Saturday, June 30, 2007

Mary, Mary quite contrary...

I am not: dumb
I hurt: when I'm offended or wronged
I love: nature, especially the late spring!
I hate: when I have problems and don't know how to fix them
I hope: this summer is going to be really sweet
I hear: this voice inside my head all day long talking to me
I crave: people who are happy and good natured
I cry: when I'm really emotional or down which is not very often
I always: get excited when I do something daring and new
I long to: just jump out my window and fly
I feel alone: when I have nothing to do and no one to turn to
I listen: to discussions about the Bible cause I can never know enough
I hide: somewhere safe
I drive: the lawn mower! lol!
I sing: in the shower when I'm really happy and care-free!
I dance: when the rhythm is irresistible
I search: the internet when I have to do really annoying reports
I feel: I want to go on an adventure
I fail: to do my math diligently
I sleep: well most nights
I need: to eat chocolate and laugh
I am: going to watch the sunset tonight
I think: about God, my friends and guys the most
I exist: because of God to bring glory to God.

Friday, June 29, 2007

The Scornful

Take one moment and grab a dictionary. Look up the word scorn, scorner, scorneth etc. In the Bible you find a lot of verses that talk about someone or something being "laughed to scorn." This is the definition of scorn that I came up with...
1. open or unqualified contempt; disdain: His face and attitude showed the scorn he felt.
2. an object of derision or contempt.
3. a derisive or contemptuous action or speech. –verb (used with object)
4. to treat or regard with contempt or disdain: They scorned the old beggar.
5. to reject, refuse, or ignore with contempt or disdain: She scorned my help.

–verb (used without object)
6. to mock; jeer. —Idiom
7. laugh to scorn, to ridicule; deride: Her good advice was laughed to scorn.

So I was looking at a bunch of the verses that talked about scorn in the Bible and from what it sounds like, or maybe I should say... as you can tell, scorn is not a good thing.
Here are some of the verses that I found:

Proverbs 1:22 How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?

Proverbs 22:10 Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease.

Here are some other verses you can look up for yourself if you feel the urge:
Proverbs 13:1
Prov. 19:25
Prov. 21:23-24
Prov. 29:8
Psalm 1:1

Well that was a random subject and I don't know what made me think of it but that's just part of my randomness. =D TTYL!
Well I jsut culodn't rseist! I lvoe to wirte like tihs. Isn't it fnuny how our brians work? Even thugoh a whloe bnuch of the letetrs are mxied up we can still fugire out what it's tlaking abuot, just as long as the frist and last letetr are in the same palce as usulal...
You get the point anyways. Teehee!

So what's up y'all? I have the awesomest tune stuck in my head! It's called I'd Lie by Taylor Swift. Norah showed it to me first (thanks girly)! Anyways I should go... wait till it's 6;15 so Jae can come home with the beloved PIZZA!! Yesssss! *in a Napoleon sounding voice*

(The spellcheck went crazy with this one! lol!)

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I What?

I've come to realize that my last kiss: was in your dreams
I am listening to: the little kids laughing and playing in the water outside
I talk: about girl stuff a lot
I love: having a really good time with friends and family
Number six is: a cool number unless you add two more
I hate it when people: are selfish and prideful... when they can't see past there own mistakes
Love is: a strong word
Marriage: is going to be like a roller coaster!
Somewhere, someone: is laughing so hard they're crying because they're totally happy!
I'll always be: there for you
I have a secret crush: about twice a year ;D
The last time I cried was because: I had heard a really good song
My cell phone: was stolen from me by my sister
When I wake up in the morning: I read!
Before I go to bed: I freak out cause I didn't know it was 12:17 a.m.
Right now: I wish something would happen that would make my whole summer unforgettable
I am thinking about: ...something you can't know about
Babies are: so cute that you just want to kiss them!
I go on MySpace: every night while I'm sleeping
Today I: read, cleaned, ate some ice cream and read...
Tonight I will: read and sleep
Tomorrow I will: probably read... it's a dang good book series!
I really want to be: a wife and mom someday
Someone who will most likely repost this is: my totally wicked friends! teehee! ;D

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Awesome Blues!

