Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sincerely, Snow

Come what May?!
It's gotta be November or something.
I'm pretty sure there are a lot of weathermen loosing their jobs for putting snow in the forecast. I guess I took down the lights and snowflakes too soon. Time to get the shovels back out, the mittens, the hats, the long underwear.... all that jazz. My poor bedroom is caught in limbo; boxes of summer clothes are decorating my floorspace waiting for their turn in the closet as the winter clothes persist in their places.

However, looking at the bright side:
The best part about winter is getting to work on indoor projects. I can sew without feeling like I'm missing out on something out of doors. Or work on tasks like much needed cleanup, dusting and other random house chores. ...and since there's nothing better than working to a little bit of music I might just set the mood with some Vince Gauraldi Christmas tunes.

You know, it is always the season to be jolly around here. That's why people love the Mid-West. There's so much snow that it's Christmas all year round!!

 The green grass, red barn siding and snow work together 
to create the perfect Holiday Season display!

 Snow covers the farmscape once again.

Welcome back Frostbite,
Take a seat Cold.
Who has arrived? Early or Late?
North Wind blow...

Bewildered Buds

The local meteorologist wrote, "The old Eau Claire record for a snow event in May was 3.0" from May 1-2, 1935, so that's why we were skeptical this much could fall. Well, go big or go home…and hopefully you can stay home and safe today. Bundle up because it will also be very chilly today, with highs only in the middle 30s. That’s 30 degrees below the average high for the day of 66."

I'm pretty sure that we're going to have a foot of snow... if not more. Time to set a new record! ....who would have guessed that it was 85 degrees two days ago and everyone was out getting sunburns?!

Life really is like a box of chocolates.
You just never know what you're gonna get...

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