Monday, June 20, 2016

The Summer Solstice

And so the longest day of the year has arrived.

I've had the what's-your-favorite-season conversation with a lot friends. Usually I hear Summer or Fall. Spring is the best, I say. Everything's growing... the length of day, the tree leaves, the grass, the warm air. From now on out it's downhill, at least as far as daylight is concerned.

Oh well, I don't mind. Summer is long and luxurious... and Fall isn't too terrible either.

Yesterday, I went out with Mr. Isaac to a wheat field and a plot of oats for a photo-shoot. Mostly because the wheat was whimsical and the oats were cheerful. And also because the evening was slow and warm and we desired to go for a walk. Walks are always better when there seems to be a purpose to them. At one point Isaac took the camera from me and said I should be in some pictures, too. He has a pretty good eye.

Oh, did you know that tonight is the "strawberry moon"?? Pretty much it's simple the full moon occurring at the same time as the Summer solstice. I popped outside to capture a picture. Yep... it looks just like the other moons. I have noticed, though, that often it's cloudy on the night of the full moon so it's only every few months that you get to behold the moon in it's exact fullness.

Anyway, it's neat because a strawberry moon hasn't happen in 30 years. If it wasn't Monday I'd call up some friends and have them over for a bonfire. Then we'd watch the moon rise into the indigo sky and take a midnight walk down the gravel, country roads. Instead I shall go to bed since the farmers are haying and I'm supposed to wake up extra early for milking.


Court said...

That's very interesting. I didn't know about the strawberry moon, well I guess every once in a while it's nice to make something up so people are interested in watching something. ^^ hahah, well :) your pictures are very amazing- and there isn't anything like walking through the wheat! <3

Mary Ellen said...

Haha, yeah I was thinking the same thing. The moon is the moon. Unless it's an eclipse it's pretty much the same as last month. lol but hey, what the heck right?! It gets you outside looking at the sky. ;)