Sunday, March 2, 2014


Taken as the Fall wind flies
The slumber of the Summer skies
For now below the Winter's grey
The greenest growth of Spring awaits

Ta ta! We say to snow. Alas!
For all we long to see is grass
And pine we will until satisfied
The wish to see a daisy's eye

Blue rains caught in thunderclouds
Are lost, but not the stratus shroud
And grim the skeleton of trees
That long for leaves to catch the breeze

Come swift! Oh ever youthful Spring!
The frozen brooks desire to sing
To raise the wings of butterflies
Kept in cocoons while Winter lies

Now Fall has flown and Winter wanes
Who is Spring's sire and Summer's bane
A word or whisper from the South
Yes! This is what we wait for now


Court said...

Wow!!! That is so beautiful and well written!! :) :) :) Did you write that yourself Mary El!? I love it!

Mary Ellen said...

Thank you Court! Yes I did. I just sat down and typed it up and I had actually intended to not post it, but out of habit I hit the 'post' button. So there you have it! LOL

Court said...

LOL! :) Well I'm so glad you decided to press the post button!! ^_^!!!