Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Clean Room

Due to business in my life for the past month or so, my room has been in a constant state of messiness. I guess I would try to clean it but there was always some scrap of this or that I left out from some project I had been working on.
Sooooo... this past week my whole family has been powering out and cleaning the house, from the top to the bottom (the ceilings really were the worst part). Anyway, I guess I finally decided I was going to have a clean room if everything else was going to be tidy... so I went to work.
And wahla! Now it is all sparkly... JK. lol
But, no really, every time I walk in there I keep expecting a disaster, and am shocked by orderliness.
I really don't understand how some people don't mind messy rooms.


~Courtney Jo~ said...

I know MaryMel!

One question about your cleaning:
1) Does your cleaning include your wall?
1B) Does your cleaning involve flies?
1C) Does your cleaning involve Here lies FLY?


Mary Mellen said...

haha... no, unfortunately my ceiling is still splattered with fly guts. =(
So "Here lies FLY!" is still... there lying. ;) lol
But I am planning on scrubbing my ceiling and walls this week....
I think I'll leave "Fly" though... he's too cute. ;) lol

~Courtney Jo~ said...

Yay! I would highly consider you leaving Fly there. ;) He is pretty much like my son. lol!

Mary Mellen said...

Pretty much like your son, huh?! ;) haha!!! That made me laugh so hard!
Hanuka Matata.... (means no worries).

~Courtney Jo~ said...

Oh say can you see
by the dawns early light
little fly on the wall
oh what a site