Friday, February 15, 2008

Irresistable Words

I keep finding myself wanting to say these quotes or words that I've heard.
-"hold me back!"
(just said in a southern accent so it sounds like (hol' me back)
-"the way of the future..."
-"what's the likelyness?"
Don't ask me why. I guess they're just cool. ;)


Jae said...

Hmmm...well! I have only heard of a couple of your 'cool' quotes! So maybe that means I am not so cool! lol

Anonymous said...

Shazam! Heck, I say that one. ;) It's only my blog title after all.

Mary Ellen said...

LOL! A random post requires random replys! hehe! Yeah hey, did you notice I spelled Irresistible wrong?
Well Jae I'm sure you have alot of other sweet quotes that you know... and I don't. We need to get together more often. ;)

Mary Ellen said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey you din't name all your famous ones...! Ah taa ta byebye!!!

Anonymous said...

Mel. Of course I noticed you spelled it wrong. :p

Mary Ellen said...

Oh yeah! I knew I was missing something! Geee... that's one of the best too! Well pretty much most of The Ringer is a good quote. =P hehe!