Monday, March 17, 2014

The Flip Side: Where Beef Meets Burrito

Any time a stand is taken there is going to be opposition. I would imagine that Chipotle is getting fire from a lot of different 'sides' now that their show has circulated through a good portion of the American populous. One of the major uproars comes from my very own, the farmers. I would imagine this is mostly because the Farmed and Dangerous parody-of-extremes puts down CAFO's and praises organic farming. The farmers, tired of being bombarded by liberal media and propaganda, were quick on the draw: The battle of tits has begun.

You're probably familiar with the Peterson brothers who have gained popularity through their YouTube videos. One of the brothers, Greg Peterson, blogged a response to Chipotle's mini-series stating that, "While it may seem that Chipotle is on the side of family farmers, the truth is that they are attacking thousands of family farms across America like ours that fit the definition of an “industrial farm.”"

I read Greg Peterson's four-part article and would have to say that his points are well made and mostly true, although I think he is more concerned about the "attack" against farmers than he is about GMO's, conventional farming and how that will affect our future. Here is The Peterson Farm Bro's Beef With Chipotle, if you would like to read it for yourself and see what you think.

Don't get me wrong. I am a farmer and I am on Greg's side... but I am also on the side of the people who are freaking out because their food has become adulterated junk and the 'powers that be' are doing nothing about it. Is there no common ground for the farmers and the fast food franchise to stand on? We shall see...


Anonymous said...

Colossians 3:2 Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth..
Hey Mary Ellen, this is your brother Daniel. I've been watching/reading your blog for a while and want to encourage you not to focus too much on things that will draw our attention away from Christ. It's easy to get wrapped up in vain discussions about things that aren't eternal..

Anonymous said...

I believe, that yes the discussion of this restaurant's ordeals are secular in a sense...but in saying that, I also believe that it a matter of a fact is parrelel to Christ. From my point of view, I believe Mary is trying to stay focused in Christ by doing what God intended. To stay focused towards God's intentions by keeping food as he originally made it. I feel she is entitled to writing such things since it in no way is pulling away from glorifying God. I hate to say it, but if you believe its ungodly writing, why do you put your time into reading "ungodly material/matters".
God bless you,
a born again Christian who by no means am perfect but is striving to be like Christ.

Anonymous said...

I love my sister. I was encouraging her with something I've also learned because I am not perfect either. I've learned a lot from 1 Cor. 10:23.
I did not once say anything about ungodly. I just honestly don't find anything in scripture saying we should spend time worrying about having a certain quality in food..
Humbly, In Christ's Love- Daniel

Norah Fries said...

Norah Fries said...

Oops. I meant to add a little. :) Anything can become an idol, but life would be awfully boring if we could ONLY ever write, talk, or think about eternal things.

Court said...

I can see both sides of this little discussion that is going on.

First of all, from Daniel's perspective, I would say, that I agree that it's easy to become distracted by things of the world- that we become so passionate about it- it distracts us from living for Christ.

However, I think the intent of Mary's post is to express her appreciation for a company that is honoring the way God intended us to eat our food- whole without antibiotics and such.

The Bible also talks about our bodies being a temple of Christ- so it's important that we keep it running healthy so we can use our bodies to help serve others as Christ served us.

There is also a verse that says, it is not what goes into the body that defiles a man, but what comes out of a man that defiles a man. With this in mind, of course, it is most important to first of all have Christ as the center of our lives- and He will naturally teach us how to live our lives in accordance to His will.

Learning valuable information such as this can also provide us a window of opportunity to open up a conversation to share the love of Christ with someone- Jesus always met people where they were at.


Love in Christ to all my friends and brothers and sisters in the Lord.

May peace be upon you all- as you continue to grow in God's love and knowledge.



Mary Ellen said...

Wow! Thank you for all of the feedback, everyone!
Thanks for your encouragement and opinion in the matter, Daniel! I'm glad to hear that you've been watching/reading my blog!! I agree that some things just aren't worth getting entangled in (2 Tim. 2:3-4), and really in the course of a life time Chipotle and the Peterson bros don't matter much. However, as Anonymous, Norah and Courtney pointed out, what we eat and how we live do matter in the grand scheme of things and the Bible has a lot to say about food, our bodies and how we live in the physical realm.
I would like to use this healthy food topic to introduce some more relevant ideas about how the food we eat affects more than we would imagine... but that will be another post.
Thank you, all, for the encouragement and thoughts on the matter! I really appreciate it.

Emily Crandall said...

Just wanted to say I recently posted a verse on Facebook (1st Corinthians 6:19-20) and had no idea this topic was being discussed on this blog. The verse relates quite well though, talking about our body being the temple of the Holy Ghost, and that we should glorify God in our body and spirit, which are God's. Yes, if you read the verse before it, it is talking about fornication. There is however, much more to glorifying God in our body's than just avoiding fornication though. Choosing what we eat to keep our body's healthy and to keep from disease and sickness will better able us to live godly for Christ. Yes, there are many sickly people that still honor God through their sercumstances, but if our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, I truly believe God would rather us to learn and be informed on how to keep our body's healthy to live the best life through good health. There are many diseases that were rare or unheard of less than 50 years ago. Old people didn't used to loose there minds as so many readily do now. Cancer is so common now, it looks as though most people will have some form of it before they die. We all, especially wives and mothers need to keep leaning all we can to keep our family's healthy. Proverbs 31 describes the ideal wife and mother and how she is like the merchants ships and bringeth her food from afar. She probably had other "closer" options and maybe cheaper sources available, but she chose to search out best for her family. It also talks about that she will do him "her husband" good and not evil all the days of her life. If we are not careful with what we feed our familys, especially these days, and our family's are sick and our husband's lacking energy and may have a heart attack at an early age, and us wives and mothers feel tired and cranky. How are we doing our family's good and not evil? I am no perfect example but I will always keep trying my best and keep learning to glorify God in my body and spirit which are God's :)