We settled into my parent's home just in time for the holiday cheer this December. I realized that I've only lived away from my parents home for just under a year and a half which is a rather humorous fact. Christmas was always an exciting time of year in my parents home. We had the biggest, best tree, with perfect decorations and presents that were so plentiful that the tree skirt was nowhere to be seen. The best was plugging in the lights at night and basking in the glow of their twinkle. And then..... we stopped doing presents and Christmas trees. No more glorious smell of pine filling up the house. No more presents on Christmas morning. December just wasn't the same.
Not to mention I had strong negative emotions tied to Christmas. One of the last years we celebrated Christmas traditionally I was in a courtship with a guy who I'd been quite infatuated with for a number of years. We'd been courting for a total of three weeks starting in the beginning of December and then on Christmas Eve he wouldn't talk to me and pretty much ignored me the whole night. By Christmas morning he acted like nothing had happened and was jolly and merry with the whole family but he didn't really interact with me much. Finally by Christmas evening I asked him what was going on. He told me he wasn't going to break it to me on Christmas but since I asked he was breaking up with me. Of course that ruined Christmas for me and since I was young, "in love" and it was my first relationship ever it was heartbreaking. It amuses me now to think about but Taylor Swift came out with her version of "Last Christmas" and so that really came my melancholy heartstrings a song that resonated well with my sad spirit. Oh, the teen years!
As it happened that was probably one of the last years that my family really celebrated Christmas in the traditional manner. We stopped doing presents as it had grown to be a financial burden and we discontinued doing a Christmas tree as well. We still got together with family and had a special meal together but it wasn't the same. At least that's how I felt.
Fast forward to 2016. I met Jeff in February at an organic farming conference. We barely spoke but we kept bumping into each and so at the end of the three day event we swapped info and later found each other on Facebook. We messaged a little on Facebook and then didn't talk again till November. Jeff messaged me asking if he could stop by for a visit and stay at our farm on his way to his family's home in Canada. Of course I said yes and we began messaging frequently after that. The more we messaged the more we discovered we had in common and things grew serious. We were sharing life stories and discussing future desires. By the time he visited it was not so much a question of did we want to be in a relationship but when.
Two years ago today Jeff cornered my dad as he came out of the restroom during a Christmas Eve party with my mom's family. He asked my dad if he could court me and as he and my mom had already discussed the issue and knew my feelings on the matter he gave Jeff his permission. I think that's the best holiday season I've ever experienced. The excitement and thrill of getting to know Jeff through messenger during Thanksgiving, having him visit just before Christmas and then beginning a courtship with him on New Years Day. That's enough to make any woman's heart full of joy! The funny part was that my dad assumed Jeff informed me of my dad's consent for us to be in a relationship and Jeff assumed my dad had filled me in and I was clueless. When we woke up the next morning, New Years Day 2017, my parents sat us down and were talking about the seriousness of being in a relationship and marriage... etc. I thought maybe they were taking matters into their own hands since Jeff and I had been talking so seriously the past two months. Then over breakfast they said something about announcing it in church and by that point I was freaking out. I thought they were going to scare Jeff off for sure and that they were being rather forward! So I was opposing all of their suggestions and felt quite uncomfortable. My dad did announce it in church that we were courting and that was actually the first time I was informed of our courtship. Quite a surprise, though a very pleasant one. Oh, life is amusing isn't it?!
The rest is history. Needless to say the joy and bliss of the Christmas and New Year season has returned and is much more beautiful than I could have ever imagine. Redeemed and made wonderful by Jeff coming into my life. The hurts of past Christmas's pale and are forgot in the radiant memories of 2016 and 2017.
At last, 2018 has come to a close leaving blessings in it's wake. A new child, our first anniversary, and 20 acres of land that we can call our own till the end of our days. It has been a good year.
Monday, December 31, 2018
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Best Buys of the Year
You know when you find a remarkable product and you just can't help chirping about it to all your friends? Well, that's what this post is about. Three really cool, life improving items that I'm really glad I spent our hard earned dough on (thanks to my hard working hubby!).
ONE: Silicone baking cups.
Sure the cute paper liners are adorable and a lot of fun.... if you like eating paper with your treat. It was a batch of muffins when finally I said enough is enough! It was a delicious pumpkin bread muffin but as usual half the muffin was sticking to the paper and I felt like a nut try to scrape off the last little crusty bits of goodness. No more. I ordered these reusable cups that make perfect, beautiful cupcakes and muffins. Hallelujah!
TWO: Then there was The Life Planner.
Actually I didn't buy this one for myself. My Aunt actually drove three hours to show the ladies in the family how life changing having a planner was. We were all thinking, sure, sure.... just another fancy dust collector, when the calendar works just fine. In order to prove her point she gave us each a planner. The year was half over so she was able to purchase them on a sale but half a year was long enough to convince me. You gotta try one. They are colorful and bring more joy to the daily, weekly and monthly scheduling process. They cost around $55... which comes out to a cost of $0.15 a day for a fun, useful and essential organization tool. Actually, the cheapest planner costs $35 and RIGHT NOW they have a 20% off on all their planners.
THREE: My favorite purchase...
I bought a Tempdrop and now I'm trying to convince all my lady friends to get one! It's a wearable thermometer that tracks your basal body temperature. What's so cool about this device is that it takes your temperature numerous times throughout the night (or day if that's when you sleep). I've never tracked my BBT without my TempDrop but I've heard horror stories from gals about how you have to take it at the same time every morning with a thermometer, before you stir in bed or get up. This must make it REALLY hard to get an accurate reading. And what happens when you want to sleep in? Or if you get up in the middle of the night for a snack or a trip to the bathroom? This can affect your reading. But not with a TempDrop!
If you're not married and in the baby making season yet you might be thinking you don't need one. But you do. Here's why: When you're single you have more money to spend freely. Whether it's a cup of coffee, a new dress or a tank of gas, money is easier to spend when you're single and don't have a family to feed. Take advantage of this time to prepare for your baby making days! Not only that but tracking your BBT isn't just about fertility. It's about knowing your body. I wish I would have started learning my body's signs before getting married. I had terrible periods occasionally where I'd be throwing up, faint, and have all sorts of other unpleasant symptoms. My cycle was longer than most womens and it would occasionally change on me due to stress or other things. Had I tracked my BBT I could have better know and prepared for my cycle and perhaps even learned how to change my diet and environment to establish better health. To add to the list I could have gone into marriage knowing when I was and wasn't fertile.
Which brings me to the reasons why I think you should get a TempDrop if you're in your baby making years. So many women are on unnatural forms of birth control that do a lot of damage to their bodies. TempDrop allows you to track when you ovulate and when you're fertile and not fertile. This could be an answer to prayers for some couples who are having more trouble trying to conceive!! The big bonus and selling point for me was that it works while breastfeeding. In spite of waking up numerous times throughout the night to nurse my little guy I can still track my BBT. It takes about two months of consistent wearing/data for the TempDrop to gather enough info to give you accurate feedback. If you think of how much people spend on contraceptives or fertility treatments over the course of a woman's lifetime this is SO CHEAP. How could you NOT afford to buy one?
There are a few different companies offering devices like the Tempdrop but my friend recommended this one to me and I really like it. The added bonus is that you can get referral candy! ....which means that if I tell you about TempDrop and you buy one, I get $10 and you get $10 off! Pretty awesome, if you ask me!
FOUR: the Waterpik
My dentist recommended a waterpik to me and I've heard people talking them for a while but who spends $60 on a machine that takes up space in your bathroom when you can buy floss? Well, I did. My assessment? It's revolutionized oral hygiene. It takes a little testing and trying to figure out how to use a Waterpik efficiently without spraying down the whole bathroom, but after that it's a breeze. It cleans your teeth better than a toothbrush and leaves them feeling smoother than your honey's buns! But seriously.... for me floss is a thing of the past or perhaps something you carry in your purse for emergencies. Like those occasions when you go to a restaurant and leave with half a piece of pineapple stuck between your teeth! Dental health hasn't always been my strong point as my mouth as small and some of my teeth are hard to get to. The Waterpik has numerous attachments that make it easy to reach all those teeth in the back of my mouth. I wish I would have purchased one a long time ago.
What have you bought this year that's made your life more enjoyable, easier and exciting?
It's been a good year with some fun finds. Can't wait to see what next year brings!
ONE: Silicone baking cups.
Sure the cute paper liners are adorable and a lot of fun.... if you like eating paper with your treat. It was a batch of muffins when finally I said enough is enough! It was a delicious pumpkin bread muffin but as usual half the muffin was sticking to the paper and I felt like a nut try to scrape off the last little crusty bits of goodness. No more. I ordered these reusable cups that make perfect, beautiful cupcakes and muffins. Hallelujah!
TWO: Then there was The Life Planner.
Actually I didn't buy this one for myself. My Aunt actually drove three hours to show the ladies in the family how life changing having a planner was. We were all thinking, sure, sure.... just another fancy dust collector, when the calendar works just fine. In order to prove her point she gave us each a planner. The year was half over so she was able to purchase them on a sale but half a year was long enough to convince me. You gotta try one. They are colorful and bring more joy to the daily, weekly and monthly scheduling process. They cost around $55... which comes out to a cost of $0.15 a day for a fun, useful and essential organization tool. Actually, the cheapest planner costs $35 and RIGHT NOW they have a 20% off on all their planners.
THREE: My favorite purchase...
I bought a Tempdrop and now I'm trying to convince all my lady friends to get one! It's a wearable thermometer that tracks your basal body temperature. What's so cool about this device is that it takes your temperature numerous times throughout the night (or day if that's when you sleep). I've never tracked my BBT without my TempDrop but I've heard horror stories from gals about how you have to take it at the same time every morning with a thermometer, before you stir in bed or get up. This must make it REALLY hard to get an accurate reading. And what happens when you want to sleep in? Or if you get up in the middle of the night for a snack or a trip to the bathroom? This can affect your reading. But not with a TempDrop!
If you're not married and in the baby making season yet you might be thinking you don't need one. But you do. Here's why: When you're single you have more money to spend freely. Whether it's a cup of coffee, a new dress or a tank of gas, money is easier to spend when you're single and don't have a family to feed. Take advantage of this time to prepare for your baby making days! Not only that but tracking your BBT isn't just about fertility. It's about knowing your body. I wish I would have started learning my body's signs before getting married. I had terrible periods occasionally where I'd be throwing up, faint, and have all sorts of other unpleasant symptoms. My cycle was longer than most womens and it would occasionally change on me due to stress or other things. Had I tracked my BBT I could have better know and prepared for my cycle and perhaps even learned how to change my diet and environment to establish better health. To add to the list I could have gone into marriage knowing when I was and wasn't fertile.
Which brings me to the reasons why I think you should get a TempDrop if you're in your baby making years. So many women are on unnatural forms of birth control that do a lot of damage to their bodies. TempDrop allows you to track when you ovulate and when you're fertile and not fertile. This could be an answer to prayers for some couples who are having more trouble trying to conceive!! The big bonus and selling point for me was that it works while breastfeeding. In spite of waking up numerous times throughout the night to nurse my little guy I can still track my BBT. It takes about two months of consistent wearing/data for the TempDrop to gather enough info to give you accurate feedback. If you think of how much people spend on contraceptives or fertility treatments over the course of a woman's lifetime this is SO CHEAP. How could you NOT afford to buy one?
There are a few different companies offering devices like the Tempdrop but my friend recommended this one to me and I really like it. The added bonus is that you can get referral candy! ....which means that if I tell you about TempDrop and you buy one, I get $10 and you get $10 off! Pretty awesome, if you ask me!
FOUR: the Waterpik
My dentist recommended a waterpik to me and I've heard people talking them for a while but who spends $60 on a machine that takes up space in your bathroom when you can buy floss? Well, I did. My assessment? It's revolutionized oral hygiene. It takes a little testing and trying to figure out how to use a Waterpik efficiently without spraying down the whole bathroom, but after that it's a breeze. It cleans your teeth better than a toothbrush and leaves them feeling smoother than your honey's buns! But seriously.... for me floss is a thing of the past or perhaps something you carry in your purse for emergencies. Like those occasions when you go to a restaurant and leave with half a piece of pineapple stuck between your teeth! Dental health hasn't always been my strong point as my mouth as small and some of my teeth are hard to get to. The Waterpik has numerous attachments that make it easy to reach all those teeth in the back of my mouth. I wish I would have purchased one a long time ago.
What have you bought this year that's made your life more enjoyable, easier and exciting?
It's been a good year with some fun finds. Can't wait to see what next year brings!
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Where have I been?
How is it already December? Worse yet, how have I missed blogging for most of the year?! I guess blogging is on the back burner when you're married and have a baby to care for. Not to mention all the craziness that's occurred this year. Living in Brodhead, WI in a camper while my husband worked on a job from May to August. Then house hunting, putting in three offers to purchase and having them all fall through.... only to find the most perfect 20 acre parcel of land to buy! Which we did.... with the help of our friendly, neighborhood banker. All resulting in moving out of our apartment and into my parents house. Perhaps that's why I'm drawn to blogging. Just being in the home where I grew up brings back old habits, routines and memories. Blogging has been a big part of my life. Why stop now?
But yeah, that's the big news of the day. Moving back in with the family. It's strange, and cool all at the same time. We have one room all to ourselves.... 13'x13'. It used to be the boys room, so you can imagine all the dust, dirt and boogers we had to scrub off the walls. Once cleaned and repaired we painted it a light, lovely color of pale, warm yellow with a milk white for the ceiling and trim. We managed to squeeze a futon bed, a bookshelf with a TV on top, two dressers, a recliner chair and Wright's pack-n-play that he sleeps in. Not bad for one little bedroom. Thankfully there's a closet to store our odds and ends in!
Anyway, now it's the Christmas season and I've been enjoying listening to the Christmas tunes and decorating the house with my sister Janelle! We have a good time together now. :)
But yeah, that's the big news of the day. Moving back in with the family. It's strange, and cool all at the same time. We have one room all to ourselves.... 13'x13'. It used to be the boys room, so you can imagine all the dust, dirt and boogers we had to scrub off the walls. Once cleaned and repaired we painted it a light, lovely color of pale, warm yellow with a milk white for the ceiling and trim. We managed to squeeze a futon bed, a bookshelf with a TV on top, two dressers, a recliner chair and Wright's pack-n-play that he sleeps in. Not bad for one little bedroom. Thankfully there's a closet to store our odds and ends in!
Anyway, now it's the Christmas season and I've been enjoying listening to the Christmas tunes and decorating the house with my sister Janelle! We have a good time together now. :)
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Comical Like Calvin
Perhaps all this time I have to "sit around" and recover had left me with too much time to think... but as I've been nursing and caring for my son it's dawned on me that his facial expressions are just like my favorite comic strip character, Calvin, from Calvin & Hobbs.
Here's what I mean...
For instance, sometimes at night I'll nurse Wright while laying down. When it comes time to burp him I'm too tired/lazy to sit up so I prop him up on my big squishy belly (I guess that's one perk to having a flabby after-birth belly.... it's like a big water bed for the baby to lay on). He looks something like this:
(this is also a good likeness of myself when Mr. Wright won't sleep at night lol)

