Prov. 11:14 Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.
Hebrews 13:17, Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.
Some gals might feel like their parent’s intervention is going to ruin their lives but this is the form of protection God has given us as we seek a husband. I cannot stress enough how huge it was to have my parents involved in both of my courtships and in dismissing the guys who I chose not to court. The first time around I really gave my parents a run for their money. I didn’t always like my parent’s involvement during my first courtship. When they started advising me against the fellow I liked I didn’t want to hear it. At times I thought if my parents were out of the way it would be so much easier. How wrong I was! And how glad I am that they were there to save me from myself! Without their prayers, leadership and forgiveness I could have really ruined my life.
My grandmothers also greatly influenced my decisions. They’d both been left by their husbands and had a lot of wisdom for me. They cautioned me in regards to the guy I liked as they'd noticed things about him that bothered them. He reminded them of the negative traits they'd see in their ex-husbands.
every girl has a father and a mother who are willing to take the time to
protect their daughters and insist young men seek after us ladies by means of
courtship, but if you have parents who want to do this for you, take advantage
of it! And if you don’t, seek Godly parents in the Lord to help you!! Later
when my future husband, Jeff, started communicating with me through Facebook Messenger
I came to them right away and had them read all of our messages. Even though I felt much older and wiser I
didn’t want to make the same mistakes I did the previously. I knew I could still
be deceived.
By the time I began getting to know Jeff I knew I wanted my family and friends involved in my choice of a husband.
I made sure to get my parents input and made them read all of my
correspondences with Jeff. I knew the temptation was to believe that as a much
wiser 25 year old, my parent’s input was unnecessary. But I knew that God put
my parents there for my protection, EVEN at the age of 25. It was a relief to
turn things over to God and to my family and go into our relationship knowing
that it might not work out. I was okay with that because now I was able to
trust God with my future and trust my parents with my heart.In every stage of life God has provided a woman with protection and an authority over her. Parents, husbands, and even widows have protection through the men of the church and other Godly church family. (1 Tim 5) Occasionally a young woman’s parents are wrongly controlling and abusive or alternatively they are absent and uninvolved. In such case a young woman cannot rely on her parents to advise and direct her. The temptation in such cases is for a woman to feel like she can make her own decisions but this is very dangerous. In such situations it is important to seek godly, married and/or older women in the church to direct and council you. Not women who tell you what you want to hear but who can be honest and direct with you.
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