Well I tried to calculate it how may hours old I was at Paddy's request and that's what I came up with. But I most likely messed up or something because it's a very droning process you know! lol!
So pretty much I am officially 16 years, 14 hours 48 minutes.... I won't bother with the seconds. =D
I had to wake up at six o'clock this morning and adventure out into the freezing cold. But it was all worth it in the end cause I had a delicious cup of hot chocolate and Dad and I ordered a waffle and hash browns at the Norske Nook!! It was good and I was stuffed by the time we left. Mom is making some kind of manicotti noodle (similar to lasagna) stuff for dinner. Yumm....
And as a bonus it is bright and sunny today! That is definitely a good thing. =)
I'm glad you had a happy birthday! ...lucky... *of course with the cliche Napoleon voice*
I wish I was 16! ;) tehe
Hey there you!!!
I wish I was sixteen!!!! also!
Hehe! I don't wish I were 16!!Unless it were different then when I was 16!
Norah was right, *lucky* All this talk of food is making my mouth water. What I would give for TONS of food!!! I would love to pig out right now :)
Yeah Mares I am glad you had a good b-day...splendid. I can't wait till my b-day but am not looking forward to being 20. Okay...enough of this book . heheh
Awww thanks guys! I'm pretty content with being 16 but now I have to try acting a little more adult like. *sigh* hee, hee!
I wouldn't rush it if I were you Norahlee... My best summer ever was when I was 14. Gee that was a long time ago. =S
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