Friday, June 26, 2015

It's About Time...

Richard Matt, who'd been sentenced to prison for life for the 1997 kidnapping, torture and hacksaw dismemberment of his former boss, escaped a supermax prison. We bent our ears to the news for information on the manhunt knowing that such a sadistic murderer should not be at large.

Yet, if baby is created, and then tortured and dismembered in the womb, and the offending party walks away without a prison sentence, why aren't people losing any sleep over this crime against the unborn?

It's about time they legalized gay marriage in all 50 states. We have opposite sex couples avoiding the commitment of marriage, opting for shacking up and homosexuals who want to be together but feel the need to get a license to do so??? Good grief, what is wrong with mankind? ...let them have their license. It doesn't change the facts that sex and marriage is intended for a one man/one woman relationship... and now we can get on to something more substantial, like stopping the murder of babies in our country.


Court said...

No kidding. It's all backwards. You know, Robbie and I have been thinking about the topic of abortion a lot--- it's really sad... I read an article the other day about women who have babies in jail and some of them try to get an abortion because they can't take care of them in jail. It's so sad, I never thought about that before.
P.S. I didn't know they legalized it in all 50 states- I don't really pay attention to the news or media anymore- = happier world. :) haha!

Mary Ellen said...

Oh man, that is horrible. I can't believe there's not some way to take care of the women/babies who are born in prison. Abortion should never be the option....
No, they didn't legalize abortion in all 50 states... they DID legalize homosexual marriage in all 50 states though. My point was simply that, instead of fighting about it (a lot of that is going on in the Facebook world), maybe we should focus our energies on something we can change.