Friday, December 31, 2010

A Crappy Day on the Farm. ; )

Yesterday was a rather crappy day. Not for me personally but weather-wise. After all that's snow we've gotten, it's warmed up to 30 for a few days and it's been raining!!! It's a disaster for the farm. The work load doubles because every square inch of the cow yard and freestall has to be cleaned. Also in the midst of preparing for all of this rain and hurrying to get everything cleaned my dad had to replace a wheel axle on the skidsteer and something to do with the gear box went out on the manure spreader (while it was full of manure). I drove all the way to St. Joseph near La Crosse ( 2 hrs away) to get the axle for my dad and the manure spreader is a bad deal.... you leave the manure in the spreader because you can't spread it and then it freezes. It won't thaw until Spring. That means.... no manure spreader. =(
Oh well. That is life on the farm.
But.... we have the most kind friends and neighbors!!! One neighbor offered to let us use his skidsteer and another offered to lend us his manure spreader for the winter!!! That is so incredibly generous! God has blessed us greatly! Till tomorrow... and who knows it maybe next year before I post again. ;)

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