Hey y'all! This is totally awesome. Check this out. It's this little kid playing the blues on the harp! It's unbelievable! Y'all have to watch this. And he's really cute! =D

Don't you wish you could do that?!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Summer Solstice

So today is supposed to be the summer solstice. Guess what I heard though from the weather guy: the longest day of the year in the north in a few days later! So in a day or two will be our longest day of the year! The guy didn't explain why. He said that it took some long boring algebraic, mathematical calculations to figure out. But I don't care about that. I'm just glad that we can wait a few more days be for the days start to get shorter.

We just had the most beautiful sunset! I wish y'all could have seen it!!!!

Liar, liar, pants on fire!

1. Last cigarette: ain't never been a first for a last.
2. Last beverage: water
3. Last phone call: Norah
4. Last text message: never texted
5. Last CD played: Mason Jennings
6. Last bubble bath: that was really long ago!
7. Last time you cried: I don't remember
8. Last meal: Green Chile

EIGHT Have You’s?
1. Have you ever dated someone twice? nope
2. Have you ever been cheated on? nope
3. Have you ever bought condoms? heck no!
4. Have you ever kissed someone & regreted it? hee, hee, no!
5. Have you ever fallen in love? I suppose...
6. Have you ever lost someone? maybe
7. Have you ever been depressed? not really
8. Have you ever been drunk and thrown up? Who do you think I am?!

Name SIX things you did in the past three days
1. worked to clean an extremely dirty house
2. read a sweet book series
3. drank lemonade?!!!
4. observed sweet clouds and sunsets
5. dipped my feet in a mini swimming pool
6. thought about today... the "first day of summer"

List THREE people you can tell pretty much anything to
1. Sandy
2. Emily
3. Norah

List THREE favorite colors
1. Green
2. Orange
3. Yellow

List TWO things you want to do before you die
1. lead someone to The Lord
2. teach my children about God

…Been to school - um, yeah
Made a new friend- heck yes!
Fallen out of love - Yeah baby! Or maybe a crush...
Done something you swore never to do - no
Laughed until you cried - almost
Went behind your parents back - no
Met someone who changed your life – not yet at least
Gotten close to someone- um... I don't know...
Found out who your true friends were – I already knew

1. Bush? We're lucky to have him.
2. Gay Marriage? is an abomination to God and should never be allowed
4. Straight, Gay, Bi? STRAIGHT
5. Do you have a crush? nope
6. Who is the best hugger that you know? Christine
7. Do you believe in love at first sight? I believe in obsession at first sit lol! Or like KC said.
8. Is there something you want to tell someone? No sir
9. What brand of shirt are you wearing? Old Navy baby!
11. Do you have “A thing” for anyone on your top friends? Um *chokes on her spit* what exactly did I say about gay (and for that matter lesbian) marriage?
12. How many people on your top friends? 5 people I'd say
13. How many kids do you want to have? 7 or 8...
14. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? yep!
15. Do you wanna change your name? Heck no
16. What did you do for your last birthday? had my girl friends over for a sleep over
17. What time did you wake up today? 8:30
18. What were you doing at midnight last night? Zzzzzzzzzz...
19. Name something you CANNOT wait to do: have a blast this summer
20. Last time you saw your dad? a few seconds ago
21. What is one thing you wish you could change about yourself? my helpfulness
22. Which hand do you like better? the left? I don't know.
23. What are you listening to right now? absolutely nothing but my family talking
25. Have you ever donated money to a good cause? I don't think so
26. Have you ever talked about someone behind their back? Unfortunately I am guilty
27. Least favorite month? The coldest windiest month during winter
28. What’s the last piece of clothing you borrowed from anyone? A shirt from Jae
29. Who’s getting on your nerves right now? You wouldn't know
30. Most visited webpage? all our blogs and hotmail
31. Would you help your best friend fight if he/she is losing? If the fight was for a good
reason, yes
32. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
33. What’s the worst day of your life? I don't know
34. Have you kissed or been kissed by anyone in the past week? Thank goodness no!
35. Do you disagree with a lot of things going on in the world? Yes I do.
36. Do you think there’s some models/people out there that should lose a few pounds? no but I don't make a point of studying models for wait loss...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Did you catch me a delicious bass?

