Tuesday, January 31, 2012

All Good Things

They say that all good things must come to an end, but I just don't believe it. Not on a day like today at least! 
A warm, southern wind is blowing ever so gently through the air causing the snow to melt. There is no sunshine but this weather is so nice that you can almost feel it's rays!
It's days like these, stitched throughout the drury winter months like a rainbow after a storm, that remind us of the green Spring just down the road. I can already smell the smoke from the grill as hamburgers sizzle to perfection. I can hear the camaraderie of the birds as they chirp atop bud laden branches. I can almost feel the cool, softness of the fresh cut grass beneath my bare feet. Yes, I am anxious to set my eyes upon a new, fresh earth when I awake in the mornings. 

Soon, soon. I can feel a new season beginning to pour into the atmosphere. Just a drop at first, and then a trickle.... until it overflows the glass like a river that has been freed from it's frozen stillness. 

It seems to me that in this life the end does not exist without being proceeded by a beginning. 
I could be wrong but I justify this thought with one word... Season. 

Ecclesiastes 3:1 "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven"

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