And then there's the nights where he's wide awake! Bright eyed and bushy tailed! He always has that cute little look on his face like, "What? I'm innocent!" ...as Mom and Dad are trying to figure out why, after three hours, he's still not sleepy!
I love how when he is sleeping he'll do funny things with his hands like the picture below, and you're like, "Hey, kid! Take it easy or you're gonna scratch your eyeballs out!" Babies have such sharp little nails, too! Yikes...

This is what happens when we take off his clothes or change his diaper (he has this funny little cry that resembles a donkey's he-haw)...

The craziest, cutest thing ever was the first time Wright laughed in his sleep. His little laugh startled me as I'd been looking away from him and I turned to see his closed, happy eyelids and a huge toothless smile. So precious...

Then there's nursing time. This is by far the most hilarious. When he hasn't had a sip in a while and feels like he's so, so hungry, he'll latch onto the breast with this little grumpy expression as he clutches my boob:

Then he'll close one eye and peep at me with the other. I call this his "one-eyed-Jack" expression:

Then he'll come unlatched and bobble his head around in search of the boob... all the while maintaining the one-eye-Jack face:

He doesn't always have a grumpy face to start off. Sometimes he's a cute little wide-mouthed mister:


When he's almost done with a feeding he'll often have such a sleepy face and I'm constantly having to tickle him to keep him awake enough to finish. I have to remind him that he's not supposed to fall asleep on the boob... even if it is comfy.

And then you get to burping time at the end of a hearty mother's-milk-meal and after a couple huge burps he'll get this worn out look on his face! So cute! Poor fella....


All-in-all he's a cute little dude and he makes Jeff and I laugh so much.
He's getting more and more alert too! It's so much fun to watch his bobbley little head checking out his curious new surroundings. We really can't get enough of him!!!
Here's what I mean...
For instance, sometimes at night I'll nurse Wright while laying down. When it comes time to burp him I'm too tired/lazy to sit up so I prop him up on my big squishy belly (I guess that's one perk to having a flabby after-birth belly.... it's like a big water bed for the baby to lay on). He looks something like this:

(this is also a good likeness of myself when Mr. Wright won't sleep at night lol)

And then there's the nights where he's wide awake! Bright eyed and bushy tailed! He always has that cute little look on his face like, "What? I'm innocent!" ...as Mom and Dad are trying to figure out why, after three hours, he's still not sleepy!

