Friday, March 14, 2014

A Hug From Chipotle!

I recently blogged about the new mini-series that Chipotle has created called, "Farmed and Dangerous". We, my family and I, are quite excited and impressed by the stand and statement that Chipotle is making so after watching the last episode we emailed the company to tell them how much we appreciate what they are doing.

Dear Chipotle,
As a dairy farming family we really enjoyed your Farmed and Dangerous mini-series and would like to see more!
As farmers we are working towards a more sustainable type of farming and we are glad you care about food, food issues and most importantly, the health of the American public.

Thank You!
Doug, Melissa, Mary Ellen, Channing, Patrick and Janelle

Literally, the same night we emailed Chipotle, we received a response!!  Not just a "thanks for your comment, blah, blah, blah.." but a real and welcoming reply! They said:


I want to hug you right now! Thank you so much for this awesome message. Your praise is all the more meaningful given your profession. We will absolutely keep on working to change the food culture in America, and we have so much respect for what you're doing to accomplish the same.

Also, please let me invite you in by sending you a couple free-burrito cards, each good for any main menu item. Just let me know a good postal address I can mail those out to.


Customer Service Consultant
Chipotle Mexican Grill

Seriously, folks, these are real people with a real product. Be informed, watch Farmed and Dangerous, and the next time you go out to eat, eat Chipotle. =)
They are on our side.


Court said...

Gee goll! :) That sure is a sweet letter/ response back! :) I hope you all enjoy some lovely burritos! :)

I support your farming too <3!!!
and Chipotle's motives are pretty awesome. :)

Mary Ellen said...

Yeah, we were pretty excited!!! =D Maybe we'll have those free burritos when you come?!?!? =D
Thanks for being our #1 supporter Court!!! =D

Court said...

=] oh gee!! That would be most outstanding!! :D :D :D I'm definitely your #1 fan!! :) hey.. do you know of any dairy farms round your area hiring for the summer?? lol, my dad's trying to make me get a job. ewe. ;D

Mary Ellen said...

I think a dairy farm would be worth finding!!!! I didn't catch that you'd be interested in one up in this area when I was talking to you earlier, but that makes me even more excited to find a farm if you're serious!!!! =D There are always farms up here that are hiring!!!