Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Beets Me!

"What didst thou do today?" says you....

"Beets Me!" says I.....

Yes, I peeled beets all day. 
Just thought you should know. ;)

It's definitely not the cleanest job! Your hands turn purple! My mom and I did a big bowl full that we plan to can now that they are "skinned". 

Oh my lanta! ...... MY HEART JUST SKIPPED A BEET!!!

Have heart my dear! ;)

O.K..... I'm being ridiculous. Actually this is all just embarrassing. In fact... I'm turning beet red.


~Courtney Jo~ said...

bahaha! :D I love this post! It is absolutely 100%%% full of amazing. Yes, yes it is!~! Keep posting things, I find time to read them occasionally and they are very enjoyable!

~Courtney Jo~ said...

P.S. You "beet" me to posting. ;)

love ya sista~!

Mary Ellen said...

AHA!!! Excellent pun Courtney! ;D Haha.. It's so much fun playing on words!
I will be sure to keep posting!

~Love ya too - ♥ ~