I love how when he is sleeping he'll do funny things with his hands like the picture below, and you're like, "Hey, kid! Take it easy or you're gonna scratch your eyeballs out!" Babies have such sharp little nails, too! Yikes...

This is what happens when we take off his clothes or change his diaper (he has this funny little cry that resembles a donkey's he-haw)...

The craziest, cutest thing ever was the first time Wright laughed in his sleep. His little laugh startled me as I'd been looking away from him and I turned to see his closed, happy eyelids and a huge toothless smile. So precious...

Then there's nursing time. This is by far the most hilarious. When he hasn't had a sip in a while and feels like he's so, so hungry, he'll latch onto the breast with this little grumpy expression as he clutches my boob:

Then he'll close one eye and peep at me with the other. I call this his "one-eyed-Jack" expression:

Then he'll come unlatched and bobble his head around in search of the boob... all the while maintaining the one-eye-Jack face:

He doesn't always have a grumpy face to start off. Sometimes he's a cute little wide-mouthed mister:


When he's almost done with a feeding he'll often have such a sleepy face and I'm constantly having to tickle him to keep him awake enough to finish. I have to remind him that he's not supposed to fall asleep on the boob... even if it is comfy.

And then you get to burping time at the end of a hearty mother's-milk-meal and after a couple huge burps he'll get this worn out look on his face! So cute! Poor fella....


