Tuesday, August 30, 2016

A Photo Scavanger Hunt

We've enjoyed a few Photo Scavenger Hunts in the past and so this past weekend we did another! A few new faces, a few new ideas and a whole set of new pictures.
*if you want to see some of the older scavenger hunt pictures check out Sept. 2013 and Oct. 2013*

We split into three teams. Each team had a camera (or a phone camera in the case of team 3) and designated one member to take all of the pictures. I had the privilege of being the photographer for Team Uno, but I'm not sure who the other two photographers where. The goal was to attempt to only take one picture to demonstrate each number on the list. Then we'd judge to see whose picture turned out best in portraying each objective.

It was such a challenge for each team to come up with creative ideas and we agree that everyone did a great job. Which is why....

We need YOUR help to judge the photos! Please leave a comment and let us know which group you thought captured the best shot for each task. Normally I would say that anyone who participated in the hunt cannot vote, but I think this time around we'll open up voting to everyone. I'm trusting that if you participated you'll vote without bias or favoritism.

Each team's photos will always be listed in the same order: Team 1, Team 2, Team 3.... as I'll demonstrate in the first set of pictures:

1. "We broke it!"

Team 1:

Team 2:

Team 3:

2. A creation in sand.

*person in sand is named Sandy*

3. Shadows.

*photographer also made it into this picture*

*the shadows are "<3 br="" love="">
4. Everybody with someone with a birthday in July.

*the sign says "Happy Birthday", and
Patrick the driver turned 16 in July, hence the vehicle*

*Rachel was the July birthday girl and if you didn't notice,
those bodies on the lawn spell "J U L Y"*

*the signs say "Happy"  "Moo" "Day" as the calf was born in July*

5. A Bible verse.

2 Timothy 3:6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,*the bags say "SINS" but it doesn't show up in the photo very well*

Acts 7:58  And cast him out of the city, and stoned him: and the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man's feet, whose name was Saul.

Matthew 25:5 While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.

6. Wedding.

*a bunch of the adults were awesome enough to join in this photo*

7. A song title.

 The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock

Rescue The Perishing

Give Me Thine Heart

*cast your vote in the comment section below*


norenelou said...

We broke it! Team 2
Creation in sand Team 3
Shadows Team 1
Birthday Team 3
Bible verse Team 3
Wedding Team 3
Song title Team 1

Anonymous said...

We broke it! Team 2
Creation in the sand. Team 3
Shadows. Team 1
Birthday team 1
Bbile verse team 1
Wedding team 3
Song title team 2