Sunday, December 11, 2011

Choose Your Friends Wisely

So here is fairly amusing video. It is clear that we females have a totally different mindset on friendships between guys and girls. I think it's the way God made us to be but society has completely smudged standards and what used to be black and white is now grey. The guys doing the interview do a pretty good job of showing that men and women do not think alike.

My Grandma watched this video and afterwards made some good points:
Guys will often be friends with a girl because they like a girl, but this leaves room for women to be manipulative. Whenever we want someone to "go to a movie, or go shopping, or buy us food, fix our car or give us attention", we can summon one of these "friends". She said that a lot of guys will be nice and do kind things for quite some time in hopes that a girl will eventually like him. So it can be very easy for a girl to mess around with a guys feelings just because we want a "friend".

That is the wise opinion of my Grandma who has been around a while. ;) What do YOU think? ...I'd like to know.


Court said...

I think your Grammies is a genius :) and she is absolutely right

Mary Ellen said...

Haha!!! Glad you agree! I'm so glad for her wise input. :)