(don't worry... I fixed his head so it wasn't falling out! lol)
He's getting more and more alert too! It's so much fun to watch his bobbley little head checking out his curious new surroundings. We really can't get enough of him!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018
My Birth Story
It's amazing how becoming a mother opens up a door to a world of womanhood that I never thought much of before becoming pregnant. It seems that every time I visit with another mother of any age the conversation now always turns to birthing and raising children. It's not that I never had such conversations before I was pregnant and giving birth. It's just that they didn't mean the same thing back then. It's like when a friend tells you of their vacation to a foreign land and describes the brilliance of the place but it's not till you go there yourself that you can appreciate and understand the landscape, the local atmosphere and the vibes of the destination. Only now that I've "arrived", (really I've just begun my journey) can I truly appreciate the stories, wisdom and advice I hear from other mothers. Every time babies and birth come up it makes me smile when the mother I'm visiting with begins to share her birth story. It's something we women can't help but share... and something we can't help but want to hear.
Taken on April 27th.... the day my water broke.
So this is my birth story...
It's been two weeks and four days now since the night things began to change. My water broke at 10:30pm on Friday, April 27th. I'd just put a vinyl fitted sheet on the bed mattress a few days before and it's a good thing that I did (Seeing as I was 2 weeks and 1 day overdue I don't know why I hadn't gotten it on the bed sooner)! I didn't get much rest that night as contractions, bathroom trips and my mind kept me awake. The next day the contractions grew closer and a little stronger but nothing to make the midwife change her morning routine and rush over. My contractions were, at the most, 5.5 minutes apart all morning and oddly enough they'd get stronger from sitting and resting and go away when I'd move around. My midwife came around noon and we set about doing various things to encourage the labor to progress. I tried the exercise ball, walking around the yard with my husband, and a trip to the park with hubby and midwife to do some brisk walking (I would always get BH contractions when trying to keep up with my husbands long legged walks), lunges up steps and taking two steps at a time up the bleachers by the baseball diamond. Not exactly the most fun but it was nice to get outside in the sunshine.
I was feeling pretty tired by the afternoon and labor still wasn't progressing in spite of the baby seeming to be nicely engaged. My mom joined us around 4 or 5pm. Honestly, I didn't really pay attention to the time. I had terrible back labor that would stretch into my thighs and the only thing that relieved the ache was a back rub. We (meaning my mom, Jeff and the midwife) filled up the birthing pool, lit some candles, dimmed the lights, put some beverages within reach and turned on my Spotify playlist. They all laughed when I climbed in the pool and gave a sigh of delight. So relaxing! Oh, so the birthing pool was pretty neat. It was a brilliant but redneck pool made up of a stock tank (provided by the midwife at no extra cost), pillows and a white bed sheet under a sheet of plastic, held in place by bungee chords. After a while my husband thew on his swim trunks and hopped in there with me. We both thought it was a pretty ideal hot tub and if it weren't for the fact that I was in labor it would have made for a pretty romantic way to spend a Friday night. But the midwife kept us on track and had Jeff rub my stomach between contractions to stimulate them. For whatever reason my uterus never responded the way most women's do during labor. I never had intense stomach contractions. Just insane back labor and little braxton hicks contractions that didn't hurt at all. The contractions that I did have were irregular and not very close together. When it came time for pushing I'd literally have to watch for the top of my belly to harden in order to know that I was having a contraction and start pushing.
The midwife decided I should take castor oil... which I really didn't want to do and put it off until around 8pm or so. It was supposedly tasteless and odorless but let me tell you, it's like trying to drink motor oil or peanut butter. Ugg. Not only that but I quickly discovered that it gives you the runs! ...or should I say the shoots?!! The castor oil definitely livened labor up, so I was in active labor for probably 7 hours (2 of which were hard pushing at the end). By the end I was quite convinced this kid was never coming out and I didn't think I could do it any more. I was so tired and it hurt so bad to push. Perhaps I was too tired to quit, but in my mind there were no other options but to continue on until a baby arrived. Thank the Lord, the midwife checked the baby's heart rate continuously and it was always a steady 130. Labor didn't seem to bother the little boy who didn't seem to want to come out. Finally after pushing for a good hour and trying a million different positions and tricks to get baby down and out my midwife checked my cervix (she is usually hands off unless necessary so we hadn't done any checks up to this point) and she discovered that I had a cervical lip of sorts that was holding baby back. This explained everything because the baby's head was very low and I was fully dilated for hours. We check dilation with the old butt crack method. I'd never heard of it until I met my midwife but apparently there's a seam or a line between your butt cheeks that gradually turns purple. It's like a thermometer and the purple line rises the more you dilate. Pretty amusing really!
Anyway, once the lip was out of the way baby came in 45 minutes. I'm very glad my midwife is "hands off" but I wish we would have figured that out sooner as it could have saved hours of labor. The excitement wasn't over yet though. I wasn't able to have a water birth thanks to the castor oil and an incontinent BM in the pool (ewww!) so I finally wound up in the bed. The baby's head crowned. I could finally see my child which gave me hope that it would soon be over. Everyone laughed when I asked if they could just pull it out! I was so exhausted and ready to be done. Plus, nothing could ever prepare you for the intense burn of delivering a child vaginally. I had discussed with my midwife ways to prevent tearing because that was something I REALLY didn't want to experience. She'd told me that she'd never had a bad tear in her time as a midwife and due to the way the baby was progressing my midwife was confident that I wouldn't tear! When the baby had crowned most of the way and my mom said another push would reveal the eyebrows and ears (baby was face down), I gave a big push and the whole baby shot out! I was too tired to realize that baby's aren't supposed to come out in one big burst. Normally the head is born, and then the shoulders followed by the body. I tore..... really bad. In fact they thought it might have even been a 4th degree tear!
My son was born at 5:09am and after nine months I finally held him in my arms. I remember thinking he was so big! I tried to nurse him and eventually Jeff cut the cord and someone wrapped his wet body in a blanket. After that I don't remember a whole lot. I remember resting and trying to sleep as the midwife and my mom were cleaning some things up and monitoring my condition. They were concerned that I was losing too much blood (My midwife said normal blood-loss would be around 500ml and that I'd lost around 1200ml). The midwife gave me a shot of pitocin but it didn't seem to do anything. She finally decided I should go to the ER just to have them check me over in case I needed some blood. They were going to drive me but when I stood up to leave the bedroom I fainted. Jeff called 911.... the poor guy had trouble remembering our address! I layed on the bed until the EMS guys showed up. They transferred me to the local hospital which was a few miles down the road. They never did have to give me blood but I had to have antibiotics because my white blood cell count was elevated. Since we'd left in such a rush, they hadn't weighed or measured the baby, so my mom and the Dr. put him on a scale and he was a hearty 8lbs. 3 oz.! We didn't get him measured until later that night but he came out to be 20 inches long.
(Oh, and a funny side note: while I was in the hospital getting stitched up, Jeff and my dad had to change Wright's first big poop! Jeff's first time changing a diaper! When the midwife came for a check-up the next day and weighed Wright again, he was down to 7lbs. 8oz. Goodness, that was one big poop!)
Jeff & Wright, a few hours after birth.
Eventually, they transferred me to another hospital where they could take care of the tear. They thought I'd need surgery but luckily the specialist who repaired my tear determined that I only had a 3rd degree tear and he was able to use local pain killer and stitch me up in 15 minutes. No surgery, no more antibiotics and no stay in the hospital. (though I honestly wouldn't have minded being put out for surgery as I was so tired and would have welcomed the "nap"). I experienced a lot of firsts on April 29th. First time having a baby. First ambulance ride (and I had two in one day!). First time getting a catheter (since they kept me on a stretcher or an ER bed/table the whole day). First time being stitched up. I'm probably forgetting something.....
After being discharged from the hospital my brother snapped a photo of the three of us together. Three very sleepy human beings.
That wasn't exactly how I figured birth would go, but I knew it wouldn't be easy. It was worth whatever trouble I went through, though. I'm so thankful I was able to have a home birth and that I had such a supportive team to help me through the process and help Jeff and I get through the crazy first week of Wright's life. I was so weak from losing blood and sore from the stitches that I had to have help just to make it to the bathroom and back without fainting. In fact I was naughty and tried showering two days after giving birth and fainted in the shower. Jeff happened to come in and check on me just in time to catch me and prevent me from really hurting myself. Yesterday was my first day at home, alone with Wright. It's nice to feel normal again (for the most part). It's crazy learning and getting used to caring for a little man and trust me, sometimes the sleepless nights get the best of me. Yet, I wouldn't have it any other way. This little guy makes Jeff and I laugh so much.... and sometimes I cry over how beautiful and wonderful he is. These postpartum hormones are nuts. What a privilege and a blessing it is to be a mother! My mind often wanders to who he'll be when he's older and I already worry about doing a good job of raising him up. I let him know often how much mommy, daddy and Jesus love him and I can't wait till he can understand how much Jesus really loves him.
But I have to remind myself to just be in the moment and soak up every second with my son. They don't stay little for long. We weighed Wright on Sunday and he's already 9lbs! Good heavens!
Speaking of soaking up the moment.... I'm off to nurse my little guy.
Friday, April 27, 2018
A little overdue humor.
How do you like that title? LOL .....that's my pun for the day. ;)
Anyway, in spite of the fact that it takes a lot of work responding to the many people who want to know if my baby has arrived yet I really don't mind answering their questions. It just boggles my mind as to why they ask since I'd let everyone know if the baby had made it's appearance. But I guess I've been guilty of being curious and pesky so I can't really get too feisty about it all.
Nevertheless my friend Hannah sent me these memes this morning that made my day! I had to share them with you!
My friend Nora shared this hilarious website with me. People would probably get offended if I actually suggested they visit it but I get a good laugh out of the thought....
A line from one of my favorite movies always pops into my head. I did actually post a clip of it from YouTube on Facebook with this caption: "When people want to know why the baby hasn't arrived yet and overdue mom's be like..."
Anyway, I suppose I have too much time on my hands and should take such things more seriously. I know most people are just concerned and have the best intentions because they care and wish the best for my little family. I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers and don't know what I would do without such a wonderful support group! People who I can bounce my random pregnancy symptoms off of and who assure me that everything will be all right. I'm very thankful for the people in my life. Yes, even the snoopy, extra curious ones. ;)
