Thursday, June 23, 2016


It's a chilly sort of morning with grey clouds that are giving off a steady mist. It's thanks to this bit of rain that my employers decided to let me stay home this morning. When time off does come I hardly know what to do with the myself. Torn between the many things I should and want to do and the urge to simply rest. It's important to rest and sometimes I think I forget to unwind, relax and do nothing at all. There are so many pressures that make me guilty for just sitting, but I am doing mainly just that this morning.

A little bit ago I went out to the back porch off my house and sat on a ledge; dangling my feet like a child, observing my little flower garden. Humming birds buzzed to the feeder. One took such a long draft of the sugary water that I looked at the level of the liquid, half expecting to see it drop before my eyes. He must have been a thirsty little bird.

The plant leaves were host to glistening drops of rain that caught the light of the sky and sent it back. The earth was a deep blackish, brown color, rich with precipitation. I enjoyed the tree branches with leaves that draped down onto mowed lawn like a soft gown on a beautiful woman, gracing the floor.

I picked up a book from an end-table earlier. It was titled, Everything Is Obvious *once you know the answer* . Sometimes it's good to simply acknowledge that I don't know everything... in fact I don't know a lot, and that I don't need to know all of the answers right now. Learning is a process that takes years and is a journey that must always be traveled but never concluded.

Resting feels wonderful because it allows your mind to stop having to come up with the solutions to every problem on earth and it gives your body time to heal from the constant strains of life. The real amusing part is that there is research that suggests that when you allow yourself to rest, you are actually giving space for your subconscious mind to have the time to work on problems. This can be accomplished through sleep and daydreaming. That's where the real work happens and the real solutions to dilemmas are discovered.

And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. - Genesis 2:2-3

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