Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Early Morning Musings

It's not yet 7am. Jeff and I woke up with his alarm clock (although we ignored it through a few snoozes). The baby seemed to wake up from it too and was dancing away in my belly so much so that I couldn't really fall back asleep between the alarms. I told Jeff I thought the baby could hear the alarm but he didn't think it would be able to hear that well. I'm not sure what can be heard from the womb with little baby ears... but I suspect our little munchkin's hearing is quite excellent, and that it was indeed reacting to the song coming from Jeff's phone.

Once up, I made us oatmeal and packed Jeff his lunch and snacks for the day. After reading the daily Bible devotional he was off to work. Now here I sit pondering the course I should pursue for the day. I have lots of things on my mind. My friend is coming with her one year old for a photoshoot. It's actually going to be a smash cake session so that should be all the more exciting and challenging. It's the last day of January and I'm already trying to figure out what I should write about for the newspaper this coming month. The end of January also means I'm that much closer to the end of pregnancy and the beginning of mothering a child. I've spent a lot of time around babies yet I still suspect I'm in for a lot of surprises. Not only the mothering aspect but I will also be experiencing labor and birth for the first time. A part of this is exciting while on the other hand I worry that I won't be strong enough, fit enough, or calm enough. Yet worrying won't help me be prepared so I try to avoid focusing on the difficulties I may face and instead try to think of ways I can get through and overcome the challenges.

In the back of our daily devotional there's a poem that I quite like.

Why Worry?
Worry never climbed a hill.
Worry never paid a bill.

Worry never dried a tear.
Worry never calmed a fear.

Worry never darned a heel.
Worry never cooked a meal.

Worry never led a horse to water.
Worry never did a  thing you thought it oughta.
-Author Unknown

It's so true. Most of our worries never become a reality and just knowing that fact, worries are so much easier to dismiss. Not to mention we have our Father in heaven who we can call upon at any time and cast all our cares upon Him. We are to be anxious for nothing but give thanks in everything, thereby allowing the peace of God to rule in our hearts and minds. This sounds like a much better alternative to the stress and fear that worrying brings.

Well, it won't be too long before the sun creeps up. There's a blue-gray light making the out of doors visible. I see we had a little sprinkle of fresh, fluffy snow last night. I look forward to what the rest of the day may bring. I hope yours is fruitful and full of the blessings and peace of God.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed catching up on your blog today. I've tentatively decided to try out blogging in place of social media. :)

Mary Ellen said...

Oh I'm so excited to check out your blog! =D