Anyway, in spite of the fact that it takes a lot of work responding to the many people who want to know if my baby has arrived yet I really don't mind answering their questions. It just boggles my mind as to why they ask since I'd let everyone know if the baby had made it's appearance. But I guess I've been guilty of being curious and pesky so I can't really get too feisty about it all.
Nevertheless my friend Hannah sent me these memes this morning that made my day! I had to share them with you!
My friend Nora shared this hilarious website with me. People would probably get offended if I actually suggested they visit it but I get a good laugh out of the thought....
A line from one of my favorite movies always pops into my head. I did actually post a clip of it from YouTube on Facebook with this caption: "When people want to know why the baby hasn't arrived yet and overdue mom's be like..."
Anyway, I suppose I have too much time on my hands and should take such things more seriously. I know most people are just concerned and have the best intentions because they care and wish the best for my little family. I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers and don't know what I would do without such a wonderful support group! People who I can bounce my random pregnancy symptoms off of and who assure me that everything will be all right. I'm very thankful for the people in my life. Yes, even the snoopy, extra curious ones. ;)
Thursday, April 26, 2018
It's a due date...
Today I've hit 42 weeks of pregnancy. I've had so many inquiries about the baby coming.... but little to answer questions with because not much has changed from two weeks ago. I think the baby has grown some and I've acquired more stretch marks as a result. My feet get hot at night and I seem to be waking up a little more frequently. Not to mention the weird dreams. But you can't make a baby come if mom is healthy and baby has a good heartbeat, is still kicking a lot and is not ready to be out of the womb.
The most frequent question I get is, am I going to be induced? By the end of this week I'll start looking at alternative/natural ways to encourage my body to go into labor, yet even with that I don't feel a rush to get things going. It would be so nice to just naturally go into labor. In fact, I'm not sure why a lot of moms rush to have their babies be born.... it just doesn't make any sense to me. God has a way of working things out in His own time and why would we treat the 3rd trimester any different than the 1st or the 2nd? I think a lot of it has to do with the expectations that we humans put on ourselves. We have timelines and ways to try to organize life and any time something diverges from the expected path we start to worry because of our need to control every little detail. We forget that we really have very little that we can control in life besides our own actions/reactions to the events and people we come across day to day. We forget to wait on the Lord. Psalm 27:14 says, "Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord."
One friend commented on Facebook, "It's a due date, not an expiration date." There's so much truth in that statement. I understand that there are plenty of times when it is necessary to use certain means to bring a baby into the world asap, and I am thankful for doctors and tools that we have in such situations. Yet, if these medical interventions are not necessary, why would anyone want to rush a miracle? Ecclesiastes 11:5, "As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all."
People tell me they are surprised that I am so patient... yet not once have I considered that I had any other alternative but to be patient. I have learned to be patient through other circumstances like waiting for my husband to come along. That only took 25 years. What then is 9 months? Of course I am excited to meet this little being that's been kicking around in my womb for weeks. Of course I wonder, wish and wait. But I have faith that it won't be long before all of my curiosities and questions will be answered and that day will be delightful.
Psalm 127:3 “Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.”
The most frequent question I get is, am I going to be induced? By the end of this week I'll start looking at alternative/natural ways to encourage my body to go into labor, yet even with that I don't feel a rush to get things going. It would be so nice to just naturally go into labor. In fact, I'm not sure why a lot of moms rush to have their babies be born.... it just doesn't make any sense to me. God has a way of working things out in His own time and why would we treat the 3rd trimester any different than the 1st or the 2nd? I think a lot of it has to do with the expectations that we humans put on ourselves. We have timelines and ways to try to organize life and any time something diverges from the expected path we start to worry because of our need to control every little detail. We forget that we really have very little that we can control in life besides our own actions/reactions to the events and people we come across day to day. We forget to wait on the Lord. Psalm 27:14 says, "Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord."
One friend commented on Facebook, "It's a due date, not an expiration date." There's so much truth in that statement. I understand that there are plenty of times when it is necessary to use certain means to bring a baby into the world asap, and I am thankful for doctors and tools that we have in such situations. Yet, if these medical interventions are not necessary, why would anyone want to rush a miracle? Ecclesiastes 11:5, "As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all."
People tell me they are surprised that I am so patient... yet not once have I considered that I had any other alternative but to be patient. I have learned to be patient through other circumstances like waiting for my husband to come along. That only took 25 years. What then is 9 months? Of course I am excited to meet this little being that's been kicking around in my womb for weeks. Of course I wonder, wish and wait. But I have faith that it won't be long before all of my curiosities and questions will be answered and that day will be delightful.
Psalm 127:3 “Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.”
Friday, April 13, 2018
Baby Bumps
Beginning of January with my other pregnant momma friends:
Rachel, Becca, Aleks, myself, Katie.
Rachel, Becca, Aleks, myself, Katie.
Only Katie and I have yet to have our babies.
Beginning of March
April 12th! Due Date!
....and still waiting patiently for Baby!
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
With Great Anticipation
Only two days until my due date.... the big 40 week mark! Not that that means much. Babies come when they will and no gestational predictor or assigned date will urge them to come any sooner or later than they choose. My friends are already asking daily how I'm doing hoping to hear some news. Yet, I've been telling everyone all along that I don't think this baby is going to come early. In fact I suspect it will come "late". This may horrify you, but a lot of babies go over due and actually setting a due day by using a cow's gestational time table is much more accurate. Not always... but sometimes. When my sister had her first baby my dad used the "cow calendar" to suggest the baby would be born on June 30th. Baby came at 11pm that very day... and supposedly over due by human gestational standards. So my "cow due date" is the 23rd. I guess we'll see what happens. My husband doesn't think it's possible for my belly to grow any bigger so every day he says he thinks baby will come tomorrow. That's a fairly safe guess as eventually he'll be right!
Who knows if I'll be prepared enough. This past week was so busy and I really felt worn out by the end of it all. Not surprisingly, I've started to experience swollen ankles and feet. Not by a lot but enough swelling to necessitate sitting down and propping my feet up more often. Baby hasn't dropped yet and is still spending a good deal of time nestled under my ribs. Not very comfortable, especially after a meal!
Jeff and I are really looking forward to our little one's arrival. After nine months I can still barely grasp that we're going to have our very own child. I don't think the reality of it all will set in until I'm holding our little squirmy baby in my arms. No doubt once I've changed more diapers than I've seen in years, or can't pass it off to it's mom when it starts crying it'll really set in. I'm looking forward to it all though and am excited about this new stage of motherhood. I almost feel more like an on-looker watching as I'm swept away by the tides of life into this new experience. That's probably why they tell you not to blink in life because it all goes by too quickly. This first pregnancy has really breezed by and I can only imagine how fast the first year of my child's life will zip past. I'll try my best to savour every little moment.
Who knows if I'll be prepared enough. This past week was so busy and I really felt worn out by the end of it all. Not surprisingly, I've started to experience swollen ankles and feet. Not by a lot but enough swelling to necessitate sitting down and propping my feet up more often. Baby hasn't dropped yet and is still spending a good deal of time nestled under my ribs. Not very comfortable, especially after a meal!
Jeff and I are really looking forward to our little one's arrival. After nine months I can still barely grasp that we're going to have our very own child. I don't think the reality of it all will set in until I'm holding our little squirmy baby in my arms. No doubt once I've changed more diapers than I've seen in years, or can't pass it off to it's mom when it starts crying it'll really set in. I'm looking forward to it all though and am excited about this new stage of motherhood. I almost feel more like an on-looker watching as I'm swept away by the tides of life into this new experience. That's probably why they tell you not to blink in life because it all goes by too quickly. This first pregnancy has really breezed by and I can only imagine how fast the first year of my child's life will zip past. I'll try my best to savour every little moment.
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Taking A Moment
March is already in full swing! And baby is only a month from it's birthday. Jeff and I are getting excited and a little nervous at the same time. It's a pretty big deal to have a little baby. Can you really ever be prepared for such a beautiful, miraculous moment when you go through labor and birth and finally meet your first born?! I don't think anything can prepare parents for such a day. And we've both dreamed of such a future for many years. Now our dreams are becoming a reality and it's hard to soak it all up.
It's a sunny day and I've been busy with dishes, sweeping and other household chores this morning. These basic activities seem to give me braxton-hix contractions. Or at least I'm pretty sure that's what I feel. I work or do some activity and my belly feels like lead in a sense. Heavy or tight. Not painfully so and not in an extreme way but definitely different. So after a bit of work I thought I'd take a little break to blog.
I plan to get some vacuuming done next, which I've put off or run out of time to get done for the past week. I'm also going to whip up some herbal lotion. I had herbally infused oils that I turned into salve the other day. I just picked up some aloe vera juice from Walmart and I'm going to add it to the salve along with some shea butter in my magic bullet. So exciting! This salve/lotion is intended to be really good for the skin with jojoba oil, coconut oil, almond oil, voilets, oats, calendula and yarrow. I added a little tea tree essential oil for it's antibacterial properties and a good bit of cedarwood essential oil. So it has a nice green color and a woodsy smell. I've been putting some salve that I made a while back on my growing, stretching belly every day. It's almost 100% used up so this lotion going to be ready just in time! If there's extra I'll probably pass some on to other pregnant mommy's I know or friends who aren't afraid of homemade herbal creations.
I'd also like to get some cookies made for my husband today. He's been wanting some for a while now. It's tricky because I don't have a mixer/kitchenade so making cookies is a bit more difficult but it's still doable.
Well.... it's gonna be a busy month getting everything ready to go for baby! But I'll blog more about all the baby plans later. Time to get back to homemaking! I sure am thankful my husband is willing to go to work and let me stay here and be a homemaker! What a blessing!
It's a sunny day and I've been busy with dishes, sweeping and other household chores this morning. These basic activities seem to give me braxton-hix contractions. Or at least I'm pretty sure that's what I feel. I work or do some activity and my belly feels like lead in a sense. Heavy or tight. Not painfully so and not in an extreme way but definitely different. So after a bit of work I thought I'd take a little break to blog.
