Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Novel in 100 Days

Writing a book has been something I've always wanted to do. I've thought about stories I'd like to tell, messages I'd like to share, convictions I'd like to encourage. Writing is probably the most powerful tool that is available to man kind. Therefore what better way would there be for me to get a point across to someone, than by writing a book?
And so today I typed into my Google search engine: "how to write a novel".

This is what I found... and if you're a writer or even a wanna-be-writer, you'll find these links interesting:
How to Write a Novel in 100 Days or Less
How to Write a Novel
....and for some contrary ideas (which made me laugh):
hoW To writE A noveL

If you're dreaming of writing (just like me) then I'd suggest looking online. The answers, comments, and questions are all there.

Who knows.. maybe one day you'll be browsing through a bookstore and you'll recognize my name.


~Courtney Jo~ said...

:) If I spotted your name in the bookstore, I would no doubt buy the novel. Wish you the best of all writing success!

Unknown said...

That's great Mary Ellen!! I think you should write a novel. I would love to read it and I would definitely buy a book with your name on it. I would love to help you when you are stuck and if you have any questions

Stephan said...

Well, I have definitely thought of writing a book before. Actually my cousin Aaron and I have talked about composing a book that shows our debates between each other on our beliefs... I even thought of Titling it Conversations between an Atheist and a Biblicist.

It would be pretty cool seeing a book on the book shelf that you wrote!

Mary Ellen said...

Lol.. thanks guys!!! I would definitely appreciate your help, and would be honored if I were to write a book. ;)

Stephan!! That would be really cool if you wrote a book about your debates with your cousin. That would be so cool! And actually, I haven't have much contact with atheists so I would definitely find it highly fascinating. =)