Saturday, November 23, 2013

Hunting Season

7 degrees Fahrenheit, and if feels like -7, according to the weather channel. There have been a few fresh snows... optimal tracking conditions. The coldest morning this Fall so far, from what I can see... and nestled out there in this chilly weather there a hundreds of hunters freezing their tails off. Welcome to the opening day of the hunt. 
I drove my brother Channing to the local farm store last night to get his hunting license and you should have seen the place buzzing. The parking lot was packed with people out there getting their last minute hunting supplies.
Just because it's not on the calendar doesn't mean this isn't a holiday. :)
I just don't understand what the motivation is behind the whole deal. What is it about a rack? many hunters go out and spend their money each year even if they didn't get anything the past year, or the year before, or the year before that? 

I suppose it's the hope of getting that 30 point buck. :) You know he's out there. It's all about being in the right place at the right time, if it means freezing to death in a tree stand. 
Next year maybe.... 
Next year.

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