I plan to get some vacuuming done next, which I've put off or run out of time to get done for the past week. I'm also going to whip up some herbal lotion. I had herbally infused oils that I turned into salve the other day. I just picked up some aloe vera juice from Walmart and I'm going to add it to the salve along with some shea butter in my magic bullet. So exciting! This salve/lotion is intended to be really good for the skin with jojoba oil, coconut oil, almond oil, voilets, oats, calendula and yarrow. I added a little tea tree essential oil for it's antibacterial properties and a good bit of cedarwood essential oil. So it has a nice green color and a woodsy smell. I've been putting some salve that I made a while back on my growing, stretching belly every day. It's almost 100% used up so this lotion going to be ready just in time! If there's extra I'll probably pass some on to other pregnant mommy's I know or friends who aren't afraid of homemade herbal creations.
I'd also like to get some cookies made for my husband today. He's been wanting some for a while now. It's tricky because I don't have a mixer/kitchenade so making cookies is a bit more difficult but it's still doable.
Well.... it's gonna be a busy month getting everything ready to go for baby! But I'll blog more about all the baby plans later. Time to get back to homemaking! I sure am thankful my husband is willing to go to work and let me stay here and be a homemaker! What a blessing!
Friday, February 9, 2018
February 5-11th
It's the 9th of February and did you know that we are in the midst of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week? It's ironic then, that Fifty Shades Freed is opening in Theaters this very day around our nation. What is the world coming to? Right after the nation sighs and weeps for the girls sexually abused by Larry Nassar, folks rush to the theater to get a good dose of sexual corruption glorified as a love story. It's twisted, bizarre and disgusting.
In light of all of this I thought I'd share some websites and articles:
Check out Fight The New Drug. A non-profit organization promoting real love and working to disarm the porn industry. Read their article on Fifty Shades Freed.
Read this thought provoking article by Jimmy Hinton on the Larry Nassar case.
Check out a website for Sexual Abuse and Sexual Awareness Week: #ITSNOTOK
For a cool study in your Bible look up all the references for the word "pure" and it's variations.
Remember that we are to be, "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;" ....which will be easier if you keep your mind focused on these things:
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." - Phil. 4:8
In light of all of this I thought I'd share some websites and articles:
Check out Fight The New Drug. A non-profit organization promoting real love and working to disarm the porn industry. Read their article on Fifty Shades Freed.
Read this thought provoking article by Jimmy Hinton on the Larry Nassar case.
Check out a website for Sexual Abuse and Sexual Awareness Week: #ITSNOTOK
For a cool study in your Bible look up all the references for the word "pure" and it's variations.
Remember that we are to be, "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;" ....which will be easier if you keep your mind focused on these things:
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." - Phil. 4:8
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Early Morning Musings
It's not yet 7am. Jeff and I woke up with his alarm clock (although we ignored it through a few snoozes). The baby seemed to wake up from it too and was dancing away in my belly so much so that I couldn't really fall back asleep between the alarms. I told Jeff I thought the baby could hear the alarm but he didn't think it would be able to hear that well. I'm not sure what can be heard from the womb with little baby ears... but I suspect our little munchkin's hearing is quite excellent, and that it was indeed reacting to the song coming from Jeff's phone.
Once up, I made us oatmeal and packed Jeff his lunch and snacks for the day. After reading the daily Bible devotional he was off to work. Now here I sit pondering the course I should pursue for the day. I have lots of things on my mind. My friend is coming with her one year old for a photoshoot. It's actually going to be a smash cake session so that should be all the more exciting and challenging. It's the last day of January and I'm already trying to figure out what I should write about for the newspaper this coming month. The end of January also means I'm that much closer to the end of pregnancy and the beginning of mothering a child. I've spent a lot of time around babies yet I still suspect I'm in for a lot of surprises. Not only the mothering aspect but I will also be experiencing labor and birth for the first time. A part of this is exciting while on the other hand I worry that I won't be strong enough, fit enough, or calm enough. Yet worrying won't help me be prepared so I try to avoid focusing on the difficulties I may face and instead try to think of ways I can get through and overcome the challenges.
In the back of our daily devotional there's a poem that I quite like.
Why Worry?
Worry never climbed a hill.
Worry never paid a bill.
Worry never dried a tear.
Worry never calmed a fear.
Worry never darned a heel.
Worry never cooked a meal.
Worry never led a horse to water.
Worry never did a thing you thought it oughta.
-Author Unknown
It's so true. Most of our worries never become a reality and just knowing that fact, worries are so much easier to dismiss. Not to mention we have our Father in heaven who we can call upon at any time and cast all our cares upon Him. We are to be anxious for nothing but give thanks in everything, thereby allowing the peace of God to rule in our hearts and minds. This sounds like a much better alternative to the stress and fear that worrying brings.
Well, it won't be too long before the sun creeps up. There's a blue-gray light making the out of doors visible. I see we had a little sprinkle of fresh, fluffy snow last night. I look forward to what the rest of the day may bring. I hope yours is fruitful and full of the blessings and peace of God.
Once up, I made us oatmeal and packed Jeff his lunch and snacks for the day. After reading the daily Bible devotional he was off to work. Now here I sit pondering the course I should pursue for the day. I have lots of things on my mind. My friend is coming with her one year old for a photoshoot. It's actually going to be a smash cake session so that should be all the more exciting and challenging. It's the last day of January and I'm already trying to figure out what I should write about for the newspaper this coming month. The end of January also means I'm that much closer to the end of pregnancy and the beginning of mothering a child. I've spent a lot of time around babies yet I still suspect I'm in for a lot of surprises. Not only the mothering aspect but I will also be experiencing labor and birth for the first time. A part of this is exciting while on the other hand I worry that I won't be strong enough, fit enough, or calm enough. Yet worrying won't help me be prepared so I try to avoid focusing on the difficulties I may face and instead try to think of ways I can get through and overcome the challenges.
In the back of our daily devotional there's a poem that I quite like.
Why Worry?
Worry never climbed a hill.
Worry never paid a bill.
Worry never dried a tear.
Worry never calmed a fear.
Worry never darned a heel.
Worry never cooked a meal.
Worry never led a horse to water.
Worry never did a thing you thought it oughta.
-Author Unknown
It's so true. Most of our worries never become a reality and just knowing that fact, worries are so much easier to dismiss. Not to mention we have our Father in heaven who we can call upon at any time and cast all our cares upon Him. We are to be anxious for nothing but give thanks in everything, thereby allowing the peace of God to rule in our hearts and minds. This sounds like a much better alternative to the stress and fear that worrying brings.
Well, it won't be too long before the sun creeps up. There's a blue-gray light making the out of doors visible. I see we had a little sprinkle of fresh, fluffy snow last night. I look forward to what the rest of the day may bring. I hope yours is fruitful and full of the blessings and peace of God.
Friday, January 19, 2018
A few thoughts on gifts.
I started writing for the newspaper again and I submitted an article on giving as it was for the December 2017 edition. I posted a picture of my article in the paper on Facebook to show people what I was up to and they all said wanted to read it! So here it is... better late than never.
December 2017
December 2017
Before Thanksgiving Day had passed, fliers and ads were
filling up our mailboxes with holiday discounts and perks for the savvy
shopper. A jaunt through the neighbourhood revealed homes adorned with
Christmas lights and festive décor. Establishments and stores had likewise
switched to a wintery theme. During a visit to the Post Office I noticed a
postman bundled up against the cold wind, loading an open trailer with lots of boxes
taped up with Amazon labels. The season of gifts had begun.
We’ve been conditioned by our society to find our giving
spirit this time of year. We listen to the Christmas favourites, bake holiday
treats, and put up a pine tree, bringing back all those lovely Christmas things
reminiscent of our childhood. And yet, the wish to give gifts to our friends
and family is likely the strongest tide pulling us to spend a little extra
money this time of year.
While the commercial world makes gift giving a matter of
necessity, a true gift is a rare and beautiful thing. In Ralph Waldo Emerson’s
essay on gifts, he conveys, “Rings and other jewels are not gifts, but
apologies for gifts. The only gift is a portion of thyself. Thou must bleed for
me. Therefore the poet brings his poem; the shepherd, his lamb; the farmer,
corn; the miner, a gem; the sailor, coral and shells; the painter, his picture;
the girl, a handkerchief of her own sewing. This is right and pleasing, for it
restores society in so far to its primary basis, when a man’s biography is
conveyed in his gift, and every man’s wealth is an index of his merit. But it
is a cold, lifeless business when you go to the shops to buy me something which
does not represent your life and talent, but a goldsmith’s.”
Emerson was correct in saying, “He is a good man who can
receive a gift well.” We expect a lot in this season of gifts. We expect our
bank accounts to keep up with our level of generosity, our gifts to be accepted
with great appreciation and delight, and especially that we might receive the
very gifts we desire the most as well. 2 Corinthians 9:11 sums it up, “Every man according as he purposeth in his
heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a
cheerful giver.”
Truly, the best gift we can receive or share with anyone is
the gift of salvation. Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift
of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
My family used to make Christmas a really big deal. Under a
twinkling tree there would be piles of gifts. Eventually my parents became
disillusioned to the ways of the holiday season. While we don’t bring a tree
indoors or buy each other gifts, we still celebrate the joys of Christmas, and
focus on the gift of family and the many blessing we’ve received from the Lord.
I propose an idea that is difficult to accept amidst the
clamour of the commercial gift giving season: That your gifts be not out of
necessity because a friend or relative has given to you or expects a gift from
you, or because it’s a tradition that you’ve kept each year. Instead, that you’d
give when you are able to give out of the joy of blessing another. There is nothing wrong with a material gift.
After all, the magi’s gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh were material
things. Perhaps we cannot all afford to bestow such extravagant blessings but
let us remember that giving is not to be done because the season demands it but
rather because we’ve been blessed and therefore choose to bless others in
James 1:17, “Every
good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father
of lights, with whom is no
variableness, neither
shadow of turning.”
More On Joseph
While learning about Joseph yesterday I came across articles that were published in Bible and Spade. The articles work to relate the historical and archeological information we have today to what we know of Joseph in the scriptures. I found it to very fascinating so I thought I'd share them here for you:
Joseph in Egypt: part I
Joseph in Egypt: part II
Joseph in Egypt: part III
