Friday, April 16, 2010

a snippit

Life is beautiful. The world is turning green again. Summer is getting closer every day. Spring can stay as long as it wants.
The other night it was so warm. The stars were out and I had the privilege of milking cows for two hours. I wish I could describe the sweet, damp aromas that were drifting on the night breeze. It made me reminisces other times in the past... good memories. It took me back to my childhood and early teen years.
I thought of Vault. Yep the soda-pop that is way too sweet... but it reminds me of freestyle soccer with friends, summer escapades, secrets and stories... and milking cows. Always milking cows.
So I have decided that I'm going to buy 2 Liters and put it in the fridge in the barn so whenever I have a longing... it will be right there. ;) hehe

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