Matthew 24:31/24
Mark 13:20/22/27
Luke 18:7
Romans 8:28-33
Romans 9:7
Ephesians 1:5/11/34
Colossians 3:12
1 Timothy 5:21
2 Timothy 2:10
Titus 1:1
1 Peter 1:2
2 Peter 1:10
- Eph. 1:34 “chose us in him.” How?
-Romans 9-11 tells us why God’s promises to Israel haven’t happened.
You have to ask yourself when it comes to the Bible…
What does it say?
What doesn’t it say?
-What is God’s purpose today?
To call out a body of believers to be raptured into heaven.
-foreknowledge: Does not mean God determined who would go to heaven. It simply means He knew who would.
“Christ may have died for your sins but I’m not sure because I don’t know if you’re elect or not…”
-We can know who are the elect.
-God’s Elect = believers
-Those who respond to what is required to be his people are elect.
-God has always had an elect group/agency.
-Churches try to go “individual” and make “election” not a corporate thing.
Old Testament Elect = The Little Flock
Now = Those who are in Christ
-In both different time periods mentioned above to be elect is/was a choice of own free will.
- - God has never forced an unbeliever to believe.
- A Diagram:
The Olive Tree
-it represents the place of access to God.
-it’s branches = those who are called.
-Romans 11:16
These are some notes I took on a Bible Study a long time ago. I was digging through my stuff this morning and found them and thought they were really interesting.
So if you get the urge to do a mini-study it's waiting for you right here! =D
Hmmm...maybe I will do it, since I have been wondering about some of those things lately. But first I have some other things I need to do.
Thanks for posting it:)
That would be awesome if you did. I know I was really confused about election and all untill we went through this study and it made so much more sense to me. =D
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