I guess I've been going five hundred miles an hour for the past week. I know I posted about my job opportunities this past month, but just this Monday I was able to set a new work record that I'd never dreamed of setting. I milked 4 times in one day!!! ...and I did it two days in a row!!
I took pictures during each milking on the first day:
Milking No. 1: Here I am at 5am, milking at Tyler's farm, ...with coffee of course! We didn't have milk in the house when I left so I had to squirt some fresh milk right from the teat into my coffee!
Milking No. 2: After an hour's break for breakfast I went out to milk in the parlor. It's a lot colder in the parlor (compared to a stanchion barn) so I had to wear a warm winter hat. Also, a new calf had just been born! So cute!
Milking No. 3: I had an 1 & 1/2 hours for lunch and then it was back to Tyler's to milk his Holstein cows.
Milking No. 4: I took a two hour nap that afternoon, before dinner and then it was back to the parlor for the fourth milking! Craziness! ....but I survived, and it was a good experience. :)
Anyways, I was able to milk for Tyler today so he could enjoy Thanksgiving with his family. He was pretty excited.... because it's a rare day for a farmer to get an holiday off work. Employees want to take off to spend time with their family and so holidays usually mean more work for farmers. I was glad to be of service, because I've been in that situation before too.
I was lucky today because my brother Isaac came and hung out in the barn while I milked!!! I was glad to have him for company AND he brought doughnuts and Starbucks coffee!!! =D It was great!
I was laughing so hard that I could barely take this picture. So funny!!
By the way... meet my favorite cat. It's name was Monkey, but I call it Cat Stop (short for Next Cat Stop - 20 Miles), because it will follow me around in the barn waiting to get pet! =D Such a rad cat!!
Happy Thanksgiving, folks!
You're starting to make me feel like a couch potato!;)
...that sounds like a lot of fun to me right now. haha!
Well I'll give you the rest of the day off with pay!;)
Caleb S.
haha ! I like the four stages of different milkings! You are a great busy woman dear!! :) I'm proud of you!!! tehe!! :D Also-- starbucks and donuts must have been a great treat along with good conversation!
I've never been to a parlor to drink coffee and donuts before so you are a lucky woman! LOL ! :D
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