Joseph in Egypt: part IV
Joseph in Egypt: part V
Joseph in Egypt: part VI
I hope you enjoy them as much as I did! There's nothing quite as exciting and invigorating as learning about the word of God!
Joseph in Egypt: part I
Joseph in Egypt: part II
Joseph in Egypt: part III
Joseph in Egypt: part IV
Joseph in Egypt: part V
Joseph in Egypt: part VI
I hope you enjoy them as much as I did! There's nothing quite as exciting and invigorating as learning about the word of God!
Thursday, January 18, 2018
5 Reasons Why Joseph Is A Good Example
Jeff and I received a daily Bible devotional in the mail from a Mennonite outreach. It's wholesome and they even use the King James Version for all of their scripture references. The devotional recommends a daily Bible reading schedule so that if you follow the plan you can read the Bible in a year. We'd decided to attempt such a feat although within the first two weeks I'd already fallen behind. So yesterday and this morning I spent a good deal of time reading the last 43 chapters of Genesis. It was actually nice, because without breaking up the flow of the scripture by reading just 2 or 3 chapters a day, I was able to gain much more from continuous reading.
Genesis always amazes me. I read about some of the abominable things the people did, even among those who God chose to set apart and bless! I wondered why God would continue to work with such a people! The book of Genesis has so many appalling details. The murders, the sexual sins, the wickedness, the many different wives some of the men took and all of the problems that followed these things (Thank the Lord that His plans are higher than ours and in spite of the sins of every generation He provides a way for atonement and redemption!). Yet as the book progresses It's refreshing to begin reading of Jacob's son Joseph.
There are so many instances in which Joseph could have despaired and lost his faith. As his story began, in Genesis 37, Joseph was hated by his step-brothers because he was favored by his father. They also disliked his dreams of their obeisance to him. In spite of his innocence his brothers betrayed him and sold him into slavery. He ended up in a strange land, absent from the parents he loved. Yet in all of his life we see an example of incredible character, conduct and faith.
We read in 1 John 2:16 that Satan has a three-fold strategy for attacking the believer, "the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life". Notice in the account of Joseph that he was tempted in all three areas numerous times but stayed strong in the Lord and pursued righteousness.
Here are 5 of the major things about Joseph's character that stood out to me as exemplary:
5. Others benefited from Joseph's faith.
Genesis 39:2-3 says, "And the LORD was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian. And his master saw that the LORD was with him, and that the LORD made all that he did to prosper in his hand." Joseph's faith was evident to all those who knew him. He didn't curse the Lord when he was in the lowliest seasons but continued to trust God and when he abounded he wasn't proud or boastful but attributed his success to God. Because of his faithfulness to God he was blessed by God and those around him benefited greatly. As believers today we can bring great blessing to those around us by following after God and being a light in this ever darkening world.
4. Joseph was honest.
Joseph was trustworthy as his master, Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, made him overseer of all his house and all that he had. Potiphar was so confident in Joseph that he didn't even keep track of him as Gen. 39:6 says, "And he left all that he had in joseph's hand; and he knew not out he had, save the bread which he did eat...." The last half of the verse says, "And Joseph was a goodly person, and well favoured." So we see that Joseph was a good and honest man. Colossians 3:23-24 tells us believers,"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ." Joseph conducted himself honestly and gained the trust of those around him, not because he stove to please men but because he was obedient to God.
3. Joseph valued purity.
After we read about the moral corruptness of many of the men who came before Joseph, it is a breath of fresh air to read about how he fled from sexual temptation. As chapter 39 progresses we see that Potiphar's wife desired to lie with Joseph. Joseph didn't fall prey to this woman. He refused her command and responded, "Behold, my master wotteth not what is with me in the house, and he hath committed all that he hath to my hand; There is none greater in this house than I; neither hath he kept back any thing from me but thee, because thou art his wife: how then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?" Potiphar's wife daily tempted him to give in to her and "he haearkened no unto her to lie by her, or to be with her." So not only would he not lie with her but he wouldn't spend time with her! Talk about conviction and fortitude! As the story goes, this evil woman falsely accused Joseph of attempting to rape her and her husband had him thrown in prison, as it says in Gen 39:20.
Joseph risked displeasing his master's wife out of respect for his master, respect for himself and in obedience to God. There are many scriptures that instruct us believers to flee: "Flee fornication...", 1 Corinthians 6:18, or "Flee youthful lusts...", 2 Timothy 2:22. Joseph didn't have the benefit of committing these verses to memory but he knew it was better to flee than to be taken captive by the sinful pleasures of the moment. And while he was imprisoned his conscience remained free of guilt and remorse. 1 Corinthians 10:13, "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: bot God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."
So Joseph goes from being loved and favored by his father to being sold in slavery. In slavery God causes him to prosper in his masters house. Then from being a valued and powerful servant he finds himself lowered to the state of imprisonment. Here too, God causes Joseph to prevail. 39:22-23, "And the keeper of the prison looked not to any thing that was under his hand; because the LORD was with him, and that which he did, the LORD made it to prosper."
2. Joseph was bold in proclaiming his faith.
Over and over again we see that Joseph believed in God and gave Him the glory. In prison Joseph interprets the dreams of two of the Pharaoh's men, the chief butler and the chief baker and we notice here that Joseph gives God the praise, "Do not interpretations belong to God?" (Gen. 40:8). Two years later Joseph is brought before the Pharaoh to interpret his dreams, for the Egyptian magicians and all the the wise men could not declare their meaning. Once again Joseph speaks of God in the interpretation, thereby giving glory and honor to God. Because of this Gen. 41:38-39 says, "And Pharaoh said unto his servants, Can we find such a one as this is, a man in whom the spirit of God is? And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Forasmuch as God hath shewed thee all this, there is none so discreet and wise as thou art:" The Pharaoh proceeded to set Joseph in the highest position of authority over all the land of Egypt including the Pharaoh's own house, "Thou shalt be over my house, and according unto thy word shall all my people be ruled: only in the throne will I be greater than thou." (Gen. 41:40) For a third time we see Joseph rise to a position of authority and greatness and prosperity.
It is fascinating to keep in mind that Joseph was in a land that worshiped pagan gods, and where even the Pharaoh was considered a god on earth, yet this did not hinder him from speaking of God. Also note that the Hebrews weren't very popular in Egypt. When Joseph eats with his brothers it says in Gen. 43:32,"And they set on for him by himself, and for them by themselves, and for the Egyptians, which did eat with him, by themselves: because the Egyptians might not eat bread with the Hebrews; for that is an abomination unto the Egyptians." Not only that but Joseph had to make special provision for his family when they moved to Egypt as shepherds were abominable to Egyptians (Gen. 46:34). So Joseph had to be bold and unashamed of his God to go against the grain in a land where Hebrews were despised and where the God of Israel was not worshiped.
1. Joseph forgave.
Later on when the famine came as the Pharaoh saw in his dreams, Joseph's family come to him in need of food. He shows discreetness and wisdom by not immediately revealing himself to his brothers . He does not have his brethren slain, he does not take them as servants or seek any other form of revenge for their cruelty towards him. Instead he ends up blessing not only his brothers but his entire family, providing for them and ensuring that they prosper in spite of the great famine. Not only this but you never read of Joseph revenging himself against Potiphar's wife. Being under only Pharaoh, you'd think Joseph could have dealt with those who had treated him ill. Although there is no account one way or another Joseph's forgiveness toward his brothers and his wise judgement in all matters suggests he did not pursue revenge. He knew it was God who worked through all of his misfortunes to bring about great fortune for not only himself but also for God's people. Romans 12:19 instructs us, "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord."
The account of Joseph is a beautiful story of forgiveness, faith and love. Joseph was a great man, not because he was self-made but because he yielded himself an instrument of righteousness and allowed God to work through him (Romans 6). He is a true example of living out 1 Corinthians 13: Joseph suffered long, and was kind. He envied not and vaunted not himself. He was not puffed up. He didn't behave himself unseemly and didn't seek his own. He wasn't easily provoked and didn't think evil. He rejoiced not in iniquity but rejoiced in the truth. He bore all things, believed all things, hoped all things, and endured all things. Joseph was not a perfect, sinless man.... but he did follow after God and was blessed because of his faith.
Although King David hadn't written the Psalms yet, I think Joseph would have wholeheartedly appreciated Psalm 118:6 and 8, "The LORD is on m side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?" and "It is better to trust in the LORD that to put confidence in man."
Genesis always amazes me. I read about some of the abominable things the people did, even among those who God chose to set apart and bless! I wondered why God would continue to work with such a people! The book of Genesis has so many appalling details. The murders, the sexual sins, the wickedness, the many different wives some of the men took and all of the problems that followed these things (Thank the Lord that His plans are higher than ours and in spite of the sins of every generation He provides a way for atonement and redemption!). Yet as the book progresses It's refreshing to begin reading of Jacob's son Joseph.
There are so many instances in which Joseph could have despaired and lost his faith. As his story began, in Genesis 37, Joseph was hated by his step-brothers because he was favored by his father. They also disliked his dreams of their obeisance to him. In spite of his innocence his brothers betrayed him and sold him into slavery. He ended up in a strange land, absent from the parents he loved. Yet in all of his life we see an example of incredible character, conduct and faith.
We read in 1 John 2:16 that Satan has a three-fold strategy for attacking the believer, "the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life". Notice in the account of Joseph that he was tempted in all three areas numerous times but stayed strong in the Lord and pursued righteousness.
Here are 5 of the major things about Joseph's character that stood out to me as exemplary:
5. Others benefited from Joseph's faith.
Genesis 39:2-3 says, "And the LORD was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian. And his master saw that the LORD was with him, and that the LORD made all that he did to prosper in his hand." Joseph's faith was evident to all those who knew him. He didn't curse the Lord when he was in the lowliest seasons but continued to trust God and when he abounded he wasn't proud or boastful but attributed his success to God. Because of his faithfulness to God he was blessed by God and those around him benefited greatly. As believers today we can bring great blessing to those around us by following after God and being a light in this ever darkening world.
4. Joseph was honest.
