According to the calender Winter has finally begun. The shortest day of the year has come and passed once again. Yesterday was different from the last 700 Winter solstices though. Not only was it the winter solstice yesterday, but it was also the full moon and a full lunar eclipse. Unfortunately it snowed and clouds hung in the blue dome above our land. Had the sky been clear we would have all strapped on our cross-country skis at 1 a.m. and headed out into the winter wonderland. It would have been fun. ...but not everything works out, and I do believe some friends/family will be coming out on Thursday and we will enjoy a waning (but still quite full) moon.
I really enjoy the Christmas season. Songs of joy and cheer and remembering the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. I really don't like the Santa Claus songs. They're catchy and all, and easy to listen too but I'm always disappointed that people would let their Christmas be about an old man dressed up in red who doesn't even exist.
There's something so much more fulfilling about knowing the reason for your celebration has to do with the redemption story. That God became flesh and dwelt among men so that He could give His life in our stead and turn our filth and sin into righteousness, He who knew no sin.
There's something so refreshing to beginning Christmas day (before opening presents) with a reading of Luke 2:1-22 (something we do every Christmas).
There's something so refreshing to beginning Christmas day (before opening presents) with a reading of Luke 2:1-22 (something we do every Christmas).
I made a tune (music) for that passage. Actually just to verses 7-14. I was quite inspired. =)
Anyway, it is exciting isn't it??? Christmas is only 3 days away!! It's flown by so fast. I've been super busy for the past few days cleaning, baking cookies and treats (for the Eve of Christmas and Christmas day), and wrapping lots of presents.
I like how Dr. Seuss sums it all up at the end of "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas":
1 comment:
I heard about that lunar eclipse/winter solstice! Quite the event!! :D I hope you have a wondrous time with friends and family! Been thinking about you a lot lately! Hope to see you soon!! I look forward to hearing that great song you wrote up!! You always make em good!!! :)
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