Friday, May 3, 2013

Unusual Escapade

 From the local news station:
"Here’s the records that were set yesterday(May 2) in Eau Claire;
- 8.7” of snow. Old record for snow on May 2: 1.5” in 1935.
- 8.7” of snow on any calendar day in May. Old record: 2.0” from May 12, 1946.
We added another .6" to the total last night into this morning, making it 9.3” of snow from the 2-day storm. That's 9.3" for the month, shattering another record. Old record for snow in the full month of May: 3.3” in 2001.

Grandparents always need a good tale or two to tell their grand-kids so, anticipating a probable desire from his hypothetical grandchildren for stories of the "old days," Channing went snowboarding. On May 3rd... when normally there are daffodils popping up in the garden, greenhouses filled with flowers for shoppers looking for that perfect Mother's Day gift and an abundant supply of dandelions and violets freckling the lawn.

It was quite a slushy endeavor. Dad suggested I make a slush angel. I did not take him up on the idea.
Here's a video of Channing attempting a stunt out on the redneck terrain park:

That was that. No doubt it's an event that would be happening again for years to come. ...we hope, at least.

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