Joseph was trustworthy as his master, Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, made him overseer of all his house and all that he had. Potiphar was so confident in Joseph that he didn't even keep track of him as Gen. 39:6 says, "And he left all that he had in joseph's hand; and he knew not out he had, save the bread which he did eat...." The last half of the verse says, "And Joseph was a goodly person, and well favoured." So we see that Joseph was a good and honest man. Colossians 3:23-24 tells us believers,"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ." Joseph conducted himself honestly and gained the trust of those around him, not because he stove to please men but because he was obedient to God.
3. Joseph valued purity.
After we read about the moral corruptness of many of the men who came before Joseph, it is a breath of fresh air to read about how he fled from sexual temptation. As chapter 39 progresses we see that Potiphar's wife desired to lie with Joseph. Joseph didn't fall prey to this woman. He refused her command and responded, "Behold, my master wotteth not what is with me in the house, and he hath committed all that he hath to my hand; There is none greater in this house than I; neither hath he kept back any thing from me but thee, because thou art his wife: how then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?" Potiphar's wife daily tempted him to give in to her and "he haearkened no unto her to lie by her, or to be with her." So not only would he not lie with her but he wouldn't spend time with her! Talk about conviction and fortitude! As the story goes, this evil woman falsely accused Joseph of attempting to rape her and her husband had him thrown in prison, as it says in Gen 39:20.
Joseph risked displeasing his master's wife out of respect for his master, respect for himself and in obedience to God. There are many scriptures that instruct us believers to flee: "Flee fornication...", 1 Corinthians 6:18, or "Flee youthful lusts...", 2 Timothy 2:22. Joseph didn't have the benefit of committing these verses to memory but he knew it was better to flee than to be taken captive by the sinful pleasures of the moment. And while he was imprisoned his conscience remained free of guilt and remorse. 1 Corinthians 10:13, "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: bot God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."
So Joseph goes from being loved and favored by his father to being sold in slavery. In slavery God causes him to prosper in his masters house. Then from being a valued and powerful servant he finds himself lowered to the state of imprisonment. Here too, God causes Joseph to prevail. 39:22-23, "And the keeper of the prison looked not to any thing that was under his hand; because the LORD was with him, and that which he did, the LORD made it to prosper."
2. Joseph was bold in proclaiming his faith.
Over and over again we see that Joseph believed in God and gave Him the glory. In prison Joseph interprets the dreams of two of the Pharaoh's men, the chief butler and the chief baker and we notice here that Joseph gives God the praise, "Do not interpretations belong to God?" (Gen. 40:8). Two years later Joseph is brought before the Pharaoh to interpret his dreams, for the Egyptian magicians and all the the wise men could not declare their meaning. Once again Joseph speaks of God in the interpretation, thereby giving glory and honor to God. Because of this Gen. 41:38-39 says, "And Pharaoh said unto his servants, Can we find such a one as this is, a man in whom the spirit of God is? And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Forasmuch as God hath shewed thee all this, there is none so discreet and wise as thou art:" The Pharaoh proceeded to set Joseph in the highest position of authority over all the land of Egypt including the Pharaoh's own house, "Thou shalt be over my house, and according unto thy word shall all my people be ruled: only in the throne will I be greater than thou." (Gen. 41:40) For a third time we see Joseph rise to a position of authority and greatness and prosperity.
It is fascinating to keep in mind that Joseph was in a land that worshiped pagan gods, and where even the Pharaoh was considered a god on earth, yet this did not hinder him from speaking of God. Also note that the Hebrews weren't very popular in Egypt. When Joseph eats with his brothers it says in Gen. 43:32,"And they set on for him by himself, and for them by themselves, and for the Egyptians, which did eat with him, by themselves: because the Egyptians might not eat bread with the Hebrews; for that is an abomination unto the Egyptians." Not only that but Joseph had to make special provision for his family when they moved to Egypt as shepherds were abominable to Egyptians (Gen. 46:34). So Joseph had to be bold and unashamed of his God to go against the grain in a land where Hebrews were despised and where the God of Israel was not worshiped.
1. Joseph forgave.
Later on when the famine came as the Pharaoh saw in his dreams, Joseph's family come to him in need of food. He shows discreetness and wisdom by not immediately revealing himself to his brothers . He does not have his brethren slain, he does not take them as servants or seek any other form of revenge for their cruelty towards him. Instead he ends up blessing not only his brothers but his entire family, providing for them and ensuring that they prosper in spite of the great famine. Not only this but you never read of Joseph revenging himself against Potiphar's wife. Being under only Pharaoh, you'd think Joseph could have dealt with those who had treated him ill. Although there is no account one way or another Joseph's forgiveness toward his brothers and his wise judgement in all matters suggests he did not pursue revenge. He knew it was God who worked through all of his misfortunes to bring about great fortune for not only himself but also for God's people. Romans 12:19 instructs us, "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord."
The account of Joseph is a beautiful story of forgiveness, faith and love. Joseph was a great man, not because he was self-made but because he yielded himself an instrument of righteousness and allowed God to work through him (Romans 6). He is a true example of living out 1 Corinthians 13: Joseph suffered long, and was kind. He envied not and vaunted not himself. He was not puffed up. He didn't behave himself unseemly and didn't seek his own. He wasn't easily provoked and didn't think evil. He rejoiced not in iniquity but rejoiced in the truth. He bore all things, believed all things, hoped all things, and endured all things. Joseph was not a perfect, sinless man.... but he did follow after God and was blessed because of his faith.
Although King David hadn't written the Psalms yet, I think Joseph would have wholeheartedly appreciated Psalm 118:6 and 8, "The LORD is on m side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?" and "It is better to trust in the LORD that to put confidence in man."
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Celebrating A Decade
I just realized I've officially blogged for a complete decade (and more!). From this blogs beginning in 2007 to this New Year bringing a close to 2017. Pretty neat if you ask me! It's hard to stay dedicated in the things we take up throughout the years but writing has always been something I turn to on a regular basis. Whether it's reaching out to people through Facebook posts and newspaper articles or updating my blog and keeping a daily/weekly journal. Writing will always be a part of who I am and how I communicate to myself and the world around me.
Cheers to 10 years!
Cheers to 10 years!
Thursday, January 4, 2018
All Things New
It's January. It's a new year. And I'm a new mom. Well... the kid isn't hatched yet; we're still in the brewing stage.
Jeff and I laughed at how different things were last New Years holiday. Back when he first asked my Dad for permission to court me on New Year's Eve. The humorous part was that my dad gave Jeff the green light and the next day my parents had a conversation with the two of us, as well as announcing to our church that Jeff and I were in a relationship... and all this time I had no clue that Jeff had talked to my dad or that my dad gave him permission. Of course, I assumed my parents were okay with Jeff because of their actions. Rather, I was worried that they were just assuming things without Jeff actually wanting things to progress in such a manner! I was worried Jeff thought it was all too much or too fast. It wasn't until after church on New Years Day on our drive home that Jeff told me of his conversation with my dad. What a relief!
Now here we are a year later, just about to hit the 6 month mark of our marriage and expecting a baby into our home, due sometime in April. I've gotten to know more about Jeff each day and am delighted at what a strong leader he is. He prays with me before our meals, he spends time in the Word of God and is always working at learning or reading something new. He's not the kind of guy to sit around and waste his time, and the few occasions that he does take it easy it's always well deserved. He makes me want to follow in his shoes and continue learning new things each day. It's enjoyable to know that on top of having a team mate to help pull through all of the daily chores and responsibilities I also have a friend.
As for growing a baby, it's a curious and exciting process. To watch as my body changes in fascinating and sometimes not so glamorous ways, knowing that in all of this a new little life is maturing in my womb. It's weird at the same time. I look down at this large lump of a belly at times and feel like an egg. A giant woman, human egg. The baby has been growing stronger each week. Ever since week 19 I've been able to feel it kick and lately it's kicks are so strong you can see it jumping around rather than just feel it. My belly looks like one of those energizer bunny commercials where the bunny is bouncing inside of the battery! It's quite startling at times, really, but I love it! And baby gets especially active when there's music or when daddy talks or sings. It makes my heart full with joy. We don't intend to find out the gender so it'll be the best surprise Jeff and I have ever experienced. We do have names picked out though... which we formed partially from long time family name traditions.
It's an exciting new year full of new adventures. I can barely imagine having a little baby to care for each and every day. It still seems unreal to me. This will be a big, challenging and wonderful time for Jeff and I. 2018 is already full of so much wonder and it's only just begun.
With (most of) my family on Christmas Day
Jeff and I, last year on my birthday.
I'm still wearing that coat but it's extra snug across my belly!
I'm still wearing that coat but it's extra snug across my belly!
Now here we are a year later, just about to hit the 6 month mark of our marriage and expecting a baby into our home, due sometime in April. I've gotten to know more about Jeff each day and am delighted at what a strong leader he is. He prays with me before our meals, he spends time in the Word of God and is always working at learning or reading something new. He's not the kind of guy to sit around and waste his time, and the few occasions that he does take it easy it's always well deserved. He makes me want to follow in his shoes and continue learning new things each day. It's enjoyable to know that on top of having a team mate to help pull through all of the daily chores and responsibilities I also have a friend.
This picture was also taken Christmas Day.
My brother Channing and his wife, Rachel are expecting in February.
Rachel and I are only 9 weeks apart!
As for growing a baby, it's a curious and exciting process. To watch as my body changes in fascinating and sometimes not so glamorous ways, knowing that in all of this a new little life is maturing in my womb. It's weird at the same time. I look down at this large lump of a belly at times and feel like an egg. A giant woman, human egg. The baby has been growing stronger each week. Ever since week 19 I've been able to feel it kick and lately it's kicks are so strong you can see it jumping around rather than just feel it. My belly looks like one of those energizer bunny commercials where the bunny is bouncing inside of the battery! It's quite startling at times, really, but I love it! And baby gets especially active when there's music or when daddy talks or sings. It makes my heart full with joy. We don't intend to find out the gender so it'll be the best surprise Jeff and I have ever experienced. We do have names picked out though... which we formed partially from long time family name traditions.
Jeff and I visited his family just this past week!
This picture was taken after an exciting escape room adventure.
This picture was taken after an exciting escape room adventure.
It's an exciting new year full of new adventures. I can barely imagine having a little baby to care for each and every day. It still seems unreal to me. This will be a big, challenging and wonderful time for Jeff and I. 2018 is already full of so much wonder and it's only just begun.
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