Saturday, March 13, 2010

Piano Contest and 50 Years!

Hey, so I had a contest today. Actually it was more like... I play, a guy judges me, the end. I played Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven with the music and then two other shorter pieces (that you probably wouldn't recognize) by memory. There's a rating of up to 5 points per song... and I got 13 so I'm pretty pleased with that. I'm actually surprised I got such good marks because I really slurred my way through the Moonlight Sonata. :P But hey, that's fine with me!
I also had to take a theory test. I don't know how well (or poorly) I did yet, but I'm not to hot when it comes to theory. Especially... when it comes to key signatures!!! You know like all those little #'s and b's and where they're supposed to go (and in what order) on the lines/spaces.... and then you're supposed to be able to tell what key they represent!!!! Terrible stuff.

Needless to say, I'm pretty shot after all that excitement/stress.... so I'm just going to sit back and relax for as long as I can. Unfortunately, I have to milk the cows tonight. =S My dad is really sick... he was going to milk, but I've got it covered this time.

Speaking of my dad, he's 50 years old today!!!!! Whoooohoo.. half a century!!! That's pretty sweet, if I may say so myself. ;)

Well... I'll be back eventually.


~Courtney Jo~ said...

Wow Mary Ellen!! Congratulations! That is really great! You play the piano very well. :)
One of the good memories I have is waking up to you playing the piano downstairs. I really enjoy waking up to exciting, inviting music. I guess that is why God made birds sing in the morning, everyone likes to hear their melodic voices. :) :)

I pray that your dad gets well soon! I know it is not good being sick. I have a sinus thing going on now so definitely can relate.
Give him my regards please!
And HAPPY birthday to him! Half a century! woohoo! :)

I hope milking is going well tonight! :) Make sure to put some of that good ol' bag balm on. ;)

Mary Ellen said...

HELLO MY DEAR!!!! Thank you! It was quite a stressful moment for me but I'm still alive and breathing. lol

Speaking of birds... isn't this Spring amazing?!!!! I was just outside tonight (after milking of course) watching the stars and smelling the fresh Spring air, and I got to see a shooting star! God's creations sure is spectacular! =D

Thank you for the get well wishes (and birthday wishes too!!). My mom and dad are still recovering slowly but surely.

You know, I'm going to have to do an experiment, because we haven't had good old fashioned "bad balm" for a while. We've been using (pretty much the same thing) a different brand called Dr. Naylor's. I'll have to try both and see if there's a difference. Does yours say if it's "for human use" or anything like that on it?!!! ;)