Sooooo this is my new symbol for a pucker-lipped someone!

introducing... my pucker-lips person: = #

Cool huh? I gave her/him blue eyes. lol! =D I know this is random but hey, I'm crazy like that y'all... y'all... y-aaaa--lllll.... Y'ALL! O.K! I think most of you got that but I know Norah enjoyed it the most. ;D (hey this color reminds me of that poem. You know the Jesse one...)

Alright I think I need to go to bed!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

*water falls ahead*

I feel like I'm sailing a river. I feel like I'm about to make some major change; like I'm about to go over the water fall and I'm right at the edge. I can hear it I know it's there and it's so strange and different from what I've know. It seems like it will be eternity before I actually go down the fall. Hmmmm. Is this what the teen-age years feel like?

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Can you read this? lol! Good!

Zo voor het geval dat u benieuwd bent wat zegt dit u zal moeten gaan bekijken het op deze zoete website mijn liefde...! Ik zal op u wachten om me geheim te verzenden messeges en dit houdt geen steek zodat zal ik aan u later spreken! Goede dag mijn liefde!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Chick Survey...

1. What color is your bra? Lime green my friend! lol!

2. Do you ever lie about your age? No. I have no reason to.

3. Do you prefer "sensitive boys" or "tough guys"? I definitely like tougher guys but a mix in between would be nice.

4. Do you prefer blond or dark haired guys? ok, I'll admit I'm a sucker for blonds but really any guy's fine as long as they are nice.

5. Are you currently single? heck yeah!

6. How many things in your past do you regret? I'm not going to say them all and really I've never done anything that is so terrible. Just times when I acted like an idiot are more what I mean.

8. Do you have a best friend? Yeah baby!

9. What do you want to be when you grow up? a stay at home wife/mother.

11. Have you ever regretted NOT doing something? yes

12. Do you wish on falling stars? No, not really but I wish they'd work cause then I would.

13. Have you ever had your heart broken? no I'd say not... just disappointed.

14. Do you ever wish you could stay a kid forever? Oh no! There are so many things that you'd miss. I love the saying in Tuck Everlasting where Mr. Tuck tells Winnie, "Don't fear death Winnie, fear the unlived life."

15. Are you missing anyone right now? possibly

16. Do you think anyone is missing you? maybe. I hope so! lol!

17. Is there something you really want to tell someone? It's nothing too important but it would be funny to see what they said.

18. Do you like your life? Yes I do, as a matter of fact. I have my bad days but I think over all my life is pretty go0d.

19. Do you shop at Hollister? not really

20. Has one of your friends ever stolen a boyfriend from you? No not really. I've never had a "guy" for my friends to steal! lol!

21. Has one of your friends ever stabbed you in the back? Not that I can think of or know about.

22. Do you want a popsicle? Heck yes! Bring it on!

23. Ever done something crazy at summer camp? I started everyone calling this one boy a name... but y'all have already heard about that.

24. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys? Totally more girls.

25. How long have you had myspace? I haven't.

26. Have you ever cheated on someone? heck no... like I said...

27. Has anyone ever cheated on you? ummmm... let me think about that again... uhh no.

28. Have you ever slapped a boy in the face? maybe Isaac but not that I can think of.

29. Have you ever done 'he loves me, he loves me not' with a flower? yeah. And with stones! You grab a bunch and throw them and, well, you know the rest! =D

30. What is one of your biggest fears? being alone in the dark.

31. Have you ever skipped class? hee, hee, hee.... what do you think?

32. Has anyone close to you ever passed away? hmmm... no.

33. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? not really but almost.

34. Have you ever been able to not get someone out of your head? Heck yeah! Talk about OCD!

35. Do you believe in saying "once a cheater, always a cheater"? Well do you believe in one more last chance? lol!

36. Have you ever asked anyone out? dude I'm a girl.

37. Have you ever received flowers or chocolates? No but this boy from science class gave me a box with beads in it. It practically scared me half to death! lol!

38. Have you ever dreamed about a guy you liked? yeah baby

39. Have you ever had one too many drinks? A sip is never to much. lol!

40. Have you ever had a good feeling about something and it turned out you were right? yeah, maybe a few times.

41. Do you ever wish you were famous? no but I've wished my songs were.

42. Do u ever wish u where a man? Uhhhh... not really. tee, hee!

43.Do you think any men will open this just because it's labeled "The Female Survey"? Yeah I think most guys would if the got it... but the really question is, why would a girl send this to a guy?