out of Control

Where am I and who are you?
My heart is racing but I can't move
I'm stuck in place, it's yesterday

The world is round the sky is blue
I'm learning things I already knew
I can't stop time so don't remind me.

I always seem to run to fast
I can't seem to catch my breath
Someone slow me down.
This world can give me no control
I just need to know for sure
I need a saviour.

What you sew is what you reap
We all have things that we can't keep
Where can you find that peace of mind?

And death will put you in your grave
and you don't know the hour or day
we need to strive for better lives.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Crazzy Get Togethers

Well Today is our monthly second Saturday! It should be interesting to see who shows up. the Gitto's and Grahams are here already. Sandy's here too but she's pretty much a part of the family so she doesn't count. That's usually a good thing... ? Anyways I am so excited! For a while I wasn't able to get into my blog but Sandy showed me the trick. I was using the wrong user name!! Wow... only me! This will be an interesting get together

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Up and Running

Burrr it's cold. Well I just created a new blog so that you can get board reading it. Anyways I just felt like doing something sweet today. I started school finaly after a long Christmas break. In a way it's nice to be back. Alright then! I'm getting a bit crazzy now. In a few minutes I'm going to have piano lessons. Right now my teacher (Mr. Pederson) is having a beer with my Dad and my older brothers.