Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

We decided not to feast today. It just worked out better to postpone the event till Saturday. I'm going to make pie crusts tonight in preparation for the baking tomorrow. We'll be going five hundred miles an hour for the next two days.
I guess I've been going five hundred miles an hour for the past week. I know I posted about my job opportunities this past month, but just this Monday I was able to set a new work record that I'd never dreamed of setting. I milked 4 times in one day!!! ...and I did it two days in a row!!
I took pictures during each milking on the first day:

Milking No. 1: Here I am at 5am, milking at Tyler's farm, ...with coffee of course! We didn't have milk in the house when I left so I had to squirt some fresh milk right from the teat into my coffee!

Milking No. 2: After an hour's break for breakfast I went out to milk in the parlor. It's a lot colder in the parlor (compared to a stanchion barn) so I had to wear a warm winter hat. Also, a new calf had just been born! So cute!

Milking No. 3: I had an 1 & 1/2 hours for lunch and then it was back to Tyler's to milk his Holstein cows.

Milking No. 4: I took a two hour nap that afternoon, before dinner and then it was back to the parlor for the fourth milking! Craziness! ....but I survived, and it was a good experience. :)

Anyways, I was able to milk for Tyler today so he could enjoy Thanksgiving with his family. He was pretty excited.... because it's a rare day for a farmer to get an holiday off work. Employees want to take off to spend time with their family and so holidays usually mean more work for farmers. I was glad to be of service, because I've been in that situation before too.
I was lucky today because my brother Isaac came and hung out in the barn while I milked!!! I was glad to have him for company AND he brought doughnuts and Starbucks coffee!!! =D It was great!

I was laughing so hard that I could barely take this picture. So funny!!

 By the way... meet my favorite cat. It's name was Monkey, but I call it Cat Stop (short for Next Cat Stop - 20 Miles), because it will follow me around in the barn waiting to get pet! =D Such a rad cat!!

Anyways.... I need to go make pie crusts! I have so much to be thankful for and I hope everyone out there is enjoying this wonderful day.
Happy Thanksgiving, folks!


Anonymous said...

You're starting to make me feel like a couch potato!;)

Mary Ellen said...

...that sounds like a lot of fun to me right now. haha!

Anonymous said...

Well I'll give you the rest of the day off with pay!;)

Caleb S.

Court said...

haha ! I like the four stages of different milkings! You are a great busy woman dear!! :) I'm proud of you!!! tehe!! :D Also-- starbucks and donuts must have been a great treat along with good conversation!
I've never been to a parlor to drink coffee and donuts before so you are a lucky woman! LOL ! :D