Friday, December 4, 2009

Let It Snow!

It snowed yesterday and today! I hope it just keeps on snowing.
It is cold though... very cold indeed.
It actually was 18 degrees this morning... maybe colder!
I forgot how cold it can get in the winter... =( lol
And working out in the cold... brrrrrr... it's like none other!
BUT.... tomorrow we may go get a Christmas tree!!!
I'm looking forward to that. =) I love the Christmas colors.


Kevin said...

Congratulations...aside from Lindsey, I think you're the only one. Not that it matters. I'm TERRIBLE about updating it, although I do wish I did it more often.

Unknown said...

It is supposed to be 12 degrees on Thursday! Don't you just love the briskness in the air!? I played outside with my dogs in my flipflops tonight in the snow. We are getting 14 inches tonight! wahoo :)